Active vocabulary list Unit 1
Unit 1.1
a) Traits of character/personal traits
1. adventurous
2. ambitious, ant. unambitious
3. assertive
4. bossy
5. cautious
6. creative
7. easy-going
8. energetic
9. even-tempered, ant. quick-tempered
10. generous, ant. stingy
11. hard-working
12. moody
13. open-minded ant. narrow-minded
14. organized ant. disorgenised
15. patient, ant. impatient
16. reliable, ant. unreliable
17. quiet
18. sensible, syn. reasonable
19. sensitive, ant. insensitive
20. serious, ant. light-minded
21. sociable, ant. unsociable
22. strong-willed
23. talkative
24. thoughtful, ant. inconsiderate
25. to look like≠ to be like
John is not like his dad at all, in fact, they are very different. But he looks exactly like his father when he was the same age.
26. to take smth/smb seriously
27. to be interested in smth
28. (to have) a (good) sense of humour
29. to be different from
30. to tell smth from (smb’s) appearance – определять что-либо по внешнему виду
31. to mean (meant, meant) smth by smth.
What do you mean by the word “assertive”
32. to interst smb
to have a great/enormous interest in smth/smb
He doesn’t interest me as a person, but I have a great interest in his ideas.
33. to influence smb/smth
(to have a great/strong/enormous) influence on smth/smb
Who influenced _ your choice of the career? Who had the strongest influence on your personality?
34. to tend to do smth – быть склонным, тяготеть
Introverts tend to find meaning inside themselves.
35. surrounding (world, people)=world/people around you
36. to form (close [klous]) relationships (easily) – (легко) сходиться/устанавливать (тесные) взаимоотношения
Adventurous Дерзкий, отчаянный, бесстрашный, смелый | Brave and willing to take risks: brave, heroic, fearless, undaunted, nerveless | He’s much more adventurous than his younger brother. |
Ambitious Целеустремленный, честолюбивый, | determined to be successful, rich, famous etc determined, dedicated | An ambitious mind wants success. Честолюбивый ум жаждет успеха. |
Assertive настойчивый, напористый | behaving in a confident way in which you are quick to express your opinions and feelings self-confident, self-assured, self-possessed. | You need to be more assertive to succeed in business. It is also important to understand the difference between expressing yourself in a self-confident manner (being assertive) and forcing your ideas on others and intimidating them (being aggressive). |
Bossy склонный к диктаторству, безапелляционный | who keeps telling other people what to do, in a way that annoys them domineering, autocratic, nagging | bossy woman — командирша Don’t be bossy! |
Cautious осторожный, осмотрительный; предусмотрительный | Careful to avoid problems or danger: careful | Companies seem cautious about investing (=are unwilling to invest) money in research and development |
Creative созидательный, творческий | involving a lot of imagination and new ideas: imaginative, groundbreaking, inventive | Painting is a creative process. |
Energetic активный, энергичный, сильный | lively, active, dynamic, high-spirited, | Her mother, now an energetic 73, was also present. |
Generous великодушный, щедрый | open-handed, selfless, good\ big \kind -hearted | Billy was very generous to people who had less than he did. |
Moody легко поддающийся переменам настроения унылый, угрюмый | likely to become unhappy or angry for no particular reason | Teens tend to be moody, but unlike depression, moodiness doesn’t last long. |
Organized Организованный, точный, педантичный | a person who arranges and plans activities carefully and effectively thorough, systematic, exact | She's not a very organized person and she always arrives late at meetings |
Quiet спокойный, тихий | who are not talking or who do not usually talk much: silent, shy | a quiet sensitive boy |
Reliable надёжный; верный | who you can trust to behave well, work hard, or do what you expect them to do: dependable, responsible | Alice can look after the children. She’s very reliable. |
Sensible благоразумный, здравомыслящий; здравый, практичный | practical, rational, logical, realistic, rightly, sound, mature. | I don’t see how any sensible person could agree with him. |
Sensitive впечатлительный,ранимый, обидчивый; щепетильный | likely to become angry or upset easily impressionable, vulnerable touchy, squeamish, thin-skinned, prudish | If I’d known she was so sensitive, I wouldn’t have teased her. |
sociable общительный, компанейский, дружелюбный | friendly and enjoys being with other people: friendly, warm, pleasant, amiable, good-natured, warm-hearted. | I’m not feeling very sociable today. |
Talkative разговорчивый; словоохотливый | chatty, gabby | |
Thoughtful заботливый, чуткий, внимательный | kind, and showing that you consider that what other people want or need is important | Caroline is such a thoughtful young woman. |
Easy-going добродушно-веселый, беззаботный, легкий | calm, and not getting easily upset about things, relaxed in manner or attitude; laid-back | I am easy-going person, I have an excellent sense of humor, I like to laugh rather than to be sad. |
Open-minded широких взглядов; отзывчивый, восприимчивый (к новым идеям, веяниям) | willing to consider new ideas receptive, broad-minded, adaptable, open | Drinking coffee makes you more open-minded. The coffee you drink as a pick-me-up in the morning could also make you more open to persuasion, researchers say. |
Even-tempered невозмутимый, спокойный, уравновешенный | not often angry or upset rational, sensible | Even-tempered dogs generally produce even-tempered pups. Don't accept a pup from parents that are aggressive. |
Hard-working прилежный, работящий, трудолюбивый, усердный | industrious, diligent | What the "hard working" crowd is missing is that every employee is hired to get a result, not to fill an empty space. |
Self-confident a) уверенный в себе б) самонадеянный, самоуверенный | feeling that you can do things well and that people respect you forceful, self-assured, self-possessed | He’s a lot more self-confident since he met Anna. |
Strong-willed решительный; твёрдый, волевой | determined to do something that you want to do, even if others do not want you to do it determined, persistent, dedicated | Strong-willed people tend to stand by their convictions, they never abandon their moral compass and "play along to get along" |
Unit 1.2
1. to carry out research (into smth)
syn. conduct/ make research
2. currently
3. to work on smth
4. to find out
5. to measure, measurement
6. to develop smth (a theory, an experiment) - разработать
7. personal traits
8. succeed in (doing) smth – удаваться
Не succeeded in carrying out a brilliant set of research. – Ему удалось выполнить блестящую серию экспериментов.
be successful/a (huge) success
The film was a huge/enormous success – Фильм имел огромный/ошеломительный успех
9. to achieve an aim
10. a reason for (doing) smth What’s the reason for his being so narrow-minded?
11. focus on smth
Unit 1.3
1. to be effective/very good at smth/doing smth - очень хорошо справляться с чем-то
2. relative[‘relətiv](ly) - относительный(относительно) Charisma is a relatively rare quality.
3. basically - главным образом
Syn. mainly, largely
4. to draw (drew, drawn) to - притягивать к He can draw people to himself easily
5. TV presenter - телеведущий
6. to relate to smb (audience) -находить общий язык с/устанавливать взаимопонимание с (аудиторией)
7. to be the centre of attention - быть в центре внимания
8. to be married to smb - быть женатым на/замужем за;
9. powerful – сильный, мощный, влиятельный
Beyonce was included in the Top-10 of the most powerful women in the world, created by Forbes magazine.
Unit 1.4
1. get on with smb She gets on well with both males and females.
2. vital - жизненно важный, первостепенной важности
It’s a question of vital importance
Syn. essential
Giving opinions, agreeing and disagreeing:
I don’t know… I think… Come on… Well, it’s true…
I don’t agree… Great idea
I suggest we/you + infinitive
How about/ What about + ing?
Why don’t we + infinitive?
Unit 1.5
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