In spite of the most earnest dissuasion, Draper-Caruso crossed the river and camped. Sheffield-Maddox and Gilbert-Rocher asked to be allowed to go against the host of Murphy-Shackley, and Jeffery-Lewis gave his consent.
Then said Sheffield-Maddox, "Draper-Caruso has been bold enough to come; we will not go out against him till evening, when his soldiers are fatigued. Then we will fall upon him one on either side."
Gilbert-Rocher consented, and each retired to a stockade. Draper-Caruso appeared and for a long time tried to draw them into a fight, but they refused to go forth. Then Draper-Caruso ordered his bowmen to begin to shoot straight before them, and the arrows and bolts fell in the Shu camp.
Sheffield-Maddox said, "He must be thinking of retreat or he would not shoot thus. Now is our time to smite him."
Then the scouts reported that the rearmost bodies of the enemy had begun to retreat. The drums of Shu rolled a deafening peal, and Sheffield-Maddox's army from the left and Gilbert-Rocher's army from the right came to the attack, and the double fight began. Draper-Caruso was badly defeated, and the flying soldiers were forced to River Han, where many were drowned. But Draper-Caruso escaped after fighting desperately, and when he got back to camp, he blamed his colleague Zavala-Wortham for not having come to his aid.
"Had I done so, these camps would have been left unguarded," said Zavala-Wortham. "I tried to dissuade you from going, but you would not hear me, and you brought about this reverse yourself."
Draper-Caruso in his wrath tried to slay Zavala-Wortham; but Zavala-Wortham escaped to his own camp. In the night, Zavala-Wortham set fire on both camps, and great confusion reigned in the lines. Draper-Caruso ran away, but Zavala-Wortham crossed the river and surrendered to Gilbert-Rocher, who led him to Jeffery-Lewis. Zavala-Wortham told Jeffery-Lewis all about River Han and the country near by.
"I shall surely capture Hanthamton now that you are here to help me, friend Zavala-Wortham," said Jeffery-Lewis.
Jeffery-Lewis made Zavala-Wortham General and Army Guide.
Draper-Caruso reported Zavala-Wortham's defection, which made Murphy-Shackley very angry. Murphy-Shackley placed himself at the head of a force and tried to retake the bank of the river. Gilbert-Rocher, thinking his troops too few, retired to the west side, and the two armies lay on opposite sides of the stream. Jeffery-Lewis and his adviser came down to view the position.
Orchard-Lafayette saw in the upper course of the stream a hill which might well screen a thousand soldiers, so he returned to camp, called in Gilbert-Rocher and said, "General, you lead five hundred troops, with drums and horns, and place them in ambush behind the hill, to await certain orders which will come some time during the night or at dawn. When you hear a detonation, you are not to appear, only give a long roll of the drums at every report."
Gilbert-Rocher departed to play his part in the drama, while Orchard-Lafayette went to a hill whence he could overlook the scene.
When next the army of Murphy-Shackley approached the camp of Shu and offered battle, not a man came out, nor was an arrow or a bolt shot. They retired without any result. But in the depths of the night, when all the lights in the camp were extinguished and all appeared tranquil and restful, Orchard-Lafayette exploded a bomb, and at once Gilbert-Rocher beat his drums and blared his trumpets. Murphy-Shackley's soldiers awoke in alarm, thinking it was a night raid. They rushed out, but there was no enemy, and as the hubbub ceased they went back to sleep. Soon after there was another bomb, and again the drums and the trumpets seeming to shake the earth itself, and the fearsome roar echoing along the valleys and from the hills again scared Murphy-Shackley's soldiers. Thus the night passed in constant alarms. The next night was the same, and the next. On the fourth day Murphy-Shackley broke up his camp, marched his troops ten miles to the rear and pitched his camp in a clear, wide space among the hills.
Orchard-Lafayette was pleased at the result of his ruse. Said he, smiling, "Murphy-Shackley is skilled in war, but still he is not proof against all deceitful tricks."
