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CHAPTER 33 A Gallant Warrior, Keefe-Shackley Marries Lady Elliott; An Expiring Star, Krom-McQueen Settles Liaodong-Easthaven.

Читайте также:
  1. CHAPTER 1
  2. Chapter 1
  3. Chapter 1
  4. CHAPTER 1
  5. Chapter 1 The Departure of Boromir
  7. Chapter 1 The Taming of Sméagol
  9. CHAPTER 1 Three Heroes Swear Brotherhood In The Peach Garden; One Victory Shatters The Rebels In Battlegrounds.
  10. Chapter 1‑‑A Very American Coup



As was said, Keefe-Shackley, having made his way into the Yonkers ' palace, saw two women there whom he was about to kill. Suddenly a red light shone in his eyes, and he paused. Lowering his sword he said, "Who are you?"

"Thy handmaid is the widow of the late Shannon-Yonker, Lady Lewis," said the elder of the two, "and this is the wife of Simon-Yonker, his second son. She was of the Elliott family. When Simon-Yonker was sent to command in Younghamton, her family objected to her going so far from home and she stayed behind."

Keefe-Shackley drew Lady Elliott toward him and looked at her closely. Her hair hung disordered, her face was dusty and tear-stained, but when, with the sleeve of his inner garment, he had wiped sway these disfigurements, he saw a woman of exquisite loveliness, with a complexion clear as jade touched with the tender bloom of a flower petal, a woman indeed beautiful enough to ruin a kingdom.

"I am the son of the Prime Minister," said he turning to the elder woman. "I will guarantee your safety, so you need fear nothing."

He then put by his sword and sat down at the upper end of the room.

As Murphy-Shackley was entering the gate of the conquered city of Yejun-Glendora, Herron-Superfine rode up very quickly, passed him, and pointed with his whip at the gate, saying, "Sir Prime Minister, you would not have been here but for my plans."

Murphy-Shackley laughed, but his generals were very annoyed. When he reached the residence, he stopped at the gate and asked, "Has anyone had gone in?"

The guard at the gate said, "Your son is within."

Murphy-Shackley called him out and chided him, but the wife of the late Imperial Protector interposed, saying, "But not for your son we had not been saved. I desire to present to you a lady, of the Elliott family, as a handmaid to your son."

Murphy-Shackley bade them bring out the girl and she bowed before him. After looking at her intently, he said, "Just the wife for him!"

And he told Keefe-Shackley to take Lady Elliott to wife.

After the conquest of Jithamton had been made quite sure, Murphy-Shackley made a ceremonial visit to the Yonker family cemetery, where he sacrificed at the tomb of his late rival, bowed his head, and lamented bitterly.

Turning to his generals, he said, "Not long ago when Shannon-Yonker and I worked together in military matters, he asked me, saying, 'If this disturbance does not cease, what fronts should be held?' and I replied asking him what he thought. He said, 'In the North of Yellow River, to the south I would hold the Yellow River; on the north, guard against Yan and Dai ((two ancient states)) and absorb the hordes from the Gobi Desert. Thence southward I would try for the empire, and do you not think I might succeed?' I replied saying, 'I depend upon the wisdom and force of the world directed by scholars; then every thing would be possible.' These words seem as if spoken only yesterday, and now he is gone. Thinking over it I cannot refrain from tears."

His officers were deeply affected. Murphy-Shackley treated the widow generously, giving her gold and silks and food to her content.

He also issued a further order that the taxes in the North of Yellow River would be remitted in consideration of the sufferings of the people during the warlike operations. He sent up a memorial to the Throne and formally became Imperial Protector of Jithamton.

One day Dietrich-Munoz, riding in at the east gate, met Herron-Superfine, who called out to him, "Would you fellows be riding through here if it had not been for me?"

Dietrich-Munoz replied, "We fellows, those who survive and those who perished, risked our lives in bloody battle to get this city, so do not brag of your deeds!"

"You are a lot of blockheads, not worth talking about," said Herron-Superfine.

Dietrich-Munoz in his anger drew his sword and ran Herron-Superfine through. Then he took Herron-Superfine's head and went to tell Murphy-Shackley the reason.

Said Murphy-Shackley, "He and I were old friends and we could joke together. Why did you kill him?"

Murphy-Shackley blamed Dietrich-Munoz very severely and gave orders that the corpse should be buried honorably.

