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Brokers and dealers earn commissions for their services.

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  4. Define the following terms with their similar meaning in Russian.
  5. Ex 2. The US school system is very different from that of Russia. Try to match the components of the US school system with their definitions.
  6. Ex. 1. Match the terms with their definitions
  7. Exercise 13. Answer the following questions. Put the adverbs of frequency in their proper place.
  8. Exercise 5. In the following text the paragraphs are mixed. Put them in the correct logical order. The first and the last paragraphs are in their right places.
  9. Exercise 8. In the following text the paragraphs are mixed. Put them in the correct logical order. The first and the last paragraphs are in their right places.

4. The short-term markets comprise securities with maturities greater than one year.

5. The long-term markets consist of securities having maturities of one year or less.

6. Stockholders are entered in register and get a stock certificate.

7. Stock allows the holder to share in the profits of a company.

8. Dividends are allocated according to how much stock one holds in the company.

9. Preferred stock offers to their holders claims to dividends at a fixed rate.

10. Common stockholders get their dividends before preferred stockholders have been paid their dividends.

11. A bond is a long-term debt instrument.

12. Securities are not liquid.

13. U.S. Government Securities are short-term debt instruments issuedby the U.S. government to finance its deficits.

14. A billis a document issued by a company.

15. Commercial paper is a short-term debt instrument issued by large banks and well-known corporations.

IV. Use the appropriate term or terms from the text to complete each of following statements:

1. _____ is a claim on the issuer’s future income or assets.

2. Securities are traded on the _____ _____.

3. Usually stock is obtained through _____ and _____.

4. _____ act as agents for the buyers and sellers.

5. _____own the securities they trade.

6. Customers pay brokers a _____ on every trade.

7. ____ ____ offers to their holders claimsto dividends at a fixed rate.

8. _____ ___ get their dividends after preferred stockholders have been paid their dividends.

9. Securities can be _____.

10. _____ _____ is a debt instrument issued by a company or a government.

11. _____ _____ can be exchanged for another investment in the company, usually in common stock under certain terms.

12. _____ _____ _____ are short-term debt instruments issuedby the U.S. government to finance its deficits.

13. ______ are long-term debt instruments issued by the U.S. Treasury.

14. _____ _____ are short-term debt instrument issued by large banks and well-known corporations.

15. At present securities investment and trading are among the most important activities in the_____ _____ _____.

V. Explain the following statements:


ü Stock allows the holder to share in the profits of a company.

ü Stocks and bonds can be convertible.

ü Securities are liquid.


VI. Find in the text, read, and translate sentences with the following words and phrases:

issuer’s future income or assets; a stock certificate; to share in the profits of a company; claimsto dividends at a fixed rate; market price; the original investment plus interest; a document promising to pay someone a certain amount of money; debt instruments issuedby the U.S. government to finance its deficits; debt instruments issued by the U.S. Treasury.

VII. Translate into English:

1. Цінними паперами торгують на фондових біржах.

2. Цінні папери можна легко обміняти на готівку.

3. Брокери та дилери отримують комісійні за свої послуги.

4. Емісія цінних паперів є одним зі шляхів збільшення коштів.

5. Привілейовані акції пропонують їх власникам вимоги щодо дивідендів за фіксованю ставкою.

6. Короткострокові ринки, які випускають цінні папери зі строком виплати один рік або менше, називаються грошовими ринками.

7. Довгострокові ринки, які випускають цінні папери зі строком виплати більше року, називаються ринками капіталу.

8. Короткострокові інструменти призначені для фінансування дефіциту федерального уряду.

9. Казначейські сертифікати є найбільш ліквідними з усіх інструментів грошового ринку.

10. Великі корпорації випускають короткострокові боргові інструменти, що називаються комерційними векселями.

11. Конвертовані акції та облігації можна за певних умов обміняти на звичайні акції.

12. Банківські акцепти використовувалися упродовж сотень років.

13. Сертифікат акцій – це докуменет, який містить інформацію про кількість акцій, які належать акціонеру.

14. Інвестиції у цінні папери та торгівля ними – це один з найважливіших видів діяльності у фінансовій сфері.


VIII. Define the following terms:


ð money market;

ð capital market;

ð an issuer;

ð a broker;

ð a dealer;

ð a stock certificate;

ð common stock;

ð preferred stock;

ð dividends;

ð a bond;

ð convertible securities;

ð a bill;

ð a maturity;

ð a commercial paper;

ð a derivative security;

ð an option;

ð a future contract.



IX. Make up your own sentences using the following words and word expressions:


to buy or sell stocks; a stockholder; a bond; under certain terms;; a maturity; a bill; a short term debt instrument; to finance the deficits;

brokers and dealers; a holder; common stock; preferred stock; to earn commission; to enter in register; a stock certificate; securities industry; buyers and sellers; to offer financial advice; liquid.



Ø Types of security markets.

Ø Common stock and preferred stock.

Ø U.S. securities.

Ø Securities issued in UK.

Ø Securities issued in Ukraine.


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