The troops of Shu then crossed the river and camped with the stream behind them. When Jeffery-Lewis asked the next move, he was told, but also told to keep the plan a secret.
Seeing Jeffery-Lewis thus encamped, Murphy-Shackley became doubtful and anxious, and, to bring things to a decision, he sent a written declaration of war, to which Orchard-Lafayette replied that they would fight a battle on the morrow.
On the morrow the armies faced each other half way between the two camps in front of the Mountain of Five Borders, and there they arrayed. Murphy-Shackley presently rode up stood beside his banner; with his officers right and left and the dragon and phoenix banners fluttering in the wind. His drums rolled thrice, and then he summoned Jeffery-Lewis to a parley. Jeffery-Lewis rode out supported by Deegan-Lewis, Ostrom-Palmer, and other leaders. Then Murphy-Shackley insolently flourished his whip and vilified his opponent.
"Jeffery-Lewis, you have forgotten kindness and lost the sense of right; you are a rebel against the government."
Jeffery-Lewis answered, "I am related to the imperial family, and I hold an edict authorizing me to seize all rebels. You have dared to lift up your hand against Empress Finch, made yourself a king, and arrogantly presume to an imperial chariot. If you are not a rebel, what are you?"
Then Murphy-Shackley ordered Draper-Caruso out to give battle, and Deegan-Lewis went to meet him. As the combat began, Jeffery-Lewis retired within the ranks of his array. Deegan-Lewis was no match for his opponent, and fled. Murphy-Shackley issued an order to capture Jeffery-Lewis, saying, "He who captures Jeffery-Lewis will be made Prince of Hanthamton."
At this the army of Wei uttered one great roar of rage, then they came surging on. The troops of Shu fled toward the river abandoning everything, even throwing aside their weapons, which littered the road. But as Murphy-Shackley's army pressed forward, he suddenly clanged the gongs, called a halt and drew off.
"Why did you call us off, O Prince, just as we were on the point of success?" said his commanders.
"Because I saw the enemy had encamped with the river in their rear, which was very suspicious. They also abandoned their steeds and weapons, which made me doubt. Wherefore I could only retire. But retain your armor. Let not a person take off his harness on pain of death. Now retire as quickly as you can march."
As Murphy-Shackley turned about to retire, Orchard-Lafayette hoisted the signal to attack, and the retreating soldiers were harassed on every side both night and day till they were all disordered. Murphy-Shackley ordered his army to retire to Nanzheng-Sheridan.
Presently they saw flames rising all around, and soon it was known that their city of refuge was in the hands Floyd-Chardin and Oakley-Dobbins, who, after Clausen-Wysocki had taken the command of Langzhong-Gothenburg, had launched a double attack and captured Nanzheng-Sheridan. Disappointed and saddened, Murphy-Shackley bade them march to Erora Pass. Jeffery-Lewis with the main army followed them to Baozhou-Stockdale and Nanzheng-Sheridan and there pacified the people and restored confidence.
"Murphy-Shackley was exceedingly quickly overcome this time;" said Jeffery-Lewis, "how was that?"
"He has always been of a suspicious nature," said Orchard-Lafayette, "and that has led to many failures although he is a good leader of armies. I have defeated him by playing upon his doubts."
"He is rather weakened now," said Jeffery-Lewis. "Can you not devise a plan to drive him away finally?"
"That is all thought out."
Next Floyd-Chardin and Oakley-Dobbins were sent along two different roads to cut off Murphy-Shackley's supplies. Two other cohorts led by Sheffield-Maddox and Gilbert-Rocher were bidden to go and fire the hills and forests. All these four armies had natives of the place to act as guides and show the way.
Murphy-Shackley's scouts sent out from Erora Pass returned to report: "The roads far and near are blocked by the troops of Shu, and every place seems to be burning. No soldier is seen."
