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Methodology, Tools, and Techniques

Читайте также:
  1. DDT (Demand Driven Techniques)
  2. Filling materials for temporary and permanent obturation of root canal. The techniques of temporary and permanent filling of root canal concerning the stage of tooth development.
  3. Filling techniques for class II, III and IV cavities in temporary and permanent teeth. Restoration of proximal contact and tooth crown anatomy.
  4. Hybrid techniques
  5. Read the text attentively to find out more about new techniques to achieve higher levels of security.
  7. Techniques of filling of carious cavities of the II-nd class in temporary and permanent teeth by stomatologic cements and an amalgam. Restoration of contact point.
  8. Trading Techniques Inc. предоставляет месячные, недельные, дневные и почасовые (60 минут) данные по всем фьючерсам с помощью сервиса загрузки данных.



Time: 4 days

Personnel: 3 people (Steve York, Mark Bobrovnikov and Kirill Khraponichev)


We will need a microprocessor along with a circuit board and a rotation sensor to record our data. At this point we shall need the help of Mr Steve York to assemble the circuit board. We then will write the code, again with the help of Mr York, to gather the data from the rotation sensor and write it all into EEPROM memory.

After that we shall need an electric insertion sampler, from which we can gather our data. Also we will need all the necessary materials needed to make the sampler run wet and then under pressure (50 bar).


Methodology, Tools, and Techniques

We have used a C (IDE) programming software to control and program the microprocessor and Excel to store and convert data into graphs.



2. Design overview


This graph shows the average time values for each degree for a 360 degree motor rotation under different conditions.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 86 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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