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Self-training assignments

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  9. Assignments
  10. Ex 5. Answer the questions and do the assignments.

Learning objective

1.1. Substantiate the hygienic significance of microclimate for different premises (residential, public/social, industrial) and master the measurement and hygienic assessment of its following parameters: air temperature, radiant temperature, relative humidity, air velocity.




2.1. You should know:

2.1.1. Definition of «microclimate» and factors, which influence its formation.

2.1.2. Physiological basics of human heat exchange and thermoregulation, their dependence on the microclimate: physiological reactions in the comfortable or uncomfortable (hot or cold) microclimate.

2.2. You should have the following skills:

2.2.1. To measure the indoor air temperature, radiant temperature, air humidity and to assess the temperature and humidity conditions of different premises (residential, public/social, industrial).


Self-training questions

3.1. Definition of “microclimate” and factors that influence its formation.

3.2. Physiological mechanisms of heat exchange and thermoregulation as factors in the warm-blooded organism thermal status: heat production and loss. The heat loss ways: through respiration and skin, with discharges.

3.3. Chemical mechanisms of heat production (Krebs cycle and others) and physical mechanisms of heat loss: radiation, conduction (convection and conduction), evaporation. The quantity of heat (in percentage) lost by organism by each of these ways in comfortable conditions.

3.4. Laws explaining physical mechanisms of heat loss (Stephan-Boizmann distribution law, the basic law of thermodynamics, the latent heat of evaporation).

3.5. Physiological changes in thermoregulation mechanisms in hot and cold microclimate.

3.6. The air humidity indices: absolute, maximum and relative humidity, physiological humidity, humidity deficit, physiological humidity deficit, dew point and their hygienic significance.

3.7. Devices for measuring the air temperature, radiant temperature, air humidity indices and their operation.



Self-training assignments


4.1. The average air temperature in the hospital ward is 18.5оС, at 1.5 meter height - 22 оС and at 0.2 meter height - 16оС, near the inner wall it’s 21оС, near the outer wall - 15оС. Daily temperature variation according to the thermograph is from 23оС to 18оС. Assess the thermal conditions in this ward hygienically.

4.2. What is the normal range of the air relative humidity for residential premises?

Choose the correct answer:

1. 20-40%;

2. 20-50%;

3. 30-60%;

4. 35-70%;

5. 40-80%;

4.3. The Assmann psychrometer’s dry thermometer shows 22оС, wet thermometer - 14оС. The atmospheric pressure is 745 Hg mm. Calculate the absolute, maximum and relative air humidity, humidity deficit, physiological humidity deficit, find the dew point.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 23 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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