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Читайте также:
  1. Comment on the main stages of teaching vocabulary. Principles of selection of lexical minimum at school.
  2. Philosophy of Antiquity. General characteristics of schools and philosophical systems.
  3. The public school system


Тема. My Studies at School, Grammar Revision Мета: вдосконалювати навички читання, усного й писемного мовлення з теми; формувати навички вживання ситуативної лек­сики в лексико-граматичних структурах Present Simple, Past Simple Tense / conditional sentences; вчити учнів логічного вислов­лювання під час виконання проблемних завдань; розвивати фанта­зію, уяву, відчуття реальності, спостережливість і естетичне сприй­няття навколишнього середовища; сприяти розвитку елементів самостійного критичного й аналітичного мислення, вміння відсто­ювати власну позицію й об'єктивно оцінювати думки оточуючих.


I. Організація класу. Привітання

II. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.

III. Основна частина уроку

a) Ex. 1, р. 34 — Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

What school do you study at?

Are there any school rules that you have to follow? What do you like about going to school? What don't you like to about going to school? What would you like to change in your school (room)? Is your school a nice place to study?

b) Ex. 2, p. 34 — Read and say what Ann likes about going to school:

as soon as — to get good knowledge highly qualified — sympathetic enrich our knowledge — to get on with to cope with — life skills to combine work and leisure

Some additional expressions to be learnt at home.

She is at the top of the class.

He has not his match.

He can sum up like winking.

She is the brainiest girl I have ever met.

Your boy is a credit to your family.

This pupil hungers for knowledge.

Success went to his head.

Ex. 4, p. 35 — Fill in am, is, isn't, are, aren't, do / don't. Name the tenses of the verbs, then explain their usage. Listen (p. 249) and check your answers.

IV. Завершальна частина уроку

Домашнє завдання

Ех. 8, р. 37.

Підсумки уроку

Учитель підбиває підсумки уроку й оцінює роботу учнів.



Тема. My Studies at School. Linking Words and Phrases Мета: активізувати й закріпити тематичніJIO; вдосконалюва­ти навички читання, усного та писемного мовлення; практикувати учнів у ММ таДМ за проблемними ситуаціями; навчати системати­зувати одержану інформацію; розвивати логічне й аналітичне мис­лення.


I. Організація класу. Привітання

II. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.

III. Основна частина уроку

a) Ех. 8, р. 37 — Speak in class. Talk about your school rules and studies. What things make your school life exciting?

b) Ex. 5, p. 36 — Read and complete the sentences with the word combinations from the list. Use the verbs the correct tense form:

combines work and leisure to enrich knowledge of happens were discussing

to cope with

gets on well

got good knowledge

are understanding and sympathetic

c) Writing lab: linking words and phrases:

We use linking words and phrases in a composition to make our writing more interesting and easier to the reader. Linking words and phrases are used to: show time: when, before, as soon as; list points: firstly, secondly, etc.; add more points: and, moreover, also, etc.; show cause or effect: because, so, as a result, etc.; give examples: for example, such as, etc.;

show contrast: however, on the one hand, on the other hand, etc.; introduce a conclusion: all in all, to sum up, etc.

d) Ex. 6, p. 37 — Look through the text of Ex. 2, p. 34 and find link­ing words and phrases and say why they are used there.

e) Ex. 7, p. 37 — Work in groups, Discuss the thing that you like / don't like about going to school. Take notes. Think of:

school rules — school traditions — clothes to wear — people — a school building

f) Some additional expressions to be learnt at home: For that blur in your copy-book I shall reduce the mark. Is this word in common use?

Excuse me, I didn't catch the beginning of the sentence. I am afraid I can't reproduce from memory this bit of the text. Every notional word in the title should be capitalized. What reason do you give for your choice?

IV. Завершальна частина уроку

Домашнє завдання

Ех. 9, р. 37.

Підсумки уроку

Учитель підбиває підсумки уроку й оцінює роботу учнів.




Тема. Going to School in Ukraine

Мета: вдосконалювати навички читання, монологічного й діа­логічного мовлення у вивчених лексико-граматичних структурах з теми; практикувати інтерактивні форми навчання, стимулювати прояви ініціативи учнів; виховувати вміння працювати в парах і гру­пах, почуття взаємодопомоги та колективізму під час обговорення дискусійних проблем; розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів.


I. Організація класу. Привітання

II. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.

III. Основна частина уроку

a) Ех. 9, р. 37 — Write about the thing you like / don't like about going to school.

Use the linking words to list your points of view. What are the things you would like to change in your school life?

b) Ex. 1, p. 38 — Listen and repeat:

a secondary school — a lyceum — a gymnasium a language school — life skills — a grown-up

School — a place where children go to be educated;

the process of learning; the time during your life when you go to

a school;

the time during the day when children are working in a school; all the children or students and the teachers in a school; a place where people go to learn a particular subject or skill; a college, a university; the time that you spend there; a large number of fish or other sea animals swimming together.

c) Work in pairs. Look at the photos and use the prompts to ask and answer rhe questions about them.

A. Where is Olena?

B. She's in the Information Technology classroom.

A. What is she doing there?

B. She is preparing a report on History.

A. Are there good facilities in her school?

B. Yes, there are.

A. What type of school does she study at?

B. She studies in a secondary school.

d) Ex. 2, p. 39 — Speak in class. Say what type of school you study at. Tell your group mates about the activities you have in your school and participate in.

e) Ex. 4, p. 39 — Read and tick the statements M, N, I.

M. I am fond of Maths and Physics.

N. I had a very distinctive year and my brother's and sister's pre­vious experience was very helpful.

1.1 have five English lessons a week.

M. I have made excellent progress in my studies.

I. It's very important that we can choose school for ourselves to go to.

N. I am proud to be a part of this gymnasium.

IV. Завершальна частина уроку

Домашнє завдання

Ех. 7, р. 41.

Підсумки уроку

Учитель підбиває підсумки уроку й оцінює роботу учнів.


