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Food Processing

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The art of food processing has been known from the earliest written records that include reference to fermentation and drying processes. The abilities to store food from the time of harvest and plenty to other seasons of the year, and to make it transportable for long journeys and voyages, were essential for the continued development of society and the improvement of mankind.

In addition to extending shelf life, there are other important reasons for processing food. Food processing may render a foodstuff more digestible, inactivate naturally occurring toxins, or result in the formation of novel food products (for example, ice cream). Development and advances in food process technology are supported significantly by the private sector. However, there is clearly a rationale for public investment in the advancement of knowledge and application of technologies for the preservation and processing of food. Clearly, a healthy, well-fed population results in less strife within society and a more productive workforce and a more enlightened populace.

The “older” methods of food preservation and processing include drying, canning, chemical preservation, and refrigeration/freezing. The use of physical preservation methods (heating, freezing, dehydration, and packaging) and chemical methods (pH and preservatives) continue to be used extensively, and technological advances to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of these processes are being made at a rapid rate. The basis for these traditional methods is to reduce microbiological growth and metabolism to prevent undesirable chemical changes in food.

Minimizing microbial spoilage not only relies on processes for inactivating microorganisms but also is dependent on good manufacturing practices, sanitation, and hygiene. Furthermore, the application of several methods to stabilize food, either in parallel or sequentially, has been advanced through the concept of hurdle technology. Once the concept of hurdle technology was articulated, it was immediately recognized as having already been broadly utilized in the preservation of food. “Hurdles” may be thought of as barriers to microbial growth and deterioration of food or chemical destabilization of food. Examples of hurdles include heating, chilling, water activity, pH, oxidation-reduction potential, preservatives, and irradiation. Each hurdle has a specific inhibitory effect on a mode of deterioration, and their combination will result in preservation of the food material. Nearly all preserved foods are examples of the application of hurdle technology. A guiding principle in the application of hurdle technology is to understand the main cause of spoilage and to know the effects of each hurdle on the root cause of spoilage (2360).

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