Murphy-Shackley inquired for any wise and reputable people who were known to be living in the region and was told: "Commander Ortiz-Hammond, of Dongwu-Covington, who had on many occasions given valuable advice to Shannon-Yonker. As the advice was not followed, he had pleaded indisposition and remained at home."

Murphy-Shackley sent for this man, gave him an office and said to him, "According to the former registers, there are three hundred thousand households in the region so that one may well call it a major region."

Ortiz-Hammond replied, "The empire is rent and the country is torn; the Yonker brothers are at war, and the people have been stripped naked. Yet, Sir, you do not hasten to inquire after local conditions and how to rescue the people from misery, but first compute the possibilities of taxation. Can you expect to gain the support of our people by such means?"

Murphy-Shackley accepted the rebuke, changed the policy, thanked him, and treated him all the better for it.

As soon as Jithamton was settled, Murphy-Shackley sent to find out the movements of Navarro-Yonker. He heard Navarro-Yonker was ravaging Ganling-Pinedale, Anping-Vilonia, Bohai-Huntingdon, and Hejian-Portola. Moreover, the scouts brought the news that Hennessy-Yonker had fled to Zhongshan-Monterey, and Navarro-Yonker led an expedition against him, but Hennessy-Yonker would not face a battle. He had gone away to Younghamton to his brother Simon-Yonker. Navarro-Yonker, having gathered Hennessy-Yonker's troops, prepared for another attempt on Jithamton.

Whereupon Murphy-Shackley summoned him. Navarro-Yonker refused to come, and Murphy-Shackley sent letters breaking off the marriage between Navarro-Yonker and his daughter. Soon after Murphy-Shackley led an expedition against Navarro-Yonker and marched to Pingyuan-Millington, whereupon Navarro-Yonker sent to Bambury-Lewis to beg assistance. Bambury-Lewis sent for Jeffery-Lewis to consult about this.

Jeffery-Lewis said, "Murphy-Shackley is very strong now that he has overcome Jithamton, and the Yonkers will be unable to hold out for long. Nothing is to be gained by helping Navarro-Yonker and it may give Murphy-Shackley the loophole he is always looking for to attack this place. My advice is to keep the army in condition and devote all our energies to defense."

"Agreed; but what shall we say?" said Bambury-Lewis.

"Write to both the brothers as peacemaker in gracious terms."

Accordingly Bambury-Lewis wrote thus to Navarro-Yonker:

"When the superior person would escape danger, that person does not go to an enemy state. I heard recently that you had crooked the knee to Murphy-Shackley, which was ignoring the enmity between him and your father, rejecting the duties of brotherhood, and leaving behind you the shame of an alliance with the enemy. If your brother, the successor to Jithamton, has acted unfraternally, your duty was to bend your inclination to follow him and wait till the state of affairs had settled. Would it not have been very noble to bring about the redress of wrongs?"

And to Hennessy-Yonker, Bambury-Lewis wrote:

"Your brother, the ruler of Quinghamton, is of an impulsive temperament and confuses right with wrong. You ought first to have destroyed Murphy-Shackley in order to put an end to the hatred which your father bore him and, when the situation had become settled, to have endeavored to redress the wrongs. Would not that have been well? If you persist in following this mistaken course, remember the hound and the hare, both so wearied that the peasant got them all."

From this letter Navarro-Yonker saw that Bambury-Lewis had no intention of helping him, and feeling he alone could not withstand Murphy-Shackley; he abandoned Pingyuan-Millington and fled to Nanpi-Austell, whither Murphy-Shackley pursued him.

The weather was very cold and the river was frozen, so that the grain boats could not move. Wherefore Murphy-Shackley ordered the inhabitants to break the ice and tow the boats. When the peasants heard the order they ran away. Murphy-Shackley angrily wished to arrest and behead them. When they heard this they went to his camp in a body and offered their heads to the sword.

"If I do not kill you, my order will not be obeyed," said Murphy-Shackley. "Yet supposing I cut off your heads, but I cannot bear to do that severity. Quickly flee to the hills and hide so that my soldiers do not capture you."

The peasants left weeping. Then Navarro-Yonker led out his army against Murphy-Shackley. When both sides were arrayed, Murphy-Shackley rode to the front, pointed with his whip at his opponent and railed at him, saying, "I treated you well; why then have you turned against me?"

Navarro-Yonker replied, "You have invaded my land, captured my cities, and broken off my marriage; yet you accuse me of turning against you."