Тема. Ukrainian School. Listening Activities Мета: вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення з опорою на лексико-граматичні структури; навчити учнів викону­вати трансформаційні завдання; виховувати вміння працювати в парах, давати суб'єктивну й об'єктивну оцінку явищам навко­лишнього середовища; розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів, елементи аналізу й самоаналізу.


Організація класу. Привітання

Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.

Основна частина уроку

a) Ех. 7, р. 41 — Talk about the people who work at school.

Use Ex. 5, p. 40. Start like this:

All school are different fut there are some people who are always ready to help the schoolchildren. They are...

b) Learning Strategies: Listening Activities

Read the items in the table carefully. Think of the topics the speakers will mention. Think of things you would like to know and write questions. Listen carefully and see if you get all the answers to your ques­tions.

Listen for the details and complete the table.

c) Ех. 5, р. 40 — Listen to the children (p. 250) talking about the school they go to — a secondary school and a gymnasium. Comp­lete the table:

Location and size- Facilities... School subjects... After-school activities...

d) Work in pairs. Compare your results. Ask questions to add infor­mation to your table.

e) Some additional expressions to be used in topical conversations:

Now let's have the question-and-answer period. Let me see if you remember-

Where have you picked up that expression? I am not quite sure

that it is suitable in this case.

This is an exception to the general rule.

The same thought may be phrased in different words.

Now you will carry on the work of questioning.

Give the gist of the story without recourse to the mother tongue.

f) Ex. 6, p. 40 — Read and match the people who work at school with the work they do:

Headmasters — Physical Education Teachers — Social Workers Psychologists — Art and Music Teachers— Librarians Secretaries — Teacher — School Nurses Vice Principals (Assistant Principals)

IV. Завершальна частина уроку

Домашнє завдання

Ех. 8, р. 41.

Підсумки уроку

Учитель підбиває підсумки уроку й оцінює роботу учнів.



Тема. Primary and Secondary Education in Ukraine. Grammar Revision

Мета: вдосконалювати навички писемного й усного мовлення з уживанням лексико-граматичних структур Present і Past Simple Active; формувати навички вживання граматичних структур; ви­ховувати увагу, уміння чітко виконувати інструкції вчителя; роз­вивати спостережливість, мовну здогадку, елементи аналізу й са­моаналізу.


I. Організація класу. Привітання

II. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.

III. Основна частина уроку

a) Ех. 8, р. 41 — Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form:

am checking works has checked was checking / came • talk runs

b) Ex. 1, p. 41 — Look at the photos of the classrooms in primary and secondary school in Ukraine. How are they different? Do they remind you of the classrooms in your school?

c) Work in pairs. Write a list of questions about the system of edu­cation in Ukraine.

d) Read the article from a magazine and try to find the answers to your questions. Say what the main stages of secondary education in Ukraine are:

Stage 1 — the primary school Stage 2 — the basic secondary school Stage 3 —the upper secondary school

e) Ex. 3, p. 42 — Look through the text and complete the table.

Age of pupils  
Period of studies  


f) Ex. 4, p. 42 — Read and choose the correct item to complete the sentences.

g) Ex. 5, p. 43 — Work in small groups. Take turns to read the opi­nion, respond and add information.


The most important thing in education is your wish to be well- educated.

A. I think that a good education depends on a number of things: the school you go to, the teacher in your school, or the textbooks you work with. Nowadays we can choose the school for ourselves. There are secondary schools where pupils study usual school subjects like Maths or Ukrainian Language. There are also lyceums and gymnasiums where you study other academic subjects such as Information Technology, Economics and Law.

B. To my mind, it doesn't matter what type of school you get...

IV. Завершальна частина уроку

Домашнє завдання

Ех. 6, р. 43.

Підсумки уроку

Учитель підбиває підсумки уроку й оцінює роботу учнів.


Тема. School Subjects. Writing a Composition Мета: вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення з опорою на вивчені лексико-граматичні структури; продовжувати формувати навички непідготовленого усного мовлення за проблем­ними ситуаціями; розвивати спостережливість, уяву й естетичне сприйняття навколишнього середовища; сприяти розвитку логіч­ного і критичного мислення, інтересу до поставлених завдань.


I. Організація класу. Привітання

II. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.

III. Основна частина уроку

a) Ех. 6, р. 43 — Your English-speaking friend asks you about pri­mary and secondary education in Ukraine. Write her / him a let­ter about types of school in the place you live.

b) Ex. 1, p. 44 — Read the pages from Jane's planner and compare the subjects she studies with those in your timetable. Say what difference you have found.

c) Ex. 2, p. 44 — Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions.

What school subjects are you interested in?

Who helps you cope with difficulties in your studies: parents, teachers, friends?

What subjects do you study in the basic secondary school? Which of them are you interested in (good at)? Are there any important subjects or are there any that you think you don't need?

d) Ex. 4, p. 45 — Read Jane's composition about the importance of some school subjects and put the paragraphs in the correct order. What ideas do you agree and don't agree with?

e) Ex. 4, p. 45 — Look through the composition and tick Mth (Maths), E (English) and M (Music).

f) Ex. 5, p. 46 — Look at the photos and describe the classrooms and the activities at the lessons.

g) Listen to some funny stories about different school subjects. Teacher. What is an abstract noun, Jane?

Jane. I don't know, Madam.

Teacher. What? You don't know? You must know that. Well, re­member, it is the name of a thing you can think of, but which you can­not touch. Now, give me an example. Jane. A red-hot poker.

Teacher. Every person has a certain horizon. When that horizon narrows down and becomes infinitely small, it turns into a point. That is when a person says, "This is my point of view".

Pupil. Napoleon is the name of an emperor and general as well as the pen-name of many psychos.

The chemistry teacher wrote the formula HN02 on the blackboard. Addressing one of the pupil he said, "Identify that formula, please". "Just a moment", answered the pupil, "I have got it on the tip of my tongue, sir". "Then, said the teacher softly, "you'd better spit it out. It is nitric acid".

The pupil was asked by the teacher, "What is vacuum?" "It's in my head but I can't put it in words", answered the pupil.

IV. Завершальна частина уроку

Домашнє завдання

Ех. 6, р. 46.