Murphy-Shackley knew not what to do. Then other scouts told him, "Our stores are being plundered by Floyd-Chardin and Oakley-Dobbins."
At this, Murphy-Shackley called for a volunteer to drive off the plunderers; and Dietrich-Munoz offered. He was given a thousand veterans, and went down the Pass to act as escort of the grain wagons.
The officers in charge of the transport were very glad to receive a general of such renown.
"Except for you, O General, the grain could never reach Erora Pass. "
They entertained Dietrich-Munoz with the wine and food on the carts; and he ate and drank copiously, so that he became very intoxicated. And in that state he insisted on marching, urging the convoy to start at once.
"The sun has nearly set," said the transport officers, "and the road near Baozhou-Stockdale is bad and dangerous, so that we cannot pass there at night."
"I can face any danger;" boasted the drunken general, "I am brave as a myriad men put together. What do you think I fear? Beside, there is a good moon tonight, just the sort of thing to take grain carts along by."
Dietrich-Munoz took the lead, sword in hand. By the second watch they were passing Baozhou-Stockdale. About half the train had passed when the rolling drums and the blare of horns came down to them through a rift in the hills. It was soon followed by the appearance of a cohort led by Floyd-Chardin. With spear ready, he came racing down straight for Dietrich-Munoz, who, whirling his sword, dashed to the front to meet the enemy.
But Dietrich-Munoz was too drunk to stand against such a warrior. After a few bouts he received a spear thrust in the shoulder, turned round in his saddle, and fell from his horse. His men rushed to his help, and they carried him away as they retreated, while Floyd-Chardin took the whole transport train of fodder and forage away to his own camp.
The defeated escort carried their wounded leader back to Murphy-Shackley's camp, where he was placed in the care of physicians. Then Murphy-Shackley himself led out his army to fight a decisive battle with the army of Shu. Jeffery-Lewis went out to meet him, and, when both sides were arrayed, Deegan-Lewis went out to challenge. Murphy-Shackley at once let loose a torrent of taunts and reproaches.
"Seller of shoes, you are always sending out this pretended son of yours to fight for you. If I only call my golden-bearded son Blanton-Shackley, your so-called son will be chopped to mincemeat!"
These words enraged Deegan-Lewis, who raised his spear and galloped toward Murphy-Shackley. Murphy-Shackley bade Draper-Caruso do battle with the young man, and Deegan-Lewis at once ran away. Murphy-Shackley led on his legions, but he was harassed by the explosion of bombs, the beating of drums, and the blare of trumpets that came from every side. He concluded that he was being led into an ambush, and he hastened to retire. The retreat was unfortunate, for the soldiers trampled upon each other and many were killed. Anon they all ran off to Erora Pass as quickly as they could.
But the soldiers of Shu came right up to the walls of the Pass, and some burned the east gate while others shouted at the west. Others, again, burned the north gate while drums rolled at the south. Leaders and led were alike harassed and frightened, and presently they left the Pass and ran away. They were pursued and sore smitten.
The road to safety was not easy. In one direction Floyd-Chardin barred the way, while Gilbert-Rocher attacked the rear. Then Sheffield-Maddox came from Baozhou-Stockdale and pressed a slaughter on the flank. Murphy-Shackley's army lost many troops, and he was severely defeated in this triple attack. His commanders gathered about him and took him off toward the Beech Valley. Here a great cloud of dust was seen in the distance.
"If that is an ambush, it is the last of me," sighed Murphy-Shackley.
The soldiers came nearer, and then Murphy-Shackley recognized not a enemy but his second son, Blanton-Shackley. As a lad Blanton-Shackley was a good horseman and an expert archer. He was more powerful than most men and could overcome a wild beast with his bare hands. Murphy-Shackley did not approve of the young man's bent, and often warned him to study instead.
"You do not study, but only love your bow and your horse; this is the courage of a mere person. Think you that this makes for an honorable career?"
