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Brains, one in the head, another far down the spinal column. We stay away from

Читайте также:
  1. A tumour of the brain and spinal cord, composed of neuroglia (glia глия, нейроглия, нервная ткань) cells and fibres.
  2. After you click OK, you can click Change time zone to select another time zone or use the Internet Time tab to synchronize the system to an Internet time server.
  3. Another cracking sound. Overhead, a gigantic tree branch broke from its heavy mooring, fell. It crashed upon the dead beast with finality.
  4. Another cracking sound. Overhead, a gigantic tree branch broke from its heavy mooring, fell. It crashed upon the dead beast with finality.
  5. Another Day In the Life of the Queen
  7. Below is a list of tasks carried out by solicitors and barristers. Classify them into the appropriate column.
  8. CHAPTER 26 Shannon-Yonker Loses Another Leader; Yale-Perez Abandons Rank And Wealth.
  9. Each noun and each verb in the boxes relates to one or more of the chores in the table below. Group them together by listing the words in the most relevant column.

those. That's stretching luck. Put your first two shots into the eyes, if you can,

blind them, and go back into the brain."



The Machine howled (Машина завыла). Time was a film run backward (время было

как пленка, прокрученная назад). Suns fled (солнца бежали, спасались бегством: to

flee – fled – fled) and ten million moons fled after them (и десять миллионов лун

бежали вслед за ними). "Think (подумайте)," said Eckels. "Every hunter that ever

lived would envy us today (любой охотник, который когда-либо жил, позавидовал бы

нам сегодня). This makes Africa seem like Illinois (это заставляет Африку выглядеть

как Иллинойс = после этого и Африка будет казаться обыкновенной)."

The Machine slowed (замедлила ход); its scream fell to a murmur (ее визг упал, стих

до жужжания = сменился жужжанием). The Machine stopped (Машина


The sun stopped in the sky (солнце остановилось на небе).

The fog that had enveloped the Machine blew away (туман, который окутал Машину,

рассеялся) and they were in an old time (и они были в старом времени = в

древности), a very old time indeed (в очень старом времени, на самом деле = в

действительно глубокой древности), three hunters and two Safari Heads (три

охотника и два руководителя) with their blue metal guns across their knees (со

своими синими металлическими ружьями «поперек колен» = на коленях).

"Christ isn't born yet (Христос еще не родился)," said Travis, "Moses has not gone to

the mountains to talk with God (Моисей еще не взошел в горы говорить с богом).

The Pyramids are still in the earth (пирамиды /т.е. камни, из которых они построены/


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еще в земле), waiting to be cut out and put up («ждущие быть вырезанными и

сложенными» = ожидают, чтобы их отесали и сложили). Remember that (помните

это). Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler (Александр /Македонский/, Цезарь,

Наполеон, Гитлер) – none of them exists (никто из них /еще/ не существует)." The

men nodded (мужчины кивнули).



The Machine howled. Time was a film run backward. Suns fled and ten million

moons fled after them. "Think," said Eckels. "Every hunter that ever lived would

envy us today. This makes Africa seem like Illinois."

The Machine slowed; its scream fell to a murmur. The Machine stopped.

The sun stopped in the sky.

The fog that had enveloped the Machine blew away and they were in an old time,

A very old time indeed, three hunters and two Safari Heads with their blue metal

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 100 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

YOU SHOOT IT. | Stiff penalty of another ten thousand dollars, plus possible government action, on | Of a hand might do it, the merest touch of a hand. | Swamp, among giant ferns and palms. | Stamp of your foot, you annihilate first one, then a dozen, then a thousand, a | Delaware, there might never be a United States at all. So be careful. Stay on the | Machine, this Path, your clothing and bodies, were sterilized, as you know, before | That drowns in a tar pit, I note the exact hour, minute, and second. I shoot a paint | A sound of thunder. | Argument. He had weighed the evidence and this was his considered opinion. The |

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