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Fill in the blanks using the active vocabulary.

Читайте также:
  1. Active vocabulary
  2. Active Voice
  3. Complete the following sentences using the required information from the text above.
  4. Exercise 2. Make up sentences using the table.
  5. Mikolenko A. Using the definition of «legal process» in the jurisprudence and legislation of Ukraine
  6. Phrasal verbs. Complete the sentences using the verbs in their proper form. Make up your own sentences.
  7. TASK 13. Translate into English using gerundial phrases.
  8. TASK 16 Translate into English using the gerund as the subject of the sentence.
  9. Task 18. Express reproach (упрек) using modal verb might.


  1. Active Vocabulary
  1. to mortify v
Подавлять (страсти, чувства), обижать, унижать
  1. archly adv
  1. boisterously a
неистовый, бурный, шумливый
  1. to divert v
отводить, отвлекать (внимание), развлекать
  1. unresponsive a
не реагирующий, не отвечающий, неотзывчивый, невосприимчивый
  1. imprudent a
неблагоразумный, неосторожный, опрометчивый
  1. to disconcert v
смущать, приводить в замешательство, расстраивать (планы)
  1. allowance n
карманные деньги, содержание (годовое, месячное …)
  1. discreet a
осторожный, осмотрительный, сдержанный, неболтливый
  1. to rankle v
терзать, мучить (об обиде, ревности, зависти)
  1. to chuck v
порвать отношения с кем-либо, бросать, швырять
  1. descend upon n
(моральное) падение, поколение (по определенной линии)
  1. to gal v
раздражать, беспокоить, уязвлять (гордость)

Fill in the blanks using the active vocabulary.

  1. The habit of flushing … him horribly, but he could not break himself of it.
  2. Charles was gravely, Michael boisterously, … by the young man’s obvious embarrassment.
  3. Perhaps she had been a little ….
  4. This time she was certain that Dolly was ….
  5. For all I know his father may make him an ….
  6. It was a strange, immaterial personality that seemed to … upon her and it did things through her that she did not know she was capable of doing.
  7. But one or two of Dolly’s remarks had been some what of a shock to Julia. They ….
  8. She sat next to Tom as she had intended and held his hand, but it seemed to her singularly ….
  9. “Who told you, Michael?” “A little bird”, he said ….


  1. Answer the following questions:
  1. Who was invited by Julia to the pictures besides Charles?
  2. Why did Michael want to see Tom?
  3. Did Julia guess the person, who had told Michael everything about her relations with Tom?
  4. Why did Dolly say that she couldn’t break her engagement the next day?
  5. Could Julia manage to persuade Dolly to come to her lunch?
  6. What struck Julia mostly when Dolly gave the information about Tom?
  7. Did Dolly believe Julia when she gave her solemn word of honour?
  8. Was it possible for Julia to chuck Tom immediately after the talk with Dolly?
  9. What did Tom promise to Avice Crichton, a young actress?


  1. Whom do the following utterances belong to? Say how they characterize the speaker and under what circumstances they were made?
  1. “Oh my dear, how marvelous! I’ve been trying to get someone to compromise me all my life.”
  2. “Who’s coming tonight besides Charles?”
  3. “Can’t you break your engagement, just for this once, darling, and we’ll have a good old gossip after lunch.”
  4. “Tom’s a very decent sort of boy. He won’t let Roger get into any mischief.”
  5. “I should have thought Roger would prefer to go about with his Eton friends.”
  6. “I want advice and you’re the only person in the world whose advice I would take. I know I can trust you.”
  7. “You know how malicious people are.”
  8. “His father has bought him a share in the firm and he’s a junior partner.”
  9. “His father’s a solicitor in the North of London. You know very well that if he’s bought him a partnership he isn’t making him an allowance as well.”
  10. “He’s a very commonplace, rather vulgar man. It’s not surprising if all the fuss you’ve made of him has turned his head.”


  1. Are the following statements true or false? Correct the false ones.
  1. Michael flattered himself on his sense of humor. He was really taken aback.
  2. Charles and Tom arrived together to the pictures.
  3. Tom was in his old dinner jacket at dinner and Julia wasn’t satisfied with it.
  4. The habit of flushing mortified Tom horribly, but he couldn’t break himself of it.
  5. Julia didn’t take part in the talk, she didn’t want to listen to Michael’s threatrical stories and left the dinner.
  6. At the cinema, Julia sat next to Tom as she had intended and held his hand, but it seemed to her singularly unresponsive.
  7. Julia didn’t worry about the gossip about her, because she was sure her private life was nobody’s business.
  8. Julia couldn’t persuade Dolly to come because Dolly didn’t want to break her engagement.
  9. Julia was puzzled by Roger. He seemed to observe them with a detached curiosity like that with which he might have observed animals in a zoo.
  10. Julia liked neither the words Dolly spoke nor the way she said them. But she gave no sign of her uneasiness.


  1. Explain the given phrases in English, using the context of the chapter.

To look forward to; to give a startled look; like a fish’s fin; to wheedle out of sb; cold shiver down her back; to cut off the nose to spite the face; to turn round her little finger; to interfere in other people’s business


Find English equivalents for the following word – combinations:

Чувство юмора; украдкой; обменяться украдкой взглядами; птичка нашептала; говорить лукаво; не устраивать скандала; выяснить правду; голос звучал холодно; быть убедительной; совладать с задетыми чувствами; преданный друг

Describe the main characters of the chapter using the suitable words and word-combinations from the list:

A startled look; to be scarlet; to say archly; gaily; gentle rather melancholy eyes; obvious embarrassment; to be alert and watchful; to rely on sb; like a fish’s fin; to suspect; to be a little imprudent; to be persuasive; a detached curiosity; to be a loyal friend; malicious gossip; to be a pattern of propriety


  1. Retell the chapter as if you were:

a) Tom; b) Julia; c)Dolly de Vries; d) Michael; e) Charles Tamerley

Exchange your opinions about the characters’ feelings and actions, described in the chapter. Use the following phrases:

But why should (shouldn’t) I?; Well, I don’t (didn’t) think …; I wish I could, but …; I really couldn’t imagine…; I’m really sorry, but …; I really feel bad about it; What do you think about …?

Дата добавления: 2015-01-30; просмотров: 46 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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