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Human Resources Management: how to interview

Читайте также:
  1. Applying For a Job: Interviewing
  2. Culture Speeds Up Human Evolution
  3. Exercise 6. Read the text which provides some information about the changes of human phenotype.
  4. Go through the interview that follows and be ready to speak about your favourite musician.
  5. Go through the interview that follows.
  6. He knelt among the shadows and felt his isolation bitterly. They were savages it was true; but they were human, and the ambushing fears of the deep night were coming on.
  7. How Not to Die at Your Job Interview
  8. http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/assets/qualifications-and-standards/qualifications/ncea/NCEA-subject-resources/Physics/91521-A/91521-EXP-A-student1-001.pdf22th April
  10. Human Factor and Aviation Safety Problems.

(Как проводить собеседование)


Every employer has several options to consider when he wants to hire a new employee. He may look within his own company or outside the company; ask a personnel office to find him a qualified applicant; use employment agencies, consulting firms, placement offices, professional societies, or advertise in the newspaper, magazine, on TV or radio.

The employer has two sets of qualifications to consider if he wants to choose an applicant suitable for the position. He must consider both professional qualifications and personal characteristics.

Professional qualifications are very important. Very often the employer looks through the candidate’s resume before the interview. Candidate’s education and work experience are listed in the resume. At the interview the employer tries to clarify some details about the candidate: his skills, additional diplomas and certificates, knowledge in other fields and so on.

Besides, it is necessary to evaluate personal qualities. The employer may ask about the character, marital status (family and children), hobbies and interests and bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, being late and so on).

Sometimes strange questions may be asked. It is made to see the candidate’s reaction and to understand his behavior. Some employers prepare different tests for their future employees. One of the main aims is to find out if the applicant is able to work in a team and to solve problems. Every employer is looking for a highly-qualified specialist. But also it is advisable to be a good-looking, accurate, polite and punctual person.


№ 7

Strategies for Keeping Your Job

(Стратегия сохранения работы)


– Make sure everyone knows you. Being a good worker is sometimes less important than making sure that people know you’re a good worker. Volunteer for new responsibilities, push your ideas, and generally make yourself visible.

– Learn everything that could help you do your job better. If the company buys new computers, learn how to use them. If learning more about marketing could help you, take a short course in marketing.

– Make sure you know everything about the company. And use this knowledge. If you find out that sales is becoming the most important department, try making a move to sales.

– Be positive. People who find things to complain about are a lot less popular than people who find things to praise.

– Improve your speaking and writing skills. Having good ideas isn’t enough. You need to be able to communicate your ideas.

– Impress your boss. You can often impress a boss by arriving early and working late and by dressing in a businesslike way even if others dress casually.

In the end, it all comes down to one basic strategy. Make yourself so valuable that the company won’t want to lose you.

№ 8

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