Підсумки уроку


Тема. Schools in Great Britain

Мета: вдосконалювати навички писемного й усного мовлення з вивчених тематичних лексико-граматичних одиниць; закріпити вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал на письмі; практикувати учнів у ММ за проблемними ситуаціями; розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів, елементи логічного та критичного мислення.


I. Організація класу. Привітання

II. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.

III. Основна частина уроку

a) Ех. 6, р. 46 — Describe one of the classrooms in your school. Say: what floor the classroom is situated on;

what school subject you are taught there; what it looks like (how long, high and wide it is); how many people can work there at a time; how the walls are decorated;

if there are any materials for the lessons on the walls; if there are any exhibitions of pupils' work in it; what furniture and equipment are like etc.

b) Ex. 1, p. 47 — Listen and repeat: pre-school education primary education secondary education

a nursery school (a kindergarten) a preparatory (prep) school a public school a comprehensive school an independent school a grammar school a boarding school

c) Ex. 2, p. 47 — Read the article and name the types of schools in Great Britain

complicated — non-selective system receive education — to pay fees

d) Ex. 3, p. 47 — Match the words from the article (1-9) to their definitions. Write sentences about education in Great Britain. Use the word from the table below.

e) Ex. 4, p. 48 — Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions.

When do the British children start going to school?

What kind of education do the children under 5 receive?

How long do children stay in a primary school?

Where do they continue their education after that?

What kind of education do the children get in a grammar school?

What do the children do in the sixth form?

What do you know about public schools in Britain?

What kind of school are boarding schools?

IV. Завершальна частина уроку

Домашнє завдання

Ех. 8, р. 50.

Підсумки уроку

Учитель підбиває підсумки уроку й оцінює роботу учнів.



Тема. Schools in Great Britain

Мета: вдосконалювати навички читання, усного та писемного мовлення з теми; формувати навички вживання ситуативної лек­сики в лексико-граматичних структурах Present Simple, Past Simple Tense / conditional sentences; вчити учнів логічного вислов­лювання під час виконання проблемних завдань; розвивати фанта­зію, уяву, відчуття реальності, спостережливість і естетичне сприй­няття навколишнього середовища; сприяти розвитку елементів самостійного критичного й аналітичного мислення, вміння відсто­ювати власну позицію й об'єктивно оцінювати думки оточуючих.


I. Організація класу. Привітання

II. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.

III. Основна частина уроку

Ех. 8, р. 50 — Work in pairs or small groups. Discuss and com­pare the Ukrainian and British systems of education.

Ex. 5, p. 49 — Look and say what types of school schoolchildren in Great Britain study at.

Ех. 6, р. 49 — Listen (page 250) to Tim Hardy talking about his studying at school and choose the correct item to answer the questions.

Ex. 7, p. 50 — Complete the text with the words from the box. Look through the text above and complete each sentence with one word:

I went to nursery school for a couple of years. I really enjoyed primary school. It was great! I madelots of good friends at school. At the age of eleven I started secondary school.

To be discussed in class)


Eton is one of the oldest and best-known public schools for boys at the town of Eton on the river Thames. Its students are largely from aristocratic and upper class families. The school was founded in 1440. Boys usually stay at Eton for five years (between the ages of 13 and 18). Eton provides fine teaching facilities in science, language, com­puting and design. There are two major libraries and also numerous subject ones.

Sport plays a very important part in the life of Eton. The principal games are football, rugby, cricket and rowing. Athletics, golf, swim­ming, tennis, squash, fencing, judo are all very popular.

The boys are offered a very wide range of opportunities for spare time activities: art, sculpture, metalwork, woodwork and silver work. Besides almost any musical instrument can be learnt. There are also fifty societies run by boys themselves.

Many distinguished people of Britain's Prime Ministers.

IV. Завершальна частина уроку

Домашнє завдання

Ех. 9, р. 50.

Підсумки уроку

Учитель підбиває підсумки уроку й оцінює роботу учнів.




Тема. After Classes Activities of Pupils. Grammar: Sentences with the Conjunctions if / unless...

Мета: вдосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання й усного мовлення з теми; формувати навички вживання нової ситуативної лексики у граматичних структурах; формувати навички теоретич­ного та практичного виконання завдань проблемно-пошукового ха­рактеру; сприяти розвитку навичок логічного й аналітичного мис­лення, уяви, фантазії, спостереження; розвивати пізнавальний інтерес і естетичне сприйняття навколишнього середовища.


I. Організація класу. Привітання

II. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.

III. Основна частина уроку

a) Ех. 9, р. 50 — Write a short article to your school newspaper about the educational system and schools in Great Britain.

b) Ex. 1, p. 51 — Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions.

What after-classes activities can children take up?

What clubs and sections do you have in your school?

How can attending any club be effective in your school studies?

Do you attend any club or section?

Who helped you choose after-classes activities for yourself?

c) Ex. 2, p. 51 — Look at the pictures and say what after classes activities children take up?

d) Ex. 2, p. 51 — Read the article from a teenage magazine. What new pieces of advice have you found for yourself?

e) Grammar lab: Sentences with the conjunctions if... and unless... if the results are positive, the others may imitate it.

The others may follow it if the results are positive.

You can't get a cash prize if you don't get good test results.

You can't get a cash prize unless you get good results in your


f) Ex. 5, p. 55 — Use if to put the sentences together in two ways. If he trains a lot, he can win the school running competition. He can win the school running competition if he trains a lot.

If I can't solve this problem, I can ask my teacher for help. I can ask my teacher for help if I can't solve this problem. If you look tired, why don't you have a rest? Why don't you have a rest if you look tired?

g) Ex. 5, p. 53 — Complete the text with the words from the box. Put them into the correct tense form. "Too much of a good thing"?

IV. Завершальна частина уроку

Домашнє завдання

Ех. 6, р. 56. Підсумки уроку

Учитель підбиває підсумки уроку й оцінює роботу учнів.



