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Task 4. Match the terms in column A to their corresponding definitions in column B.
1. counterfeit a) a steady movement of goods from one place to another
2. piracy b) a big mass of something
3. flow c) to copy something in order to deceive people
4. shift d) a way of doing something that is typical of a particular person or group
5. goods e) the place in which something begins to exist
6. modus operandi f) the crime of illegal copying and selling
7. origin g) working for a particular period of time and then being replaced by others
8. bulk h) things that are produced in order to be sold
Task 5. Match the synonyms and translate them into Russian.
counterfeit employee trade consignment commitment integral part traffic fraudulent | hard work and loyalty deceiving a necessary part of something movement of goods, ships, etc. from one place to another the exchange of goods worker fake lot |
Task 6. Look through the text and write out the words which have the same form for a verb and a noun.
Task 7. Form adjectives with the opposite meaning using the prefixes un-, il-, im-.
legal important possible
lawful necessary social
limited proper natural
licit probable significant
Task 8. Give the definitions of such crimes as: fraud, forgery, trafficking, passing-off. (You are supposed to know or guess the meaning, but can look up the dictionary to find out.)
Task 9. Match left and right to explain why the IP infringements are perpetrated.
1. to gain a) internal taxes
2. to bypass b) prohibitions and restrictions
3. to avoid c) a money laundering scheme
4. to evade d) an unfair market advantage
5. to be used as e) laws relating to patents and copyrights
Task 10. Answer the following questions.
1. What is globalization?
2. What is the reason for an unprecedented surge in industrial counterfeiting?
3. Why do counterfeiting and piracy form an integral part of the world of consumers?
4. What articles are now being counterfeited in comparison with the past period of 20 years?
5. What is the modus operandi developed by criminal organizations to move counterfeit goods?
6. What technique is widespread now?
7. What has made Customs administrations adapt their control techniques?
8. What initiatives have been adopted by the WCO?
9. Are these tools mandatory?
10. What mission is vital for Customs administrations across the globe?
Task 11. Translate the text from English into Russian.
Infringements of intellectual property are ruinous for any country’s economy. Counterfeiting of trademarks and unauthorized usage of copyright cause enormous losses to the right holders. The right holders may bring an action to court and be granted damages, but sometimes they are not even aware that a violation of the IP right is being committed, and the infringer can be identified only in the course of a special investigation.
Task 12. You know different types of customs violations. The most usual are … (continue the sentence). Why is combating counterfeiting and piracy a priority to the WCO and its members now?
Task 13. Translate the text into English.
Появившиеся на рынке Ставрополя поддельные зажигалки Cricket изъяты у частного предпринимателя.
Проверку бизнесмена инициировали ставропольские таможенники, к которым обратился представитель компании Swedish Match, являющейся производителем брендовых зажигалок. В ходе рейда выяснилось, что у бизнесмена нет никаких документов от правообладателя, дающих право заниматься реализацией этой продукции. В свое оправдание он заявил, что приобрел товар у оптового продавца в Ростове-на-Дону и о его контрафактности не знал. Между тем менее года назад этот человек уже привлекался к административной ответственности по статье 14.10 КоАП за незаконное использование товарного знака. Тогда у него было изъято 5500 штук зажигалок. В этот раз товар изъят в количестве 6000 штук.
Компания Swedish Match всерьез обеспокоена появлением на российских рынках поддельных аналогов своей продукции. По словам российского представителя компании Вячеслава Полнежаева, производители фальсифицированной продукции не могли остаться в стороне от столь обширного рынка и предлагают покупателям кустарные копии китайского производства, которые, помимо того, что незаконно используют товарный знак и не сертифицированы, опасны для здоровья потребителей.
Task 14. Discuss the statements in buzz-groups. Do you agree or disagree?
1. Globalization damages local goods, services and cultures.
2. Globalization raises people’s living standards.
3. Most manufacturers of top brands do not wish to produce their goods in low-cost countries because they believe that it will damage their brand image.
4. Consumers no longer care about where the products are manufactured.
Task 15. Write a short report on the result of your discussion.
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