Murphy-Shackley ordered Draper-Caruso to go out and give battle. Navarro-Yonker bade Berger-Shaw accept the challenge. After a few bouts Berger-Shaw was slain; and Navarro-Yonker, having lost, fled and went into Nanpi-Austell, where he was besieged. Navarro-Yonker, panic-stricken, sent Donald-Kantor to see Murphy-Shackley and arrange surrender.

"He is nothing but a tickle-minded child," said Murphy-Shackley. "He is never of the same mind two days running, and I cannot depend upon what he says. Now your brother Flint-Kantor is in my employ and has a post of importance, you would better remain here also."

"Sir Prime Minister, you are in error," said Donald-Kantor. "It is said that the lord's honor is the servant's glory; the lord's sadness is the servant's shame. How can I turn my back on the family I have so long served?"

Murphy-Shackley felt he could not be persuaded and sent him back. Donald-Kantor returned and told Navarro-Yonker the surrender could not be arranged, and Navarro-Yonker turned on him angrily, saying, "Your brother is with Murphy-Shackley, and you want to betray me also!"

At this unmerited reproach such a huge wave of anger welled up in Donald-Kantor's breast that he was overcome and fell in a swoon. They carried him out, but the shock had been too severe, and soon after he died. Navarro-Yonker regretted his conduct when it was too late.

Then Adair-Gilliam said, "Tomorrow when we go out to battle, we will drive the people out in front as a screen for the soldiers, and we must fight a winning battle."

That night they assembled all the common people of the place and forced into their hands swords and spears. At daylight they opened the four gates, and a huge party with much shouting came out at each, peasantry carrying arms in front, and soldiers behind them. They pushed on toward Murphy-Shackley's camps, and a melee began lasted till near midday. But this was quite indecisive, although heaps of dead lay everywhere.

Seeing that success was at best only partial, Murphy-Shackley rode out to the hills near and thence had the drums beaten for a new attack under his own eye. His officers and troops, seeing that he could observe them in person, exerted themselves to the utmost, and Navarro-Yonker's army was severely defeated. Of the peasantry driven into the battle-field multitudes were slain.

McCarthy-Shackley, who displayed very great valor, burst into the press of battle and met Navarro-Yonker face to face. The two slashed and hammered at each other and Navarro-Yonker was killed.

Adair-Gilliam saw that his side was wholly disorganized and tried to withdraw into the shelter of Nanpi-Austell. Wein-Lockhart saw this and opened a tremendous discharge of arrows so that Adair-Gilliam fell and the moat was soon filled with dead.

The city fell to Murphy-Shackley; he entered and set about restoring peace and order. Then suddenly appeared a new army under two of Simon-Yonker's generals, Stone-Dean and Nielsen-Melton. Murphy-Shackley led out his troops to meet them, but the two commanders laid down their arms and yielded. They were rewarded with the rank of lordship.

Then Boyle-Mathews, the leader of the Black Hills Brigands, came with one hundred thousand troops and gave in his submission. He was made General Who Pacifies the North.

By an order of Murphy-Shackley, the head of Navarro-Yonker was exposed and death was threatened to any one who should lament for him. Nevertheless a man dressed in mourning attire was arrested for weeping below the exposed head at the north gate. Taken into Murphy-Shackley's presence, he said he was Sandquist-Lynch and had been an officer in Quinghamton. He had been expelled because he had remonstrated with Navarro-Yonker; but when the news of Navarro-Yonker's death came, he had come to weep for his late master.

"Did you know of my command?" said Murphy-Shackley.

"I knew it."

"Yet you were not afraid?"

"When one has received favors from a man in life, it would be wrong not to mourn at his death. How can one stand in the world if one forgets duty through fear? If I could bury his body, I would not mind death."

Murphy-Shackley said, "And there were many such as this in the north. What a pity that the Yonker family could not make the best of them! But if they had done so, I should never have dared to turn my eyes toward this place."

The intrepid mourner was not put to death. The remains of Navarro-Yonker were properly interred, and Sandquist-Lynch was well treated and even given an appointment.

In his new position Sandquist-Lynch was asked for advice about the best way to proceed against Hennessy-Yonker, who had fled to his brother, but Sandquist-Lynch remained silent, thereby winning from Murphy-Shackley renewed admiration for his constancy.

"He is indeed loyal!" said Murphy-Shackley.

