In the 21 century the consumer is the king. He demands quality service, he won’t tolerate misleading advertising, inadequate guarantees. On the other hand, the companies cannot simply sell their products to succeed in the market any more. They must win the consumers’ loyalty.That’s why the importance of consumer relations has increased,pr has become consumer oriented.
Since 1960s the consumer movement has developed greatly. Consumers now have a so called Consumers Bill of rights. It contains 4 basic principles: 1) the right to safety 2) the right to be informed 3) the right to choose 4) the right to be heard. There are also private testing orgs, which evaluate prods and inform ab potential dangers (Consumers Union). Smart companies understand the importance of effective consumer relations.
Customer criticism can be mollified(успокоена with a prompt, personal reply. Everybody dislike criticism, but the reaction should be based on the main elements: source of cr, reason for cr, validity(законност of cr. This strategy should be tailored to each situation.
Main thing to remember: that consumers understand the benefits and realities of using their product.
Right approach to consumer relations: right to quality, to long-term protection, to friendly treatment and honest service, right to address grievances, right to satisfaction(удовлетвр.
Consumerist objectives: building sales. Typical goals: 1) keeping old customers, 2) attracting new customers, 3) marketing new items or services, 4) quick complaint handling(обраб жалобы, 5) informing c and thus reducing costs.
Complaint handling is still 1 of the major functions of CR depart-s. This can keep clients happy and loyal for many years.
Modern consumers are smart! It’s combination of education & street smart – because of necessity to penetrate the clutter of info. So that cons-s have strong sense of value, they know what they want & what is good. In such situation only savvy, enlightened companies which com-t with consumer movement will succeed.There is a key to successful Consumer Relarions – Flexible Responsive Immediate Educational Need-driven Dedicated. PR will become an increasingly important commun tool in consumer products companies. It’s the best comun vehicle to give info in a meaningful & understandable way.
13. Government: PR in Government in the USA, Government Agencies. American President and Press Secretary’s names, roles and duties. Dealing with Local Governments.
In 21th century the gov.officials understood the influence of the mass media in particular in the court(cуд of public opinion. President John Kennedy was probably the first who recognized that the press and TV nowadays are more important that old-fashioned politics. Today the mass media is the best tool of persuasion and the Gov.has to use it right so that the politics may get public support and favorable public opinion.Functions of PR in Gov: 1)to inform public, 2)to convey inf, 3)to create positive image for the gov.,4)to ask about public opinion and to make it, 5)to persuade ppl, 6)to communicate with the media, 7)to establish the consensus bw gov.and business.
So PR aim is to link the gov.with public and with business by the effective communication. This brings PR an immense power which was restricted by the Congress in 1913 – the Gillett amendment and the practice of PR in Gov.was almost banned. The Congress didn’t want to allow the President to use a network of publicity experts to win public support.
The most far-reaching of the federal gov.’s PR arms is the United States Information Agency – an independent foreign affaired agency. It has 190 posts in 141 countries where it calls US information service. Its purpose – to disseminate inf abroad about the USA, its ppl, culture, policies, and to conduct educational and cultural exchanges bw the USA and other countries. Its mission – as democracy is spreading throughout the globe – 5 new challenges: 1)help to develop the democracy in the world, 2)support the war on drugs, 3)develop worldwide inf programs on environmental questions, 4)bring the truth o any society that fails to exercise free and open communication, 5)advise the president on foreign public opinion considerations. Some federal departments and regulatory agencies use aggressive PR activities to gain the recognition, for ex. Federal Trade Commission, Food and drug administration, the Department of defense, the Department of health and human services. All of these agencies have public affairs staff of 1000 ppl and many spokesmen.
The President is the most important figure in Gov.PR. Almost anything he does or says makes news. His press secretary provides the White House press corps with a constant flow of announcements. Ronald Regan was the most masterful presidential communicator in USA history, he followed several rules how to manage the news: 1)plan ahead, 2)stay on the offensive, 3)control the inf flow, 4)limit reporters’ access to the president, 5)talk about the issues you wanna talk about, 6)speak in one voice, 7)repeat the same msg many times.
Robert Lane Gibbs is an American political consultant and the current White House Press Secretary. Gibbs was the communications director for U.S. Senator Barack Obama and Obama's 2008 presidential campaign. The Press Secretary is responsible for collecting information about actions and events within the president's administration and around the world, and interacting with the media, generally in a daily press briefing. Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States. He is the first African American. election to the presidency in November 2008.The President of the United States is the head of state and head of government of the United States. The president leads the executive branch of the federal government and is the commander-in-chief of the United States armed forces.
PR Gov. veteran Pat Choate offered the following "be" list for anyone wishing to get through to legislators(законодат: independent, informed, bipartisan, published, broad-minded, persistent, practical, honest.
14. Government: PR in Government in the Russia. Government Agencies Russian President and Press Secretary’s names, roles and duties.
The Government of the Russian Federation exercises executive power in the Russian Federation. The members of the government are the prime minister, the deputy prime ministers, and the federal ministers. It has its legal basis in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. President: Vladimir Putin. The prime minister is appointed by the president of the Russian Federation and confirmed by the State Duma. The current prime minister is Medvedev. The government issues its acts in the way of decisions and orders. These must not contradict the constitution, constitutional laws, federal laws and are signed by the Prime Minister.
Responsibilities – government must:submit the federal budget to the State Duma; ensure the implementation of the budget and report on its implementation to the State Duma;ensure the implementation of a uniform state policy in the areas of culture, science, education, health protection, social security and ecology;manage federal property;implement measures to ensure the rule of law, human rights and freedoms, the protection of property and public order, and crime control. Structure of government: The current Russian government is made up of the prime minister, two first deputy prime ministers, seven deputy prime ministers and 17 ministers. In total there are 18 ministries. Most ministries and federal services report directly to the prime minister, who then reports to the president. A small number of bodies responsible for security and foreign policy are, however, directly under the president's authority.The President of the Russian Federation is the head of state, supreme commander-in-chief and holder of the highest office within the Russian Federation. the Constitution of Russia does not explicitly determine the President as the head of the executive branch. Peskov Dmitry is Press Attache for the President and Head of the Presidential Press and Information Office. Since May 13, 2012. The Press Secretary is responsible for collecting information about actions and events within the president's administration and around the world, and interacting with the media, generally in a daily press briefing
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