Тема. School in the News. Grammar Revision Мета: активізувати й закріпити тематичні JIO;вдосконалювати навички читання, усного та писемного мовлення; практикувати учнів у ММ та ДМ за проблемними ситуаціями; навчати систематизувати здобуту інформацію; розвивати логічне й аналітичне мислення.


I. Організація класу. Привітання

II. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.

III. Основна частина уроку

a) Ех. 6, р. 56 — Rewrite the sentences using the conjunction unless... Make up passive constructions in the text and write them down.

b) Ex. 1, p. 54 — Look at the pictures and say why you think these students have become successful. What made them struggle for the best results?

d) Ex. 3, p. 54 — Read and tick the statements True or False.

e) Ex. 4, p. 55 — Work in small groups. Discuss the questions. Does your school reward pupils for the achievements in study? Who can become a top student?

If the students are paid for their school results do you think it can make a difference to their attitudes towards studies?

f) Ex. 1, p. 57 — Project Work. Work in groups.

You are having a class meeting. You want to design a new issue for your class (school, group) newspaper. Share the roles (see p. 30). Follow the recommendations given below. Discuss your plans.

g) Ex. 2, p. 57 — Write articles and design a newspaper. Present it to your groupmates (classmates).

Your job is to decide on the school events or achievements you would like to write about. Complete the following information about the organization of the newspaper issue.

h) Ex. 4, p. 58 — Read the text. Find the verb in each sentence and say what tense form it is used in:

enj oy (Present Simple Active) like (Present Simple Active) is closed (Present Simple Active) decided (Past Simple Active) organized (Present Simple Active) enjoyed (Present Simple Active) told (Present Simple Active) have made (Present Perfect Active) have (Present Simple Active)

IV. Завершальна частина уроку

Домашнє завдання

Home Reading, p. 163-164.

Підсумки уроку

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Тема. Home Reading. "Miss Honey" Test on Reading Мета: проконтролювати навички усного й писемного мовлення з вивченої теми; вдосконалювати навички індивідуальної та групо­вої роботи; прищеплювати повагу до навчання, дорученої справи, почуття колективізму й відповідальності; формувати навички теоретичного та практичного виконання завдань проблемно-по- шукового характеру; виховувати інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови.


I. Організація класу. Привітання

II. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.

III. Основна частина уроку

a) Some new words to remember (vocabulary work):

adore aftermath — arrangements bizarre — bottom class — fragile go through — memorable — porcelain — screenplay

b) Ex. 2, p. 164 — Find the worlds and phrases in the story that have the meanings given below.

c) Ех. З, р. 164 — Explain the meaning of the words and phrases:

to start school — to care much — education arrangement — in advance — to raise voice rarely — fear — to adore.

d) Ex. 4, p. 164 — Choose the correct phrases from the text to com­plete the sentences.

Starting school Care much

To make the proper arrangements in advance Raised her voice Rarely... adored

e) Ex. 6, p. 165 — Answer the questions.

When do most children begin studying at Primary School? Did Matilda's parents care much about their daughter's educa­tion?

How many children were there in Matilda's class? What kind of person was Miss Honey?

f) Ex. 1, 2, p. 167 — Say what useful information you have found in the text.

g) Ex. 1, 3, p 167 — Say if you think Miss Honey is a good teacher. Why yes and why not?

h) Ex. 5, p. 165 — Find the sentences in the story to talk about:???

Arrangements for Matilda's studying at school:

The village primary school:

Miss Honey;

Miss Honey's advice;

The pupils classroom as you imagine it;

The first day at school.

IV. Завершальна частина уроку

Домашнє завдання

Test on Speaking.

Підсумки уроку

Учитель підбиває підсумки уроку й оцінює роботу учнів.



Тема. Test on Speaking

Мета: вдосконалювати навички читання, усного й писемного мовлення з теми; формувати навички вживання ситуативної лек­сики в лексико-граматичних структурах Present Simple, Past

Simple Tense / conditional sentences; вчити учнів логічного вислов­лювання під час виконання проблемних завдань; розвивати фанта­зію, уяву, відчуття реальності, спостережливість і естетичне сприй­няття навколишнього середовища; сприяти розвитку елементів самостійного критичного й аналітичного мислення, вміння відсто­ювати власну позицію й об'єктивно оцінювати думки оточуючих.


I. Організація класу. Привітання

II. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.

III. Основна частина уроку

The pupils are given cards with their communicative tasks:

Stages of education in Ukraine.

Ukrainian press; newspapers and magazines.

Types of newspapers.

Different types of schools in Ukraine.

The center of English press in London.

The importance of modern electronic media.

The age of information: computer world.

Modern world is getting smaller nowadays. Make your com­ments.

Universities of England.

Write a short article for your local newspaper.

School rules and regulations that you have to follow.

How to find the necessary information in the text.

The topics the newspaper issue covers.

The principal types of British newspapers.

What would you change in the system of secondary education?

How we get to know the news.

Describe the teaching facilities of English room.

How to write a news story; useful hints.

Different types of schools in Great Britain.

My favourite school subject.

IV. Завершальна частина уроку

Домашнє завдання

Test on Listening.

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Тема. Test on Listening

Мета: активізувати й закріпити тематичні JIO; вдосконалюва­ти навички аудіювання; практикувати учнів у MM і ДМ за проблем­ними ситуаціями; навчати систематизувати одержану інформацію; розвивати логічне й аналітичне мислення.


I. Організація класу. Привітання

II. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.

III. Основна частина уроку

TEXT "CAMBRIDGE" Cambridge is the second oldest University in Great Britain. The story of the University begins in 1209 when several hundred students and scholars came to the little fown of Cambridge from Oxford. These students were all churchmen and had been studying in Oxford. Then one day a student killed a man of the town. The Mayor arrested three other students and hanged them. In protest many students moved else­where, some coming to Cambridge. Of course there were no Colleges in those early days. Students were of all ages and came from anywhere and everywhere. Some students from one part of the country grouped themselves together and these groups, called "Nations" often fought one another.

