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Cultural orientation;

Читайте также:
  1. Advantages of being bilingual and bicultural.
  2. Cultural notes
  3. Cultural notes
  4. Cultural notes
  6. Part II. Food and Drink. Cultural Sketches
  7. The Cultural Iceberg
  8. Vitebsk as a Cultural Centre

To these criteria we also refer such as interconnectedness grammatical and lexical material. In the research, this requirement causes of exercises whose content reflects lexical material within those topics studied by pupils in the lesson. This means that in the lesson implementation of this requirement involves not only the formation of grammatical skills, but also improving vocabulary skills o speaking. [15]

Determination of criteria for the classification of exercises gives us reason to organize them within a single system that is composed of subsystems, which contain groups of exercises, aimed at the formation, improvement and development of certain skills. Consider that the subsystem and group exercise log exercise for the formation of professionally oriented English grammatical competence of pupils.

Definition us subsystems and group exercises due Program1 requirements, didactic, social - psychological conditions of formation of professionally oriented English grammatical competence of pupils, methodological principles of its formation, as well as on the linguistic features of grammatical structure.

Thus, a separate system of exercises consists of two subsystems, namely:

1) subsystem of exercises to build, improve and develop the grammatical skills of using grammatical structures in speech;

2) subsystem of exercises to build, improve and develop professionally oriented teaching skills.

Based on the gradual implementation of the skills and abilities, to each subsystem of exercises we can add other group of exercises, each of them has its purpose, depending on the stage of learning, goals and tasks facing the teacher. [17]

The first subsystem consists of the following groups of exercises:

1) group exercises to improve grammatical skills development and use of grammatical structures in speech students and cultural skills and abilities;

2) group exercises to build and improve grammar skills use grammatical structures in speech students and cultural skills and abilities;

3) group exercises to improve grammatical skills development and use of grammatical structures in speech students and cultural skills and abilities;

The second subsystem includes:

1) group of exercises to build and improve speaking skills to evaluate and localize grammatical mistakes;

2) group of exercises to build and improve skills to correct grammatical mistakes;

3) group of exercises to build and improve skills to explain grammatical material:

4) group of exercises to build and improve skills up schemes and tables that reflect the structure of grammatical phenomena;

5) group of exercises to build and improve skills to analyze a sentence;

6) group of exercises to build and improve skills to formulate orders for exercises;

7) group of exercises to build and improve skills to develop grammatical exercises;

8) group exercises to build and improve skills to develop series of exercises. [18]


Conjunctive mood.

Thus, the first subsystem includes three groups of exercises. The first group of exercises of given subsystems is designed to improve and develop grammar skills of using three types of conditional sentences in the speech of students in accordance with the principle of continuity and didactic occurs during the teaching. In addition, this group of exercises is intended to improve and develop cultural abilities of students in accordance with the requirements.

The second group of exercises includes exercises on the formation of grammatical skills and improves the using of the subjunctive mood in speech in the second year of university studying in accordance to the requirements of the program.

The third group of exercises are exercises to improve grammatical skills of the subjunctive mood in speech for students in the third year of specialized linguistic institutions.

Developing the exercises that will be included in this subsystem, we paid attention to the selection of socio-cultural information content of exercises because, to know the meaning of words and rules of grammar is clearly insufficient to actively use the language as a means of communication. You need to know as many words and grammar, you need to know:

- when to say / write, how, who, where;

- as this meaning / term, object of thought is now living in the reality of the world, whose language is being studied.

In the selection of materials for the maintenance of cultural exercises, we were doing with the following selection criteria:

1) The cultural values. Formation of cultural skills and abilities should be based on familiarize students with the valuable cultural information that contains the information about the realities of native speakers life, which has to be included into the content of the exercise.

2) Presence and publicity among native speakers. We selected information units in socio-cultural nature, which are being used by native speakers at the moment. For the selection of material in accordance to this criterion, we worked out sources with aim at determination of information that most closely, wondering reveals the chosen topic.

We can consider the second subsystem of exercise. On the basis of didactic principles of continuity and professionalization of the educational process we will show, how the groups of exercises are correlated with the stages of learning.

Thus, in the first year of studying in higher educational institutions that train future philologists, groups of exercises will take place for the formation and improvement of:

- skills to assess speaking skills and localize grammatical errors;

- skills to build up schemes and tables that reflect the structure of the three types of conditional sentences;

- skills to formulate the task for exercises;

In the second year of studying we should include the groups of exercises to build and improve assessment of speaking skills and localize grammatical mistakes;

- skills to correct grammatical mistakes;

- skills to build up grammatical tables that reflect the structure of conditional sentences.

- skills to formulate tasks for exercises;

- skills to analyze sentences containing conditional sentence;

- skills to explain grammatical material;

- skills to develop grammar exercises.

Practical grammar lessons in the third year will include group exercises for:

- formation and improvement of skills to assess and localize speaking grammatical mistakes;

- formation and development of skills to develop a series of exercises. [19]

So, we proposed a complex of exercises for English grammatical competence formation that based on social and cultural material. In our opinion, using of this complex will promote better mastery of complex skills and abilities needed to perform intercultural communication. We see the prospects for further research in the immediate development of the proposed complex of exercise and implementation of the learning process.

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