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Working on the text

Читайте также:
  1. I have been working here for 5 years (still working here)
  2. My Working Day ( аудиозапись)
  3. Part 4 Academic and Working Backgrounds
  4. The Working Day of a Student.
  5. Working Experience
  6. Working in Industry
  7. Working in Industry
  8. Working on the text
  9. Working on the text
  10. Working on the text

Task 5. Match left and right.

1. package a) lot

2. sales b) duty

3. responsibility c) the one who possesses something

4. agreement d) something that you must do as part of your job or duty

5. obligation e) something wrapped in paper packed in a box and then sent by mail or delivered

6. consignment f) official document promising to do something

7. owner g) the total number of products sold during a particular period of time

8. shortcoming h) fault, weakness


Task 6. Define from what verbs these words are derived.

development legislation administration

sales analyses agreement

enforcement seizure provision

importation exportation restriction


Task 7. Use prefixes “dis-”, “il-”, “im-”, “un-” to create negative forms of adjectives.

legal, possible, licit, satisfied, honest, successful, patient, practical


Task 8. Give synonyms to the following words.

- task - to conduct

- to combat - to intercept

- to deal with - obligation

- legislation - goods


Task 9. Give antonyms to the following words.

- virtual - responsibility

- development - commercial

- growth - infringement

- international - prohibition


Task 10. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the reason for intensifying the flow of postal packages?

2. What has the Internet turned into?

3. What is the percentage of postal IP infringements in the number of all cases dealt with by Customs?

4. What are the reasons for such a high percentage?

5. How is International postal traffic governed by?

6. What do Articles 51 and 60 of the TRIPS agreement provide?

7. What does the Universal Postal Convention stipulate?

8. What are two more obstacles hindering Customs actions?

Task 11. What things are prohibited for the transportation by post?


Task 12. Translate the texts into English.

a) Сотрудниками Минераловодской таможни пресечена пересылка по почте наркотиков. Житель города отправил украинскому адресату средства гигиены. В ценной бандероли находились два куска мыла и детский крем. Вот только тюбик из-под крема оказался упаковкой для бумажного контейнера, в котором обнаружено “вещество растительного происхождения серо-зеленого цвета”. По данным экспертизы, в соседнюю республику направлялся гашиш. Вес обнаруженного таможенниками наркотика – 10,83 грамма.

б) Польские таможенники конфисковали картину Огюста Ренуара стоимостью $350,000. Её пытались отправить в США в посылке, на которой было указано, что это работа небольшой ценности. Отправитель решил сэкономить, ведь за легальную пересылку ему пришлось бы заплатить $63,000.


Task 13. Read and translate the newspaper article concerning the problem with postal traffic in Russia.

Foreign-based Internet shopping sites are drawing increasing numbers of Russian consumers looking for deals, but as delays mount at the country’s notoriously inefficient postal service, many are finding that securing delivery of their items is no simple task.

Russian Post is nevertheless the only option for many people because it is much cheaper and parcels shipped using the service fall under different customs rules: Customers can ship items valued at up 10,000 rubles ($340) without paying a duty through Russian post, while the figure is only 5,000 through DHL and UPS.


Task 14. Discuss in “buzz groups” advantages and disadvantages of trading via the Internet.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 79 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Article IX | UK government backtracks over bribery | Article XI | Breaking the habit | The custom of customs | Working on the text | Pre-reading | Working on the text | Full exposure | Working on the text |

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