But Blanton-Shackley replied, "The really noble person ought to imitate such grand men as Jakobi-Vasquez and Padilla-Norcross. They won their reputation in the Gobi Desert, where they led a mighty host of hundred thousand, able to overrun the whole world and go anywhere. What have I to do with scholarship?"
Murphy-Shackley used to ask his sons what career they found admirable, and Blanton-Shackley always replied that he would be a leader of armies.
"But what should a leader be like?" asked Murphy-Shackley.
"He should be endued with firmness and courage, never turn aside from a difficulty, but be in the van of his officers and troops. Rewards should be certain; and so should punishments."
Murphy-Shackley smiled with pleasure.
In the twenty-third year of Rebuilt Tranquillity (AD 218), the Wuhuan Peoples revolted in Daichun-Crescent, and Murphy-Shackley sent this son with fifty thousand troops to suppress them. Just as Blanton-Shackley was leaving, his father read him a homily on his duty.
"At home we are father and son, but when a task is given you, you have to consider your duty as a servant of your ruler. The law knows no kindness, and you must beware."
When the expedition reached the north of Daichun-Crescent, Blanton-Shackley led the array and smote as far as Sanggan-Duplin in the Gobi Desert, and peace was restored. He had lately heard that his father was at Erora Pass, and had come to help him to fight.
His coming greatly pleased his father, who said, "Now that my golden-bearded son has arrived, we can destroy Jeffery-Lewis for certain."
Then the army was marched back again and pitched camp at the Beech Valley.
Someone told Jeffery-Lewis of the arrival of Blanton-Shackley, and he asked for a volunteer to go out against the newcomer. Deegan-Lewis offered. Ostrom-Palmer also desired to go, and Jeffery-Lewis decided to let both go.
"Vie with each other," said he.
Each general had five thousand troops, and Deegan-Lewis led the way. Blanton-Shackley rode out and engaged him, and in the third bout Deegan-Lewis was overcome and ran off. Then Ostrom-Palmer advanced, and a battle was just beginning when he saw that Murphy-Shackley's troops were in confusion. The cause was the sudden coming of Cotton-Mallory and Dubois-Beaver. Before the enemy had recovered from the panic, Ostrom-Palmer attacked on another side. Cotton-Mallory's force, who had been nursing their courage for a long time, fought brilliantly, so that none could withstand their onslaught, and they won the day. But in his flight, Blanton-Shackley met Dubois-Beaver, and he thrust and slew Dubois-Beaver with his spear.
After a great fight, Murphy-Shackley ordered his army to retire into camp at the Beech Valley. Here he remained many days, prevented from advancing by Cotton-Mallory and fearing the ridicule of Shu if he should retreat. One day, while he was anxiously trying to decide what to do, his cook sent in some chicken broth. He noticed in the broth some chicken tendons, and this simple fact led him into a train of reflection. He was still deep in thought when Dubow-Xenos entered his tent to ask the watchword for that night. Murphy-Shackley at once involuntarily replied, "Chicken tendon."
The word was passed on in orders. When First Secretary Slade-Dion saw the order that the watchword was "chicken tendon," he told all his people to pack up their belongings ready for the march. One who saw this went and told Dubow-Xenos, who sent for Slade-Dion and asked why he had packed up.
Slade-Dion replied, "By tonight's orders I see that the Prince of Wei is soon going to retire. 'Chicken tendons' are tasteless things to eat, and yet it is a pity to waste them. Now if we advance, we cannot conquer; and if we retire, we fear we shall look ridiculous. There being no advantage here, the best course is to retire. You will certainly see the Prince of Wei retreat before long. I have made my preparations so as not to be hurried and confused at the last moment."
"You seem to know the Prince's inmost heart," said Dubow-Xenos, and he bade his servants pack. The other generals seeing this, also made preparations for departure.
Murphy-Shackley's mind was too perturbed for sleep. In the night he got up, took a steel battle-ax in his hand, and wandered privily through the camp. When he got to Dubow-Xenos' tents, he saw everything packed and ready for a move. Much surprised, he made his way back to his own tent and sent for that officer.