In 1284 Peterhouse, the aldest College in Cambridge, was found­ed. Life in College was strict; students were forbidden to play games, to sing (except church music), to hunt, to fish or even to dance. All the lessons were in Latin. Now there are nineteen Colleges for men and two colleges for women.

Level A: Write down the Ukrainian translation of the text.

Level B: Write down the Ukrainian translation of the text and make up 4 sentences with the following units:

ehe story ehe Mayor grouped forbidden

Level C: Answer the following questions.

When did the story of the University begin?

Why did many students come to Cambridge? What did the Mayor of Oxford do one day? Where did the students come from? Why did the students group together? What was forbidden for the students to do? What do you know about Cambridge of today?

Level D: Write down a report / a composition using the new words from the text.

IV. Завершальна частина уроку

Домашнє завдання

Test on writing.

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Тема. Test on Writing

Мета: проконтролювати навички писемного мовлення, мов­лення у вивчених лексико-граматичних структурах з теми; прак­тикувати інтерактивні форми навчання, стимулювати прояви іні­ціативи учнів; виховувати вміння працювати в парах і групах, почуття взаємодопомоги й колективізму під час обговорення дис­кусійних проблем; розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів.


Організація класу. Привітання

Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.

Основна частина уроку

a) Find the adjective each group of words (0,5 point):

effort — effortless — escape — educate sand — suffer — sandy — servant depth — dirt — dirtiness — dirty recite — restless — respect — rest

b) Find one word in each group built with a negative affix (0,5 point):

patient — weak — wireless — present happy — human — unprepared — sad progressive — irregular —respectful — senior light — cloudless — bright — hurt

c) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form (1 point):

John (to read) the magazine. You may take it. Parents (to come) home late last night.

When I (to see) Betty and Jeff several hours ago they (to discuss) a very interesting topic.

He (to know) that they (to write) a composition very soon.

d) Make up two unless... — sentences and write them down (1 point):

To change your attitude.To make some progress in English. To hire a taxi. To miss the train.

e) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct voice form (1 point):

The excursions (to organize) well last month. I know that this film (to speak) much about.

IV. Завершальна частина уроку

Домашнє завдання

Thematic Evaluation Work 2.

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Учитель підбиває підсумки уроку й оцінює роботу учнів.



Тема. Thematic Evaluation 2. "School Life" Мета: проконтролювати рівень сформованості писемних грама­тичних навичок; навчити учнів виконувати трансформаційні зав­дання; виховувати вміння працювати самостійно, давати суб'єктивну та об'єктивну оцінку явищам навколишнього середовища; розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів, елементи аналізу й самоаналізу.


I. Організація класу. Привітання

II. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.

III. Основна частина уроку

Level A: Write as many lexical units as you can on the topic.

Level B: Write as many word combinations as you can on the to­pic and translate the following sentences.

Knowledge is power.

It doesn't matter what type of school you get your education in. You should think of the topics the speaker mentioned.

Nowadays you can choose the school for yourselves. It is important to be responsible for your achievements.

Level C: Answer the following questions.

What do you know about secondary schools in Ukraine? What information does the school newspaper cover? Why should the pupils follow school rules and regulations? What stages of Ukrainian system of education do yoy know? What are after-classes activities of pupils of our school? How does the school librarian help you in your studies? Would you like to go to a language school? Is English your favourite subject? Why? Why not?

Level D: Write a composition / a report on one of the topics cho­sen by the pupils.

Pupils and their form-master. Educational system of Ukraine. Educational institutions of a new type. My English room.

What factors a good education depends on. My favorite teacher.

IV. Завершальна частина уроку

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Учитель підбиває підсумки уроку й оцінює роботу учнів.



Тема. Reserved Lesson. Grammar Recapitulation Мета: вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення, вживання JIO у граматичних структурах; розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів; сприяти розвитку самостійного мислення, вміння робити висновки, узагальнення.


I. Організація класу. Привітання

II. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.

III. Основна частина уроку

a) Ex. 1, р. 58 — Ask questions to get more information.

My friend goes to a comprehensive school in London. I want to get the highest marks in my school tests. Our school life is very interesting.

b) Ех. 2, р. 58 — Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form and voice.

c) Ex. 3, p. 58 — Write the sentences using if or unless. If I have time I go to the cinema.

She can't play computer games unless she finishes her homework. Bill will make mistakes unless he learns the grammar rules. We can't have a rest unless the school holidays start. If Steve doesn't improve his test results, he can't join the swim­ming club.

They can't surf the Internet if they don't buy a modem.

d) Ex. 5, p. 59 — Read and act out the situations.

Ask your friend questions about his school. Ask about the type of school he goes to and the school rules.

Talk about school subjects you are good at (fond of). What moti­vates you to study them and to get the highest marks: your own wish to get good knowledge, your parents or teachers' encourage­ment or cash prizes.

e) Self-Assessment "Now I can..."

Think of your records. Tick how well you know it. 4 = very well, 3 = OK, 2 = a little, 1 = needs to improve

f) The rhyme "Books"

Books are full of boys and girls, That I would like to know. Books are full of happenings To folks of long ago. Books are full of animals, That I would like to pet. Books are full of weather, too, Both sunny days and wet. Books are full of other things That I would like to see.

IV. Завершальна частина уроку

Домашнє завдання

То learn the rhyme and say what books can tell you about. Підсумки уроку

Учитель підбиває підсумки уроку й оцінює роботу учнів.

II семестр



Тема. Stories, Stories and Stories...

Мета: вдосконалювати лексико-граматичні навички учнів з те­ми; навчити учнів правильно вживати нові JIO у власних словоспо­лученнях, реченнях, мовленнєвих штампах; розвивати навички непідготовленого MM і ДМ, вміння вести обговорення та дискусії за проблемними завданнями.


I. Організація класу. Привітання

II. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.

III. Основна частина уроку

a) Learning the rhyme "Books". What can books tell you about?

b) Book — a set of printed pages that are fastened inside a cover so that you can turn them and read then:

a written work published in printed or electronic form; a set of sheets of paper that are fastened together inside a cover and used for writing in;

a set of things that are fastened together like a book; a section of large written work.

c) Ex. 1, p. 62 — Read and match the titles of the books with the names of the writers in the box. Then say as in the example.