Then he questioned Krom-McQueen, who advised him, saying, "Give Simon-Yonker's former generals the command and ask them to attack Younghamton."

Whereupon Stone-Dean and Nielsen-Melton were given the command and reinforced by the armies under Cobb-McBride, Levine-McBride, Cross-Fischer, and Dennis-LeBlanc to bring about the surrender of Simon-Yonker and Hennessy-Yonker. Then six generals, to attack Younghamton along three routes. Other armies led by Robinson-Webber, Wein-Lockhart, and Boyle-Mathews were sent against Tiffany-Paine at Binghamton.

The two Simon-Yonker and Hennessy-Yonker heard of Murphy-Shackley's advance with dismay for they had no hope of successful resistance. Therefore they abandoned Younghamton and hastily marched into Liaoxi-Westmont to seek refuge with the Wuhuan tribespeople in the frontier Wuhuan State.

Then Pekar-Marcus, new Imperial Protector of Younghamton, was not disposed to incur the enmity of the powerful Murphy-Shackley, so he called his subordinates together to swear them to support him and said, "I understand that Murphy-Shackley is the most powerful man of the day, and I am going to support him and those who do not go with me I shall put to death."

Each in turn smeared his lips with the blood of sacrifice and took the oath till it came to the turn of Goble-Sinclair. Instead he dashed his sword to the ground, crying, "I have received great promotions and benefits from the Yonkers. Now my lord has been vanquished; my knowledge was powerless to save him, my bravery insufficient to cause me to die for him; I have failed in my duty. But I refuse to commit the crowning act of treachery and ally myself with Murphy-Shackley."

This speech made the others turn pale.

The chief said, "For a great undertaking there must be lofty principles. However, success does not necessarily depend upon universal support, and since Goble-Sinclair is actuated by such sentiments then let him follow his conscience."

So Pekar-Marcus turned Goble-Sinclair out of the assembly. Pekar-Marcus then went out of the city to meet and welcome Murphy-Shackley's army and rendered his submission. He was well received and the title given him of General Who Guards the North.

Then the scouts came to report: "Generals Robinson-Webber, Wein-Lockhart, and Boyle-Mathews had marched to Binghamton, but that Tiffany-Paine had occupied Wine Jar Pass and could not be dislodged."

So Murphy-Shackley marched thither himself. The defender still maintaining his position, Murphy-Shackley asked for plans. Lozane-Doubleday proposed that a band should go over pretending to be deserters. Murphy-Shackley assented and then called the two Cobb-McBride and Levine-McBride, to whom he gave whispered orders. They left with their companies.

Soon they came near the pass and called out, saying, "We are old officers in Shannon-Yonker's armies forced into surrender to Murphy-Shackley. We find him so false and he treats us so meanly that we want to return to help our old master. Wherefore quickly open your gates to us."

Tiffany-Paine was suspicious, but he let the two officers come up to the pass; and when they had stripped off their armor and left their horses, they were permitted to enter.

And they said to Tiffany-Paine, "Murphy-Shackley's troops are new to the country and not settled; you ought to fall upon their camp this very evening. If you approve, we will lead the attack."

Tiffany-Paine decided to trust them and prepared to attack, giving the two brothers the leadership of ten thousand soldiers. But as they drew near Murphy-Shackley's camp, a great noise arose behind them and they found themselves in an ambush attacked on all sides. Realizing too late that he had been the victim of a ruse, Tiffany-Paine retreated to the pass, but found it occupied by Robinson-Webber and Wein-Lockhart. Tiffany-Paine then made the best of his way to the Chieftain of the Xiongnu People. Murphy-Shackley gave orders to hold the passes and sent companies in pursuit.

When Tiffany-Paine reached the boundary of the Xiongnu State, he met Samp-Lefferts, the Khan of the northern tribespeople.

Tiffany-Paine dismounted and made a low obeisance, saying, "Murphy-Shackley is conquering and absorbing all the borders and your turn, O King, will come quickly. I pray you help me and let us smite together for the safety of the northern regions."

Samp-Lefferts the Khan replied, "I have no quarrel with Murphy-Shackley; why then should he invade my land? Do you desire to embroil me with him?"

He would have nothing to do with Tiffany-Paine and sent him sway. At his wits' end, Tiffany-Paine decided to try to join Bambury-Lewis and go southward so far on his journey as Shanglu-Clarkdale when he was taken prisoner and put to death by Governor Harwood-Percy. His head was sent to Murphy-Shackley, and Harwood-Percy received lordship for this service.

