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Make verbs by means of the verb- forming suffix -en or prefix en-; translate them into Russian.

Читайте также:
  1. A) Read and translate the text.
  2. A). Form abstract nouns from these verbs
  3. A). Form abstract nouns from these verbs
  4. Adjectives and adverbs
  5. Adjectives and adverbs
  6. Adjectives and adverbs coinciding in form
  7. Adjectives and adverbs coinciding in form
  8. Adjectives or adverbs (1)
  9. Adverbs and adjectives with the same form.
  10. Adverbs may function either as adverbials or as modifiers.

wide, deep, broad, red, length, circle, rich, large, slave, cage, courage.


2.21 Give words of the same root (derivatives). If necessary consult a dictionary:

gentle, dark, to wonder, to inhabit, to respect, to believe, life, face, danger, disaster, to confront, house, circle, elegant, stiff, ice, malice, safe, to talk, dread, lo be embarrassed.


2.22 Analyse the morphological structure of the compound adjective "badly-kept". Give other compound words built on the same pattern. Here are the verbs you can use:

to illuminate, to light, to pave, to lay out, to build, to do, to make.

2.23 Consider the morphological structure of the words: "uninhabitably", "disrespectful". What sense do the prefixes "un-" and "dis-" add to the words? Give your own examples.

2.24 Look at this:

"...the baby brother I had never known looked out from the depths of his private life, like an animal waiting to be coaxed into the light.

The author resorts here to a stylistic device called simile.


— For Your Information —

Simile is based on the likeness of objects or ideas belonging to different classes.


Find in the text two more cases of this device. What is the effect of the simile in them?

Cover up the list below and remember these idiomsbased on the simile. Test each other.


He eats drives smokes drinks swears sleeps like a fish log trooper chimney lunatic pig


2.25 Look at this sentence:

"She is dying to see you."

Here the author resorts to a stylistic device called hyperbole.


— For Your Information —

Hyperbole is an exaggerated statement made for effect and not intended to be taken literally.

Write out from the text two more cases of hyperbole and say what effect it produces there.


2.26 Express the same idea in other words substituting for the italicized words and expressions:

1. He hadn't ever turned hard or disrespectful.

2. He was smiling all over his face.

3. How have you been keeping?

4. I was remembering and it made it hard to catch my breath.

5. She is dying to see you.

6. They found themselves encircled by disaster.

7. A few days after it was up it seemed uninhabitably new.

8. The difference in our age lay between us like a chasm.

9. So we drove along, between the green of the park, and the stony lifeless elegance of hotels and apartment buildings, toward the vivid killing streets of our childhood.

10. As I covertly studied Sonny's face it came to me that what we were both seeking through our separate cab windows was that part of ourselves which had been left behind.

11. We hit 110th Street and started rolling up Lennox Avenue.

12.She got Sonny past his first, faint stiffness.

Grammar Points

2.27 Review the following structures:


To make somebody do something To have somebody do something Can't help doing something

Find the sentences in which they are used in the text. Make up three sentences of your own with each structure. Read your sentences to each other in class.


Thinking the Unthinkable


When we want to talk about things that did not happen in the past, imagining what would have happened if things had been different, we use the past conditional in the principal clause (would have passed) and subjunctive II past (homonymous to past perfect) in the subordinate clause (had worked).


Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 90 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Read these questions before you hear the recording. Then listen to the recording once and answer the questions. | Read the text | Activity | Activity | Activity | Situation A Situation B | Summary of Part One Question Types | Adjectives | Adjectives | Adjectives |

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