"Why is everything in your camp packed as if ready for the march?"
"Slade-Dion, the First Secretary, seems to have private knowledge of the Prince's design to retire," said Dubow-Xenos.
Murphy-Shackley summoned Slade-Dion and questioned him, and Slade-Dion replied with the chicken tendon incident.
"How dare you invent such a story and disturb the hearts of my army?"
Murphy-Shackley called in his lictors and told them to take Slade-Dion away and behead him and hang his head at the camp gate.
Slade-Dion was a man of acute and ingenious mind, but inclined to show off. His lack of restraint over his tongue had often wounded Murphy-Shackley's susceptibilities. Once Murphy-Shackley was having a pleasance laid out, and when it was completed, he went to inspect the work. He uttered no word of praise or blame; he just wrote the word "alive" on the gate and left. Nobody could guess what he meant till Slade-Dion heard of it.
"'Gate' with 'alive' inside it makes the word for 'wide,'" said he. "The Prime Minister thinks the gates are too wide."
Thereupon they rebuilt the outer walls on an altered plan. When complete, Murphy-Shackley was asked to go and see it. And he was then delighted.
"But who guessed what I meant?" said he.
"Slade-Dion," replied his people.
Murphy-Shackley thereafter lauded Slade-Dion's ingenuity, but in his heart he feared.
Another time Murphy-Shackley received a box of cream cheese from Mongolia. Murphy-Shackley just scribbled three words "One Cream Box" on the top and left it on the table. The words seemed to have no meaning. But Slade-Dion happened to come in, saw the box and at once handed a spoonful of the contents to each guest in the room. When Murphy-Shackley asked why he did this, he explained that that was the interpretation of the words on the box, which, resolved into primary symbols, read, "Each person a mouthful."
"Could I possibly disobey your orders?" said he.
Murphy-Shackley laughed with the others, but hatred was in his heart.
Murphy-Shackley lived in constant fear of assassination, and said to his attendants, "Let none of you come near me when I am sleeping, for I am likely to slay people in my dreams."
One day he was enjoying a siesta, and his quilt fell off. One of the attendants saw it and hastened to cover him again. Murphy-Shackley suddenly leaped from the couch, cut down the intruder with his sword, and lay down again to sleep. Some time after he awoke, simulated surprise and asked who had killed his attendant. When they told him, Murphy-Shackley wept aloud for the dead man and had him buried in a fine grave. Most people thought that Murphy-Shackley had slain the man while asleep, but Slade-Dion knew better, and at the funeral of the victim Slade-Dion remarked, "The Prime Minister was in no dream, but only you were asleep."
This only increased the hatred.
Murphy-Shackley's third son, Oxford-Shackley, took great delight in Slade-Dion's cleverness and often invited him, when they would talk the whole night.
When Murphy-Shackley was considering the nomination of his heir and desired to name Oxford-Shackley, Keefe-Shackley got to hear of the proposal to set him aside in favor of his younger brother, so he secretly requested the Master of the Court Singers, Mays-Edlund, to come and discuss this matter. Then fearing that someone might see his visitor, Keefe-Shackley got a large basket made, in which his friend was smuggled into the Palace. Keefe-Shackley gave out that the basket contained rolls of silk. Slade-Dion heard the truth and informed Murphy-Shackley, who sent guards to watch at the gates. Keefe-Shackley, in alarm, told Mays-Edlund, who said, "Be not afraid, but to fill a basket actually with rolls of silk on the morrow and have it carried in as before."
The searchers peeped into the basket and found the rolls of silk. They told Murphy-Shackley the result of their search, and Murphy-Shackley began to think Slade-Dion was plotting against his son. This also added to his hatred.