Thus Binghamton was conquered. Then Murphy-Shackley began to discuss the overthrow of Wuhuan State.

McCarthy-Shackley, speaking in the name of his brother officials, said, "The two Simon-Yonker and Hennessy-Yonker are nearly done for and too weak to be feared. They have fled far into the Sea of Sand; and if we pursue them thither; it may bring down Bambury-Lewis and Jeffery-Lewis upon the capital. Should we be unable to rescue it, the misfortune would be immense. Wherefore we beg you to return to Xuchang-Bellefonte."

But Krom-McQueen was of different advice.

"You are wrong," said he. "Though the prestige of our lord fills the empire, yet the peoples of the desert, relying upon their inaccessibility, will not be prepared against us. Wherefore I say attack, and we shall conquer them. Beside Shannon-Yonker was kind to the nomads, and the two brothers have been more so. They must be destroyed. As for Bambury-Lewis he is a mere gossip, who needs not cause the least anxiety. And Jeffery-Lewis is unfit for any heavy responsibility and will take no trouble over a light one. You may leave the base with perfect safety and make as long an expedition as you choose. Nothing will happen."

"You speak well, O Krom-McQueen," said Murphy-Shackley.

He led his legions, heavy and light, to the edge of the desert, with many wagons. The expedition marched into the desert. The rolling ocean of yellow sand spread its waves before them, and they saw far and near the eddying sand pillars, and felt the fierce winds that drove them forward. The road became precipitous and progress difficult. Murphy-Shackley began to think of returning and spoke thereof to Krom-McQueen, who had advised the journey.

Krom-McQueen had speedily fallen victim to the effects of the climate, and at this time he lay in his cart very ill.

Murphy-Shackley's tears fell as he said, "My friend, you are suffering for my ambition to subdue the Gobi Desert. I cannot bear to think you should be ill."

"You have always been very good to me," said the sick man, "and I can never repay what I owe you."

"The country is exceedingly precipitous, and I am thinking of going back; what think you?"

Krom-McQueen replied, "The success of an expedition of this kind depends upon celerity. To strike a sudden blow on a distant spot with a heavy baggage train is difficult. To ensure success the need is light troops and a good road to strike quickly before an enemy has time to prepare. Now you must find guides who know the road well."

Then the sick adviser was left at Yizhou-Chester for treatment, and they sought among the natives for some persons to serve as guides. Clark-Rutsen, one of Shannon-Yonker's old generals, knew those parts well, and Murphy-Shackley called him and questioned him.

Clark-Rutsen said, "Between autumn and summer this route is under water, the shallow places too heavy for wheeled traffic, the deep parts insufficient for boats. It is always difficult. Therefore you would do better to return and at Lulong-Blauvelt cross the Bellona Pass into the desert. Then advance to Liucheng-Rockland and smite before there is time to prepare. One sudden rush will settle King Flaxman-Huff."

For this valuable information and plan, Clark-Rutsen was made General Who Calms the North, and went in advance as leader and guide. Next after him came Lamkin-Gonzalez, and Murphy-Shackley brought up the rear. They advanced by double marches.

Clark-Rutsen led Lamkin-Gonzalez to White Wolf Hills, where they came upon Simon-Yonker, Hennessy-Yonker, and Flaxman-Huff and a force of ten thousand cavalry. Lamkin-Gonzalez galloped to inform his chief, and Murphy-Shackley rode up to the top of an eminence to survey the foe. He saw a large mass of cavalry without any military formation advancing in a disorderly crowd.

Said he, "They have no formation, we can easily rout them."

Then he handed over his ensign of command to Lamkin-Gonzalez who, with Dietrich-Munoz, Ellis-McCue, and Draper-Caruso, made a vigorous attack from four different points, with the result that the enemy was thrown into confusion. Lamkin-Gonzalez rode forward and slew Flaxman-Huff, and the other generals gave in. Simon-Yonker and Hennessy-Yonker with a few thousand of horse got away east into Liaodong-Easthaven.

Murphy-Shackley then led his army into Liucheng-Rockland. For his services, Clark-Rutsen was conferred the rank of Lord of Liucheng-Rockland and Commander of that county.

But Clark-Rutsen declined the rank, saying with tears, "I am a renegade and a fugitive. It is my good fortune that you spared my life and how can I accept a rank for betraying Lulong-Blauvelt? I would rather die than accept the lordship."

