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Write down the rules:
1. If it ends in -sh, -ch, -ss, or -ese, use them with the. Don't add -s to these words.
The English are famous for drinking tea. The Dutch make wonderful cheeses. The Chinese invented paper.
2. If it ends in -an (+ Greek and Thai), use a plural noun ending in -s. If you are talking generally, no article is needed.
Argentinians invented the tango. Greeks are very extrovert.
NB With any nationality, you can also use adjective + people: French people.
3. You can use the + adjectives to talk about specific groups in society, e.g. the young, the blind, the homeless, the old, the sick.
The government needs to create more jobs for the unemployed.
Country | Adjective | The people | One person |
![]() | Spanish Japanese Chinese French American Russian Swedish /ˈswiːdɪʃ/ Swiss English British Thai /taɪ/ Greek Polish | the Spanish, Spaniards
the Japanese
the Chinese
the French
Swedes /swiːdz/
![]() | a Spaniard a Japanese a Chinese a Frenchman/woman an American a Russian a Swede a Swiss an Englishman/woman a British person a Thai a Greek a Pole |
New Words:
stage | ступень, этап | eventually /ɪˈventʃuəli/ | в конце концов |
adjustment /əˈdʒʌstmənt/ | приспособление, адаптация | deal (with smth) | разобраться, уладить (проблему) |
recover (from) | приходить в себя, выздоравливать | integrate | интегрировать, объединять, включать |
preoccupied /priˈɒkjupaɪd/ with cleanliness /ˈklenlinəs/ | ![]() | occasional /əˈkeɪʒənl/ | редкий, случайный, происходящий время от времени |
rob | ограбить | acceptance /əkˈseptəns/ | принятие, одобрение |
cheat | обманывать | fit in | приспособиться, вписаться, подстраиваться |
confused | смущенный, растерянный | identity /aɪˈdentəti/ | личность, самосознание |
expatriate /ˌeksˈpætriət/ | экспатриант; человек, покинувший родину | fascinating /ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ/ | вызывающий острый интерес;захватывающий |
frustrated /frʌˈstreɪtɪd/ frustration /frʌˈstreɪʃn/ | раздраженный, разочарованный, обозлённый из-за ощущения своего бессилия; досада, чувство безысходности, бессилия |
The Honeymoon (or Tourist) stage
Everything is exciting and new. You might think that the new culture is ideal, and you
might think that it is much better than your own. If you are sometimes frustrated or have problems, you quickly recover. Everything is quite positive, the people in the new culture are very nice. This stage can last for months, or maybe only a couple of days. It is called the tourist stage because tourists generally do not stay in a different place long enough to have culture shock.
In this stage, all the little problems and frustrations appear much bigger! You may be very preoccupied with cleanliness (you think everything is dirty and unhealthy); you may be worried that other people want to rob you or cheat you; you feel confused and lonely. During this stage, if you find someone from your own country who has lived in the new culture for a long time, you may become dependent on them. You may find other expatriates and complain together about the new culture, making stereotypes of the people from that culture. You miss your own country and culture a lot. If it is possible, you might try to go home.
The adjustment stage
If the shock was very hard, you will not get to this stage. If you do decide to stay, you eventually learn to deal with the differences. You may try to integrate the new culture with your own beliefs. You begin to learn the language and make more friends. You have the occasional crisis, but you develop a positive attitude towards it. Maybe you can even laugh about your difficulties! This period of adjustment can be slow, and it is always possible to go back into shock again.
You can now live with the new culture. Although it is difficult to fit in completely, you go through important personal changes and growth as you become integrated into the new culture. You develop a bicultural identity.
Re-entry shock
This is the shock of coming back home. You return from your time in another country and everybody is happy to see you again. The only problem is that you have changed a lot in ways that they haven’t. And they don’t understand that you have changed.
Nobody wants to relive those fascinating, cultural memories. You almost feel like a stranger in your own culture.
homework for the 30-th of April
1. Learn all new words and nationality adjectives
2. Translate: 1. Он все еще выздоравливает после операции. 2. Ты не должен смотреть в ответы – это обман! 3. На каждой работе есть свои трудности. Вместо того, чтобы испытывать досаду, уладь свои проблемы и постарайся не быть таким растерянным! 4. Джон был слишком озабочен своими собственными мыслями, чтобы заметить, что что-то не так. 5. В конце концов, я посмотрел захватывающий фильм о том, как шведы, покинувшие родину, пытаются приспособиться. 6. Вчера в новостях я прочитал о ворах, ограбивших банк. До тех пор их личности держались в тайне. 7. Он провел 5 лет в Польше, время от времени посещая своего тайского друга. 8. На этом этапе жизни люди склонны упорно работать.
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