Most states define extortion as the gaining of property or money by almost any kind of force, or threat of 1) violence, 2) property damage, 3) harm to reputation, or 4) unfavorable government action. While usually viewed as a form of theft/larceny, extortion differs from robbery in that the threat in question does not pose an imminent physical danger to the victim.
- See more at: http://criminal.findlaw.com/criminal-charges/extortion.html#sthash.JpO9VO8n.dpuf
extortion {имя существительное}
to extort {глагол}
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Peshmerga (Kurdish: پێشمەرگە Pêşmerge, Kurdish pronunciation [pɛʃmærˈɡæ]; literally "those who confront death")[1] is the term used by Kurds to refer to armed Kurdish fighters.[2] The Peshmerga forces of Kurdistanhave existed since the advent of the Kurdish independence movement in the early 1920s, following the collapse of the Ottoman and Qajar empires which had jointly ruled over the area.
Пешмерга, пешмарга (курд. Pêşmerge, курд. پێشمەرگە — «идущие на смерть», «глядящие в лицо смерти») — курдские военизированные формирования в Иракском Курдистане.
· ISIS The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL /ˈaɪsəl/), also translated as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS /ˈaɪsɪs/; ad-Dawlah al-Islāmīyah fīl-ʻIraq wa ash-Shām), also known by the Arabic acronym Daʿish [a] and self-proclaimed as the Islamic State (IS), is a Sunni, extremist, jihadist unrecognized state and self-proclaimed caliphate based in Iraqand Syria in the Middle East.
· Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham — исламистская террористическая организация Исламское государство Ирака и Леванта
Proxy The authority to represent someone else, especially in voting:
Genocide The deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnicgroup:
Power-sharing deal Разделение власти сделка
Non-intervention The principle or practice of not becoming involved in the affairs of other countries: thepartysupportedthepolicyof non-intervention Невмешательство
Reserve currency A strong currency widely used in international trade that a central bank is prepared to hold as part of its foreign exchange reserves. резервная валюта
GDP per capita GDP per capita is gross domestic product divided by midyear population. GDP is the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes and minus any subsidies not included in the value of the products. It is calculated without making deductions for depreciation of fabricated assets or for depletion and degradation of natural resources. Data are in current U.S. dollars. ВВП на душу населения
Liberalization Remove or loosen restrictions on (something, typically an economic or political system):
OECD Организа́ция экономи́ческого сотру́дничества и разви́тия (сокр. ОЭСР, англ. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD) — международная экономическая организация развитых стран, признающих принципы представительной демократии и свободной рыночной экономики.
Embargo 1An official ban on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country: An official ban on any activity:
Sunni One of the two main branches of Islam, commonly described as orthodox, and differing from Shiain its understanding of the Sunna and in its acceptance of the first three caliphs: [AS MODIFIER]: a SunniMuslim Сунни́ты (от араб. أهل السنة Ахль ас-Су́нна — люди сунны) — последователи наиболее многочисленного направления в исламе. Существуют также значительные различия в принципах юридических решений, в характере праздников, в отношении к иноверцам, в деталях молитв и др.
По численности сунниты составляют более 1 миллиарда 400 миллионов человек[1] — около 90 % всех исповедующих ислам[2].
Shia The Shia, or the Shiites, (Arabic: شيعة Shīʿah) represent the second largest denomination of Islam. Adherents of Shia Islam are called Shias or the Shi'a as a collective or Shi'i individually.[1] Shi'a is the short form of the historic phrase Shīʻatu ʻAlī (شيعة علي) meaning "followers", "faction" or "party" of Muhammad's son-in-law and cousin Ali, whom the Shia believe to be Muhammad's successor in the Caliphate.
1. Шии́ты — направление ислама, объединяющее различные общины, признавшие Али ибн Абу Талиба и его потомков единственно законными наследниками и духовными преемниками пророка Мухаммеда. Википедия
Credibility The quality of being trusted and believed in: The quality of being convincing or believable: credibility: варианты перевода
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