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Ellison canvasses forcing Papuan boats back to Indonesia

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AM - Saturday, 8 April, 2006 08:05:01

Reporter: Peter Mares


ELIZABETH JACKSON: The Federal Minister for Customs and Justice, Senator Chris Ellison, has canvassed the possibility of forcing boats carrying Papuan asylum seekers back to Indonesia.

After the Tampa affair in 2001, the navy forced several boats carrying Middle Eastern asylum seekers back to Indonesian waters.

Senator Ellison told ABC Radio National that Government's policy hasn't changed.

Peter Mares asked him if boats carrying West Papuans would be forced back to Indonesia.

CHRIS ELLISON: Well it will depend on the circumstances in which we intercept these people, but certainly they will be dealt with as we would deal with any other attempts at illegal entrance into Australia.

And of course we've put in place measures for dealing with people who try to enter our country illegally. And you've seen what we've done in the past and our policy has not changed.

PETER MARES: You've said that Papuan asylum seekers are no different to any other boat people, but that's not the case is it.

I mean, these are Indonesian nationals fleeing directly from Indonesia. They're not like Afghans or Iraqis who are coming through another country.

CHRIS ELLISON: Well of course when we dealt with the people smuggling issues before, we didn't know where those people came from at the time. Subsequently of course we verified that, but when we come upon a boatload of people who are trying to enter Australia illegally we don't have the benefit of knowing their background, what their case is or why they're there. All we are presented with is an attempt to enter Australia illegally.

Now, of course, we have measures for dealing with that, and of course our policy is also very well known and we will maintain that policy.

PETER MARES: You accept that forcing a refugee back to a place of persecution is a breach of international law?

CHRIS ELLISON: Look, I think that the international law that we're upholding is our sovereignty in that we're maintaining our borders.

As the Minister for Customs and Justice I have responsibility for border control, and that is to safeguard our borders against illegal fishing, illegal entrance, security risks and anything else which might pose a risk to this country including quarantine.

Now that is a right we have to maintain and that is our sovereignty as a nation and our sovereign waters.

PETER MARES: Australia is a signatory to the International Convention on Refugees. Do you accept that forcing a refugee back to a place of persecution breaches that convention and is a breach of international law?

CHRIS ELLISON: When we're faced with a boatload of people, they don't come with a sign saying, "These Are Refugees". When we're presented with that situation on the water, we don't know who they are; we don't know their background.

They might say they're refugees, they might say they're all sorts of things but I have to tell you that we're primarily charged with looking out for Australia's sovereignty and security. And that means that we intercept people who are trying to enter this country illegally and that could involve a number of measures which would be determined at the time by authorities who are engaging in the process of looking after our borders.

ELIZABETH JACKSON: The Minister for Justice and Customs Chris Ellison.
And you can hear the full interview with Senator Ellison on The National Interest with Peter Mares at midday on Sunday on ABC Radio National.




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