M. Hello, Pharmex.
C. Oh, erm, hello, I’m ringing in connection with er, your advertisement er in the paper.
M. Oh yes. hmmm.
C. Box 222.
M. Yes.
C. Erm, I would er rather, well, I’m I’m rather interested in applying for this job. I don’t know whether I have the correct qualifications but er...
M. Well, perhaps you could tell me what your qualifications are.
C. Well, er, I’m er, a young man. I’m I’m 25. I’ve just got married.
M. Oh, I see, yes erm.
C. And at the moment I’m studying er, chartered accountancy, er, er, er, I’m not yet chartered of course, but er...
M. How long do you er expect to take over that?
C. Well, I should take another year in fact. But er, I wondered in fact whether I’d be suitable for your job. You see, I I I have worked in a sales department before, I worked at a toy factory.
M. Oh yes.
C. But er, unfortunately, er, the way things go I I I was made redundant.
M. Oh I see, yes, erm.
C. But er, you know I I feel erm.
M. Can you tell me something, I er, something about your educational background? Are you er...?
C. Oh, well, A levels basically.
M. Hmmm.
C. Mostly sort of scientific subjects...
M. Yes.
C. But er...
M. Do you have English?
C. Er, yes, I do.
M. Oh you do, yes ah ha.
C. You see, I feel, I I I’d like to sort of get on er really, but er, you know I I need a bit more experience, before er I...
M. Yes, experience of what exactly?
C. Well er, I suppose you could put it down to er responsibility. You know, I need to feel my way around a bit before I can, I’d actually sort of er...
M. This would be a this would be a fairly responsible position from the outset in fact.
C. I see.
M. Hmm...
C. Erm.
M. What sort of er, what sort of a salary were you thinking of?
C. Well, could I ask what sort of salary you’re offering?
M. You could ask but I’m asking you.
C. Oh I see er, well, I I’d of thought something round about er oh, 4000.
M. Hmmm I see. You say you’ve just got married?
C. That’s right, yes, yes.
M. Yes, and does your wife work?
C. Er, she doesn’t at the moment, no. But, er, she she’s erm she’s thinking about it.
M. I see. Er, you do note that there is a considerable er travel element in this job.
C. Oh.
M. Would that, er...
C. Yes, I didn’t realise that erm, but of course...
M. Well.
C. It does say, it does include travel. Er would that be immediately?
M. Well, er, fairly immediately, yes.
C. Oh.
M. It’s difficult to predict, because it depends on the demands of the job.
C. Yes, yes, er, well I understand that. Erm, yes well...
M. Well, look, perhaps I could ask you to er to complete a written application and...
C. Well yes, certainly, if you could do that, if you could send me something er on paper that we, we could, we could talk further about, you know erm.
M. Well, I think, I think it’s for you to send it to me actually. This’d be fine.
C. Oh, yes.
M. You send a written application in and we shall then er be be drawing up our short list in the next week or two.
C. Right. I send it t... to this address, do I?
M. That’s right, yes.
C. The one that’s on the card here.
M. Box 222.
C. Right, thank you very much anyway.
M. Thank you, goodbye.
C. Goodbye.
(from Learning to Listen, by A.Maley, S.Moulding. Unit 7)
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