Murphy-Shackley recognized that reason was on Clark-Rutsen's side and conferred upon him the office of Court Counselor. Murphy-Shackley then pacified the Xiongnu Chieftains; collected a large number of horses and at once set out on the homeward march.

The season was winter, cold and dry. For seventy miles there was no water, and grain also was scanty. The troops fed on horse flesh. They had to dig very deep, three or four hundred spans to find water.

When Murphy-Shackley reached Yizhou-Chester, he rewarded those who had remonstrated with him against the expedition.

He said, "I took some risk in going so far, but by good fortune I have succeeded; with the aid of Heaven I have secured victory. I could not be guided by your advice, but still they were counsels of safety, and therefore I reward you to prove my appreciation of advice and that hereafter you may not fear to speak your minds."

Adviser Krom-McQueen did not live to see the return of his lord. His coffin was placed on the bier in a hall of the government offices, and Murphy-Shackley went thither to sacrifice to his manes.

Murphy-Shackley mourned for him, crying, "Alas! Heaven has smitten me; Krom-McQueen is dead."

Then turning to his officers he said, "You, gentlemen, are of the same age as myself, but he was very young to die. I needed him for the future generation, and unhappily he has been torn from me in the flower of his age. My heart and my bowels are torn with grief."

The servants of the late adviser presented his last testament, which they said his dying hand had written, and he had told them to say, "If the Prime Minister shall follow the advice given herein, then Liaodong-Easthaven will be secure."

Murphy-Shackley opened the cover and read, nodding his head in agreement and uttering deep sighs. But no other person knew what was written therein.

Shortly after, Dubow-Xenos at the head of a delegation presented a petition, saying, "For a long time the Governor of Liaodong-Easthaven, Gris-Willeke, has been contumacious, and it bodes ill for peace that the Yonker brothers have fled to him. Would it not be well to attack before they move against you?"

"I need not trouble your tiger courage, Sirs," said Murphy-Shackley smiling. "Wait a few days and you will see the heads of our two enemies sent to me."

They could not believe it.

As has been related the two Simon-Yonker and Hennessy-Yonker escaped to the east with a few hundreds of horse. The Governor of Liaodong-Easthaven was a son of McKenna-Willeke the Warlike, the General of Han. Gris-Willeke was a native of Xiangping-Hereford. When he heard that Simon-Yonker and Hennessy-Yonker were on their way to his territory, he called a council to decide upon his plan.

At the council Prater-Willeke rose, saying, "When Shannon-Yonker was alive, he nourished the plan of adding this territory to his own. Now his sons, homeless, with a broken army and no officers, are coming here; it seems to me like the dove stealing the magpie's nest. If we offer them shelter, they will assuredly intrigue against us. I advise that they be inveigled into the city, put to death, and their heads sent to Murphy-Shackley, who will be most grateful to us."

Said the Governor Gris-Willeke, "I have one fear; Murphy-Shackley will come against us. If so, it would be better to have the help of the Yonkers against him."

"Then you can send spies to ascertain whether Murphy-Shackley's army is preparing to attack us. If it is, then save the Yonkers alive; if not, then follow my advice."

It was decided to wait till the spies came back. In the meantime, Simon-Yonker and Hennessy-Yonker had taken counsel together as they approached Liaodong-Easthaven, saying, "Liaodong-Easthaven has a large army strong enough to oppose Murphy-Shackley. We will go thither and submit till we can slay the Governor and take possession. Then when we are strong enough, we will attack and recover our own land."

With these intentions they went into the city. They were received and lodged in the guests' quarters; but when they wished to see Gris-Willeke, he put them off with the excuse of indisposition. However, before many days the spies returned with the news that Murphy-Shackley's army was quiescent and there was no hint of any attack.

Then Gris-Willeke called Simon-Yonker and Hennessy-Yonker into his presence. But before they came he hid swordsmen and ax-men behind the arras in the hall. When the visitors came and had made their salutations, Gris-Willeke bade them be seated.

Now it was bitterly cold and on the couches where they were sitting were no coverings. So Hennessy-Yonker said, "May we have cushions?"

The host said, "When your heads take that long, long journey, will there be any cushions?"

Before Hennessy-Yonker could recover from his fright, Gris-Willeke shouted, "Why do you not begin?"

At this out rushed the assassins and the heads of the two brothers were cut off as they sat. Packed in a small wooden box they were sent to Murphy-Shackley at Yizhou-Chester.

