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By Julia Bukina

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  1. At last the crowd was got rid of and Julia, having undressed, began to take off her make-up. Michael came in, wearing a dressing-gown.
  2. But Julia had always felt that Racine had made a great mistake in not bringing on his heroine till the third act.
  3. Evie had had the telephoning done from the stage-door, and when she came back Julia asked her if there were many people waiting for her there.
  4. Julia crowed with delight.
  5. Julia did.
  6. Julia gave her arm an affectionate squeeze.
  7. Julia gave him an affectionate smile.
  8. Julia giggled, and Jimmie felt the worst of the scene was over.
  9. Julia had been on the stage for three years and had learnt a good deal. Besides, Jane Taitbout, no strict moralist, had given her a lot of useful information.

It is twelve years now since Ukraine became an independent country. It is obvious that a majority of Ukrainian pupils will study in our country. Of course, representatives of the rich stratum can afford to pay for their children's education abroad. The situation changed with the transition to a market economy. Nowadays, commercial institutions are founded in every city of our country. Entrants to such institutions know that either entering to such Institutions or the process of studying there will not be difficult. Therefore, oftentimes it happens that pupils with the lowest school marks enter prestigious institutions and get the diplomas of specialists.

I have been working as a teacher in a commercial institution for almost nine years. Honestly speaking, I would say that none of the students has been dismissed for poor progress in learning. Those who were dismissed have delayed payments for their studies.

When I ponder over my student years I remember that we highly respected our teacher, worried before passing every exam. Now students of Ukrainian commercial institutes and universities can pass their exams many times until the teacher finally yields to give the person a good mark. Oftentimes, students do not attend lectures and seminars for months and feel free to be rude to the teachers. There is one argument they learned better than any subject. «I pay money for my studies", - says a student of such university and everything becomes clear. I would never like to deal with graduates of such institutes in the future. I would never like to consult with such lawyers, live in the house built by such construction worker and (God forbid) undergo medical treatment from such a doctor. In spite of all the drawbacks of the planned economy, the government managed to coordinate demand and supply of specialists. The number of specialists was strictly limited in accordance with the needs of the state. Nowadays, turning over the pages of directories and reference books one can see that the supply of specialists many times exceeds their demand. Almost all state and commercial universities offer a standard set of the most prestigious professions. They include lawyers, economists, managers, etc. In five years these very universities will graduate new specialists that will join the ranks of unemployed Ukrainians.

In Ukraine there are a number of universities with good reputations, history and traditions. Unfortunately, the state allocates scanty amounts to cover the major expenses of these institutions. Decayed buildings, outdated equipment, low teachers' salaries are the main features of Ukrainian state institutions. Therefore, state universities are forced to introduce a new educational system based on entrants' payments to a university's budget. Gradually, the Ukrainian government cuts faculties financed by the state. State faculties exist only to maintain the state status of Ukrainian institutions. Every year it becomes more and more difficult to enter such faculties. Entrants compete to get free education though bribes to the teachers. It is well known that deficit begets bribery. Therefore, children from poor families have little chances to get good education.

It is common knowledge that foreign institutions require payments for education. However, let me observe that people of all civilized countries can afford to master in any field of knowledge, students earn money for their education themselves and teachers are strictly punished for taking bribes of all kinds.

In Ukraine the most intelligent and smart pupils have to distribute goods at the market instead of studying in a prestigious institution. When I watch the first but timid steps of my little daughter, I realize that I should begin to collect money for her education now.

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Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 118 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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