The book "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" was written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

"Oliver Twist" was written by Charles Dickens.

d) Work in pairs. Look at the book covers on p. 62. take turns to ask and answer the questions.

Which books have you read?

Which books would you like to read?

Do you know any other books by the same authors?

e) Ех. 2, р. 63 — Read Jane's letter about her reading habits and say what kinds of books she likes to read.

f) Ex. 3, p. 64 — Read and tick the statements True or False.

g) Do the quiz "Book Genres" (Ex. 4, p. 64):

adventure science fiction drama mystery humorous story biography

h) Ex. 5, p. 65 — Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions.

Why do you read?

What kind of books do you like to read? Where do you get books from?

Say what you have found out about your friend. Are your literary tastes the same or different? Why?

IV. Завершальна частина уроку

Домашнє завдання

Ех. 7, р. 65.

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Учитель підбиває підсумки уроку й оцінює роботу учнів. УРОК 34

Тема. The Story of a Book. Future Simple Passive Voice Мета: вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення, читання й аудіювання; ознайомити й навчити вживати граматичні структу­ри з Future Simple Passive Voice в усному та писемному мовленні; навчити учнів уживати нові фразеологічні одиниці, давати харак­теристику; формувати навички непідготовленого монологічного та діалогічного мовлення за проблемною ситуацією; розвивати пізна­вальний інтерес, аудитивну пам'ять, увагу, спостережливість і кмітливість.


I. Організація класу. Привітання

II. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.

III. Основна частина уроку

a) Ex. 7, p. 65 — Speak in class. Talk about your reading habits. Who are your favourite authors and literary characters? What genres of literature do you like to read?

b) It is interesting to know:

Scientists in different countries studied language vocabulary for a period of 1000 years. They examined the common words in many lan­guages and found out that 81% of these words have not changed over this period. So the common words, those that we use daily, are the old­est ones in any language.

It took the French Academy 297 years to write a book of 263 pa­ges. It was "French Grammar" which was written from 1635 to 1932. When it was finally published it had 50 mistakes in it.

c) Ex. 1, p. 66 — Look at the pictures and say how the book has changed since old times:

Egyptians — the Celts — the Slavs — modern people

d) Ex. 2, p. 66 — Word in pairs. Act out the dialogue. Talk about the role of books in peoples' life.

e) Ex. 3, p. 67 — Read the text and think of a good title to it. Say where the books come from:

woodcutters — cut trees — peel away the branches — paper mill; remove the bark — chop up the logs —mixed up — get a pulp; roll out into stripes — endless paper sheet — wind into a large roll;

go through the press — inked plates — to be cut, stacked and sewn.

f) Ex. 4, p. 67 — Read the sentences and order them according to Ex. 3.

g) Future Simple Passive Voice: grammar laboratory. They will remove the bark from the logs.

The bark will be removed from the logs.

Write sentences in the Future Simple Passive Voice. Use the verbs from the word bank: will be shown will be built will be met will be told will be given will be published

h) Ех. 7, р. 69 — Look and order the pictures. Describe the process of making a book. Use the Future Simple Passive voice.

Memory work: Proverbs and Sayings Choose an author as you choose a friend. There is no friend so faithful as a good book. Wear the old coat and buy a new book.

IV. Завершальна частина уроку

Домашнє завдання

Ех. 8, р. 69.

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Учитель підбиває підсумки уроку й оцінює роботу учнів. УРОК 35

Тема. A Trip to the Library. Reported Speech (Orders and Instruc­tions)

Мета: вдосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання, усного й писемного мовлення; формувати навички вживання ситуативних і тематичних лексичних одиниць у граматичних структурах теми, що вивчається; виховувати естетичні смаки, правила мовного ети­кету; розвивати елементи критичного й аналітичного мислення.


I. Організація класу. Привітання

II. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.

III. Основна частина уроку

Ех. 8, р. 96 — Put verbs in brackets into the Future Simple Pas­sive voice. Then write negative sentences and questions:

+ This book will be discussed at the lesson of World Literature:? Will the book be discussed at the lesson of World Literature? - The book won't be discussed at the lesson of World Literature.

Ex. 1, p. 70 — Look at the picture and discuss the questions.

What kind of building do you see in the picture? What are the people doing? Who do you think they are?

Do you know anything about this famous place of the ancient world?

What happened to all the manuscripts which were stored there?

Listen (p. 251) to the text about the most magnificent library in the ancient world. Where was it situated? Say what these num­bers refer to:

900 — 700.000 — 100.000

Ex. 3, p. 70—71 — Read the text and say what services the mod­ern library offers to the readers:

the Reading Romm — the Multimedia hall — sign up for... the Book Borrowing Department —Interlibrary Exchange — par­ticipate

Look through the text of Ex. 3, and say where in the library you can:

sign up for the Book Borrowing Department work on the computer or surf the Internet listen to music read a book

ask a librarian for advice

find encyclopedias and reference books

borrow books

Reported Speech (Reported Orders and Instructions).

"Help me, please, Dan", Steve asks. Steve asks Dan to help him.

"Don't bother people in the Reading Room, Molly", Ann says. Ann asks Molly not to bother people in the Reading Room.

ADDITIONAL READING "IN THE READING-HALL" My friend Nick and I agreed to meet at our school library. It was 4 o'clock when I entered the reading-hall. There were a lot of pupils there. They all were working. One pupil at the first table was reading an English text. From time to time he was looking up a word in the big dictionary. Several pupils were reading Polish magazines. A blond girl was copying some information from an encyclopedia into her exercise- book. A tall boy was speaking to the librarian. I did not see Nick in the reading-hall. I was getting angry when suddenly I saw him in the cor­ner of the room. He was reading a thick book and making some notes in his notebook.

IV. Завершальна частина уроку

Домашнє завдання

Ех. 8, р. 73.