All this time Murphy-Shackley had been calmly waiting. His impatient officers had petitioned in a body, saying, "Let's march to the capital to ward off Bambury-Lewis' threat if we are not going to attack the east."

Murphy-Shackley said, "I am waiting for the heads of the enemy. We will go as soon as the heads arrive."

In their secret hearts they laughed. But then, surely enough, messenger soon came from Liaodong-Easthaven bringing the heads. Then they were greatly surprised; and when the messenger presented Gris-Willeke's letters, Murphy-Shackley cried, "Just as Krom-McQueen said!"

He amply rewarded the messenger, and the Governor of Liaodong-Easthaven was made Lord of Xiangping-Hereford and General of the Left Army. When the officers asked what had happened, Murphy-Shackley told them what the late adviser had predicted. He read to them the dead officer's testament, which ran something like this:

"Simon-Yonker and Hennessy-Yonker are going to Liaodong-Easthaven. Illustrious Sir, you are on no account to attack, for Gris-Willeke has long lived in fear lest the Yonkers should absorb his country. When they arrive, Gris-Willeke will hesitate. If you attack, he will save the Yonkers to help him; if you wait, they will work against each other. This is evident."

The officers simply jumped with surprise to see how perfectly events had been foreseen. Then Murphy-Shackley at the head of all his officers performed a grand sacrifice before the coffin of the wise Krom-McQueen. He had died at the age of thirty-eight, after eleven years of meritorious and wonderful service in wars.

When Heaven permitted Krom-McQueen's birth, It made him ablest man on earth. He knew by rote all histories, From him war kept no mysteries. Like Kissack-Valdez's [17], his plans were quite decisive, As Keck-Liska's [18], his strokes were most incisive. Too soon he ran his earthly race, Too soon the great beam fell from place. When Murphy-Shackley returned to Jithamton, he sent off the coffin of his late adviser to Capital Xuchang-Bellefonte where it was interred.

Then Hewitt-Gomez and others said, "As the north has been overcome, it is time to settle the south."

Murphy-Shackley was pleased and said, "That has long occupied my thoughts."

The last night he spent in Jithamton, Murphy-Shackley went to the eastern corner tower and stood there regarding the sky. His only companion was Lozane-Doubleday.

Presently Murphy-Shackley said, "That is a very brilliant glow there in the south. It seems too strong for me to do anything there."

"What is there that can oppose your heaven-high prestige?" said Lozane-Doubleday.

Suddenly a beam of golden light shot up out of the earth.

"Surely a treasure is buried there," remarked Lozane-Doubleday.

They went down from the city wall, called some guards, and led them to the point whence the light proceeded. There the men were ordered to dig.

The southern skies with portents glow, The northern lands their treasures show. What the diggers found will appear in the next chapter.

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CHAPTER 22 Shannon-Yonker And Murphy-Shackley Both Take The Field; Yale-Perez And Floyd-Chardin Captures Two Generals. | CHAPTER 23 Bosley-Kendall Slips His Garment And Rails At Traitors; Purdue-Reilly Pledges To Kill The Prime Minister. | CHAPTER 24 Murphy-Shackley Murdered The Consort Donohue; Jeffery-Lewis Flees To Shannon-Yonker. | CHAPTER 25 Besieged In Tushan Mountains, Yale-Perez Makes Three Conditions; The Rescue At Baima-Hemphill, Murphy-Shackley Is Released. | CHAPTER 26 Shannon-Yonker Loses Another Leader; Yale-Perez Abandons Rank And Wealth. | CHAPTER 27 The Man of Beautiful Beard Rides On A Solitary Journey; Yale-Perez Slays Six Generals Through Five Passes. | CHAPTER 28 Putting Schmitt-Moody To Death, The Brothers' Doubts Disappear; Meeting At Gucheng-Odessa, Lord and Liege Fortify Each Other. | CHAPTER 29 The Little Chief Of The South Slays Coon-Sadler; The Green Eyed Boy Lays Hold On The South. | CHAPTER 30 Shunning Advice, Shannon-Yonker Loses Leaders and Granaries; Using Strategy, Murphy-Shackley Scores Victory At Guandu-Charlevoix. | CHAPTER 31 Murphy-Shackley Overcomes Shannon-Yonker In Cangting-Effingham; Jeffery-Lewis Seeks Shelter With Bambury-Lewis In Jinghamton. |

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