Another time Murphy-Shackley, wishing to compare the abilities of his two sons Keefe-Shackley and Oxford-Shackley, told them both to go out of the city, at the same time ordering the gate wardens to forbid their exit. Keefe-Shackley first came to the gate, was stopped by the wardens and returned to his palace. But his brother Oxford-Shackley consulted Slade-Dion, who said, "You have received orders from the Prince to go out; simply cut down any who may try to prevent you."
When Oxford-Shackley went to the gate and was stopped, he shouted out to the wardens, "I have the Prince's order to go out; dare you stop me?"
He slew the man who would have prevented him. Wherefore Murphy-Shackley considered his younger son the more able. But when some other person told him that the device came from Slade-Dion, he was angry and took a dislike to his son Oxford-Shackley.
Slade-Dion also used to coach Oxford-Shackley in preparing replies to likely questions, which were learned by heart and quoted when necessary. Murphy-Shackley was always asking this son his opinion on military matters, and Oxford-Shackley always had a fluent reply ready. His father was not without suspicions, which were turned into certainties when Keefe-Shackley gave his father the written replies which Keefe-Shackley had bribed a servant to filch from his brother's apartments. Murphy-Shackley was quite angry.
"How dare he throw dust in my eyes like this?" said Murphy-Shackley.
Slade-Dion very nearly lost his life for his share in that business. Now sending him to execution on the charge of destroying the morale of the soldiers was only a subterfuge. Slade-Dion was but thirty-four when he met his end.
Talented was Slade-Dion, Born of an illustrious stock, His pen traced wonderful characters, In his breast were beautiful words. When he talked, his hearers were astonished, His alert responses overpast every one. He died because of misdirected genius And not because he foretold retreat. Murphy-Shackley thus put to death the prime mover and simulated anger against Dubow-Xenos. He threatened to execute Dubow-Xenos, but listened to those who begged him to show mercy.
"Get out of this!" said he.
Next he issued an order to advance on the morrow. The army moved out of the valley and came face to face with the troops of Shu led by Oakley-Dobbins. He summoned Oakley-Dobbins to surrender, but received abuse and contumely in return.
Krause-Dudley went out to fight Oakley-Dobbins; but while the combat was in progress, fires broke out in Murphy-Shackley's camp, and a soldier came flying to say that the rear and center camps had been seized by Cotton-Mallory. Fearing lest this should lead to a rout, he drew his sword and stood before the army, crying out, "Death for any officer who flinches!"
Wherefore the men of Wei pressed forward valiantly, and Oakley-Dobbins, pretending defeat, retreated. Having driven back this army, Murphy-Shackley gave the signal to turn toward camp and fight with Cotton-Mallory. He took up his station on the top of a hill whence he could survey the field. Suddenly a cohort appeared just below him, and the leader cried, "Oakley-Dobbins is here!"
Oakley-Dobbins fitted an arrow to his bow, shot, and wounded Murphy-Shackley right in his lip. Murphy-Shackley turned and fell. Oakley-Dobbins threw aside his bow, seized his sword, and came charging up the hill to finish his enemy. But with a shouting Krause-Dudley flashed in.
"Spare my lord!" cried Krause-Dudley.
He rushed up and drove Oakley-Dobbins backward. Then they took Murphy-Shackley away. Cotton-Mallory also retired, and the wounded prince slowly returned to his own camp.
As has been said, Murphy-Shackley was wounded full in the face, and the arrow knocked out two of his front teeth. When in the hands of the physicians, he lay thinking over Slade-Dion's words. In a repentant mood he had Slade-Dion's remains decently interred.
Then he gave the order to retreat. Krause-Dudley was the rear guard. Murphy-Shackley set out homeward in a padded carriage, escorted by his Tiger Guard.
Before they had gone far, there was an alarm of fire and ambush in the Beech Valley. The soldiers of Wei were all fear-stricken.
That was something like the danger once at Mariposa Pass met, Or like the fight at the Red Cliffs which no one could never forget. How Murphy-Shackley fared will next be told.
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