Підсумки уроку


Тема. Ukrainian Writers. Reported Speech

Мета: вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення з теми; формувати навички вживання нових JIO в MM і ДМ учнів у лексико-граматичних структурах; формувати навички групової та парної роботи, відповідальності за доручену справу, колективіз­му й толерантності; сприяти розвитку аналітичного й критичного мислення; розвивати кмітливість і пізнавальний інтерес до вивчен­ня англійської мови.


I. Організація класу. Привітання

II. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.

III. Основна частина уроку

a) Ех. 8, р, 73 — Write about yuor school library.

What services does it offer? Does the library have a good collec­tion of books? How often do you visit it? What would you like to change in your school library?

b) Ex. 1, p. 74 — Look at the pictures and say what you know about these prominent Ukrainian writers and their literary legacy.

c) Ex. 2, p. 74 — Read the text about Taras Shevchenko and say what facts of his biography impressed you most:

serf — shepherd — was orphaned — poverty — misery

owner — apprenticed — freedom — was admitted to — literary


collection of poems — the founder — established — monument

d) Take turns to ask and answer the questions.

e) Read Shevchenko's poems in English and do the tasks.

f) Ex. 5, p. 77 — Listen (page 251) to the text about Shevchenko's works. Choose and tick the statements. Listen to the text again and complete the sentences.

g) Comment on the following verse by Ivan Franko.

"I toil alone we find our strength reviving, But toil is built the world in which we're living, And toil alone makes life on earth worthwile".

(Translated by W. May)

Do you agree that these lines can serve as a motto for our contem­porary life? Give your reasons.

h) Comment on the following extract from the poem "Predawn Lights" by Lesia Ukrainka.

"Beneath the black wings of the dark night nestling,

The tired — out people were resting.

Lights out and the silence lies deep,

Now everyone's buried in sleep,

To night's suzeraine acquiescing.

Asleep or not, they to dark forces surrender,

And happy the one with dreams tender!

But sweet dreams do not come to me...

Thick darkness all round like the sea,

All sleep as if death held them prisoner".

IV. Завершальна частина уроку

Домашнє завдання

Ех. 7, р. 77.

Підсумки уроку

Учитель підбиває підсумки уроку й оцінює роботу учнів.


Тема. The British Writers. Reported Speech Мета: перевірити навички усного й писемного мовлення; на­вчити учнів самостійного виконання завдань тестового характеру, правильного вибору комунікативних завдань; виховувати позитив­не ставлення до навчання; розвивати мовну здогадку й логічність висловлювання.


I. Організація класу. Привітання

II. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.

III. Основна частина уроку

a) Ех. 7, р. 77 — Report the statements given below.

b) Ex. 1, p. 78 — Look at the pictures and say whom of these English writers you know. Which of their literary works have you read?

c) Ex. 2, p. 78 — Read the text and answer the questions.

Why is Robert Burns honoured as a national poet of Scotland? When and where was he born? What was his childhood like? Where did the poet get his education?

What role did his father play in his life?

What movement in literature does he belong to?

Which of his poems and songs are well-known today?

d) Look at the pictures and describe the Highlands of Scotland. Use corresponding adjectives and nouns.

e) Ex. 4, p. 80 — Listen and read the poem by Robert Burns. Ask and answer the questions.

f) Ex. 5, p. 80 — Speak in class. Talk about Robert Burns.

g) Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.

Does the poem help you to imagine the author's native land? What words does the poet use to describe it? How does he express his love to his native land?

h) Literary quiz: Guess the names of the famous English authors.

When he was a boy of ten, his father was put to prison for debts. The boy couldn't go to school because he had to help his family. He began to work at a factory. Later he continued his studies. He liked to read and read very much. When he was twenty-five he began to write himself. He wrote novels about the life of poor people and children. His books are well-known in all the world.

She was forn in a poor family in 1816. There were six children in the family — five girls and a boy. Later the girls were sent to a charity-school which she described in her best novel. After leav­ing school she became a teacher at a school for girls. She wrote many poems and novels.

When he was twenty-one he went to London. In London he joined a group of actors. At first he only helped the actors. Then he be­gan to play himself. Soon he became the greatest dramatist of his time.

The poet travelled a lot. In Italy he joined the revolutionary or­ganisation Carbonari that was struggling for the national inde­pendence.

He was a man of sixty when he wrote his first novel. It was a book about a sailor who lived on a desert island for many years. This book was great!

Everybody knows his famous book about a man who came to the country of Lilliputs. For children it is a book of wonderful adven­tures.

IV. Завершальна частина уроку

Домашнє завдання

Ех. 6, р. 80.

Підсумки уроку

Учитель підбиває підсумки уроку й оцінює роботу учнів. УРОК 38

Тема. Writing a Book Review

Мета: вдосконалювати навички читання, аудіювання, усного й писемного мовлення з використанням вивчених лексико-гра- матичних структур; активізувати лексичний матеріал теми; розви­вати комунікативні здібності учнів, закріпити вивчений лексич­ний матеріал на письмі; сприяти розвитку логічного мислення, виховувати дисциплінованість та уважність.


I. Організація класу. Привітання

II. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.

III. Основна частина уроку

a) Ех. 6, р. 80 — Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form:

was made will be returned will be studied learnt / studied is/ are remained have / read

b) Ex. 1, p. 81 — Listen (p. 251) to the dialogue and tick the correct box. Listen again and say why people write book reviews.

c) Ex. 2, p. 81 — Read the book review and say in which paragraph the author:

gives his opinion of the book; describes what happens in the book; gives brief information about the book and the writer; became an orphan — a model character — magical spells; go through adventures —identify strongly — thoroughtly recom­mend;

d) Ех. З, р. 83 — Read the book review and tick the statements.

e) Writing Lab: Writing a Book Review.

When you write a book review you should: name the title and the author; say what kind of book it is;

write about the contents of the book and its characters; write what your opinion of the book is; write who you would recommend the book to. You can use the phrases below as a plan.

f) Some additional expressions on the topic to be used:

interesting and easy to read — full of information about — raises the interest of;

makes you think — the events are true — very original and very funny;

shows real life — makes easy, interesting reading — a very truth­ful story;

with great skill — gives a read feeling — excellent adventure story;

an amusing story for light reading — piece of fantasy — full of facts.

g) Ex. 4, p. 83 — Choose a book that you have read. Write notes un­der the headings (1-5) from the Writing Lab above.

h) Ex. 5, p. 83 — Speak in class. Use your notes and the phrases to talk about the book you have discussed.

