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  1. Adjectives
  2. Adjectives
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  8. Adjectives
  9. Adjectives

unexpected customary


throw a party (= have a party)

Most people throw a party on their 21st birthday.

let one’s hair down (= enjoy oneself)

People can really let their hair down on their birthday.

push the boat out / paint the town red (= have a big celebration)

On their 21st birthday most people really push the boar out / paint the town red.

Topic 38: Seasons

· Tell me about the seasons in your country.

· What is your favorite season?

· Do the seasons affect people’s behavior?

· Do you wear different clothes in different seasons?


time of year climate average temperature variability


vary fluctuate differ


seasonal unpredictable erratic constant


in blossom (= many flowers opening)

When you see the cherry trees in blossom you know spring is on its way.

down south (= in the southern part of a country)

Down south the winters are much milder.

up north (= in the northern part of a country)

Up north the winters can be quite harsh.

Topic 39: Birds

· Are there many birds where you live?

· How do people in China feel about birds?

· Do birds have any special meaning in your culture?

· Should we protect birds?


poultry domestic fowl (= farm birds) species

habitat migratory bird resident bird pest


symbolize offer protection provide food for


rare endangered widespread commonplace

mythical fairy-tale symbolic


on the wing (= flying)

In my city you can often see pigeons on the wing.

dart in and out (= move quickly between two things, e.g. trees)

Almost every day I catch a glimpse of a woodpecker darting in and out of the pine trees near my house.

in one’s own backyard (= near where one lives)

You never really see rare birds like owls in your own backyard.

ten a penny / dime a dozen (= very common)

Sparrows are ten a penny in my city - you can see them everywhere.

Topic 40: Photography

· Do you like taking photographs of new places?

· Is photography popular in your country?

· What kinds of photographs do you like looking at?

· Would you prefer to buy a postcard or take a photograph of a new place?


snapshot likeness landscape shot studio print


get (photos) developed pose for the camera


photogenic camera-friendly picturesque photographable


do justice to... (= represent or illustrate... accurately)

Photographs don't do justice to the beauty of natural places.

touch...up (= repair... on the surface)

The good thing about digital photos is that you can much them up afterwards.

strike a pose (= position oneself in a certain way)

I never strike a pose in from of the camera - I'm not really photogenic.

zoom in on (= use a zoom lens to get a closer view on a camera)

My camera has a zoom lens so I can really zoom in on things and get fine detail in my shots

Topic 41: Flowers

· Do you like flowers?

· On what occasions do people give flowers in your culture?

· Do any flowers have a special meaning in your culture?


flora petal lotus flower a bunch of (roses etc.)

florist hay fever a bouquet of flowers

artificial flower (= silk flower)


cultivate sneeze

Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 95 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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