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Unit 10

Materials   Abrasive ABS = acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene Acrylic Brass Carbon black Carbon fiber Cast iron Cloth/fabric Concrete Diamond Fossil fuel Glass fiber High carbon steel lignite Low carbon steel Mid carbon steel Ore Polyester Polyethylene Polypropylene Polystyrene Polyurethane PVC = polyvinyl chloride Rayon Stainless steel Steel Steel-reinforced concrete Tool steel Processing techniques Casting Glassblowing Sintering Thin-film deposition Welding Blast furnace Boiling point Carbon dioxide (CO2) Colourless Combustion = burning Conversion Corrosive Density Destructive Diamond film/coating Extraction Gem Melting point Molecular mass Irreversible Molecule Odorless Particle Pungent odor Shielding Tensile strength  

Unit 11


Equipment   Assembly-line Beaker Belt conveyor Boiler Centrifuge Chemistry lab glassware Crusher Dryer Engine Flask Fraction distillation column/rectifying column Funnel Furnace (gas) pipeline Graduated cylinder Heat exchanger Kiln Mill Mixer Petri dish Pipet/pipette Purifier Reactor Scales Screen Scrubber Separator/classifier Settling tank Tank/vessel/capacity Test tube     Accuracy Accurate Appropriate equipment Batch process Catalyst Conservation of energy Continuous process Dissolution Distillation Diversity Equilibrium Grinding Mixture Pressure Unit operation Up-to-date to measure to mix to rectify/distillate/purify to separate to store to transfer heat  

Unit 12

Bunsen burner Caution Hazard Hazardous Injury Lab accident Poison Poisonous To avoid To catch on fire To feel dizzy To feel sick To prevent (from) To mix wrong chemicals Warning signs biohazard corrosive environmental explosive harmful highly flammable oxidizing radioactive toxic   Safety equipment/clothes   (fire) extinguisher ear defenders face mask/gas mask fire blanket gloves goggles hard hat lab coat respiratory mask/respirator

Unit 13

Agriculture Annually Artificial Biota Consumption Depletion Devastating Disposal Evaporation Habitat Harvest Implication Precious metal   Rainforest Reasonable Recycle box Recycling container Renewable natural recourses Resource saving Species Valuable Wildlife To consume To cope with To expand To gobble up To take measures


Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 57 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

CHECKLIST | Scan the article and find answers for the questions. | Choose the words from the box and fill in the gaps. | Use the words given in capitals to form the words that fit in the spaces. | CHECKLIST | You are going to read the text about hazardous waste and its disposal. Think of the most suitable heading for each paragraph (1-3). | Use the words given in capitals to form the words that fit in the spaces. | CHECKLIST | READING | Photochemistry |

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