IV. Завершальна частина уроку

Домашнє завдання

Ех. 6, р. 83.

Підсумки уроку

Учитель підбиває підсумки уроку й оцінює роботу учнів. УРОК 39

Тема. Writing a Book Review. Readers in the News Мета: вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення й читання тексту з повним охопленням змісту прочитаного; навчити учнів уживання в MM і ДМ нових JIO; практикувати учнів у MM і ДМ за проблемною ситуацією, вчити логічного і критичного мислення, вміння давати власну оцінку подіям; сприяти розвитку самостій­ного мислення, вміння чітко виконувати інструкції вчителя.


I. Організація класу. Привітання

II. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.

III. Основна частина уроку

a) Ех. 6, р. 83 — Write a review of your favourite book. Use the re­commendations from the Writing Lab.

b) Ex. 1, p. 84 — Read the statements below, tick them and explain why you think so.

Nowadays not many children have developed the habit of daily reading.

Nowadays paper books have become old-fashioned. The Internet has replaced them.

The only serious books which the teenagers read nowadays are school textbooks and those titles which are included into the cur­riculum.

c) Ex. 2, p. 84 — Read the newspaper article and say what facts you were impressed with most of all. Do you agree with the reporter?

survived — phenomenal event — long-term trends — sponsored chairman — no substitute —unfortunately — decline

d) Ex. 3, p. 84 — Work in pairs. Choose the correct item to answer the questions.

e) Ex. 4, p. 84 — Conversation Lab. Work in groups. Have a class discussion. Express your personal opinion. Use the phrases:

I am sure- It's quite true that... I don't think- By the way... However...

As far as I know..., etc.

f) If you had to spend the rest of your life on a desert island with just one book for company, which book would you take? Here what two teenagers said.

Carl — "The Dead Zone" by Stephen King:

"I am a big fan of horror stories and this is simply the one I've ever read. It's got everything — lots of action... amazing ideas... weird char­acters— great dialogue— Plus, of course, it's very, very frightening. My mum and dad don't understand why I like horror stories so much.

Well, it's hard to explain, but maybe the best way is to compare it with riding on a roller-coaster. It's a great way to get all the excitement of danger without actually being in danger... you know what I mean?"

Bella — "Hollywood Wives" by Jackie Collins: "I am not much of a reader, to be honest. This book was great, though... I couldn't put it down. Basically, the story's about a group of rich, glamorous people in Hollywood... their lifestyles, relationships, and so on... which is a complete fantasy for most ordinary people, but so what? Only a minority of people want "art" — the rest of us just want to be entertained and that's why it's my favourite book".

g) Ex. 5, p. 85: Report the sentences.

IV. Завершальна частина уроку

Домашнє завдання

Ех. 6, р. 86.

Підсумки уроку

Учитель підбиває підсумки уроку й оцінює роботу учнів. УРОК 40

Тема. Readers in the News. My Favourite Authors and Books Мета: перевірити рівень учнівських знань, умінь і навичок з читання; навчити учнів самостійного виконання завдань тестово­го характеру, правильного вибору комунікативних завдань, реаль­но оцінювати рівень власних знань; прищеплювати повагу до на­вчання, розвивати елементи логічного й аналітичного мислення під час виконання контрольних тематичних завдань.


I. Організація класу. Привітання

II. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.

III. Основна частина уроку

Ех. 6, р. 86 — Write a letter to a newspaper. Tell the editors what facts in the article of Ex. 2, p. 84 you agree / disagree with.

Ex. 1, p. 86 — Work in groups. You are having a class meeting. You want to design a newspaper issues "My Favourite Authors and Books". Share the roles. Follow the recommendations given below. Discuss your plans.

Design a newspaper. Be ready to present to your classmates.

In groups discuss the books.

Rachel — "Anna Karenina" by Leo Tolstoy:

"This nineteenth century classic is about a woman who's mar­ried to a boring politician, then leaves him when she falls in love with an army officer called Vronsky. What she wants is an exciting new life. What happens in the end, though, is that she's rejected by so­ciety and loses everything. Tragic? Yes, I suppose "Anna Karenina" is a tragic story, but it's so beautifully told and Tolstoy makes the people seem so real that it's not at all depressing... just dramatic and moving".

Jack — 'The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole" by Sue Townsend:

"What a great book! The main character is a really ordinary boy called Adrian and in the book he describes his day-to-day life as if he was writing a diary. Sounds boring, but believe me, it's not. Adrian's descriptions of his family, his problems at school, his anxieties about the world and his love for the beautiful Pandora (who doesn't love him) are all funny. The writer describes how it feels to be a teenage boy. She's written other Adrian Mole books (he gets older in each one) and they're funny too, but for me the first one is definitely the best".

Cindy — "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams:

"This is my favourite book, it's funny and original. Normally I hate science-fiction novels because they're so serious and the people in the always seem completely unreal. Well, in this book there are lots of scientific ideas but the characters are important, too, and what's even better, they're incredibly funny. Sometimes I even had to stop reading and close the book because I was laughing so hard. I don't re­member ever doing that with another novel. I liked it so much I just didn't want it to end!"

Project work. Work in groups. Design a newpaper, Be ready

present it to your classmates.

IV. Завершальна частина уроку

Домашнє завдання

То present the projects of a newspaper issues.

Підсумки уроку


Тема. Project Presentation. Grammar Revision Мета: перевірити рівень учнівських знань, умінь і навичок з читання; навчити учнів самостійного виконання завдань тестово­го характеру, правильного вибору комунікативних завдань, реаль­но оцінювати рівень власних знань; прищеплювати повагу до на­вчання, розвивати елементи логічного й аналітичного мислення під час виконання контрольних тематичних завдань.


I. Організація класу. Привітання

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