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Темы для обсуждения

Читайте также:
  1. Источники и материалы для обсуждения
  2. Методические рекомендации. Проблемы для обсуждения


Попрактикуйтесь в умении говорить на заданные темы. Если сможете, обсуждайте эти темы с кем-то, записывая себя на кассету – это поможет выявить вам свои слабые стороны и улучшить их. Помните, что нельзя давать однозначныx ответов. 1. Talk about a birthday celebration that you particularly enjoyed.

When was it?

What did you do?

Why did you particularly like it?


2. Talk about a film, TV programme or book that you enjoyed very much.

when and where you saw/read it

what the plot was about

why you particularly liked it

Describe in general the type of television programmes that are the most popular in your country.

Compare the media now with how it was a generation ago.

What kind of effect does the media have on young people and how might this change in the future?


3.Try to discuss the points about Education:

What is your opinion of your education system? What are the good and bad points and how could it be improved?

What are the differences between state and private schools in your country?

What system of discipline was used in your school? Was it effective?

What are the relationships between teachers and students like?


4. Try to discuss the points about Festivals:

What festivals are particular to your country and what do you think about them?

What festivals are internationally recognised?

What role do you think festivals have in your society and is this role changing? Are some festivals too commercial these days?

Compare how people celebrate it now with how people may have celebrated it in the past.

How might this festival change in the future?


5. Try to discuss the points about Your Hometown:

Describe your hometown.

What are your local industries?

Is your hometown famous for anything?

What changes have happened recently in your town and what do you think will happen in the future?


6. Try to discuss the points about Sport:

Which sports are popular in your country?

Which sports do you enjoy playing or watching and why?

What problems are connected to sport? (e.g. drugs in sport)

Do you think sports players deserve the high salaries they are paid or not?


7. Try to discuss the points about the Internet:

What is your experience of the internet?

What are the dangers of the internet?

What impact does the internet have on society?

What do you think will happen to the internet in the future?


8. Describe a job that your would like to do in the future. You should say:

Why you are attracted to do this job.

How much training, if any, would be necessary.

What kind of personal qualities it would require.


9. Describe a children story that you know well. You should say:

When you first heard or read it.

What you particularly liked about it.

Why you think it become popular.


10. Describe a family celebration that you once attended. You should say:

Where it took place.

Why it was held.

How you felt about it.


11. Try to discuss the points about Life in Russia:

what do you like/dislike about it

How has life changed since collapse of communism

What is the biggest social problem in your country?

What do you think about Yeltsin (smb else)

What do you think about prospective of Russian economics

What would you regard as the most significant events in your country's recent history?

How serious is unemployment in your country?


12. Try to discuss the points about Tourism:

What are the most interesting places in your country/city

Do you have a favourite (least favourite) building in your town Which? Why? Why it was built?

How Moscow (other city) similar (different) from StPetersburg (London, your city etc)

Do you prefer the town or the countryside? Why?

How would you recommend a foreigner to spend time on holiday in Moscow?


13. Try to discuss the points about Family life:

Tell about your upbringing

What activities did you do with your grandparents as a child?

What does family life mean to you in general

What role do/(should) men/women typically play in Russian families?

How different is your life from the lives of your parents/grandparents

Have these roles changed recently?


14. Try to discuss the points about Educational system:

Does school prepare you for real life?

In which areas in Russian education most/least successful?

What is Russian educational system like from your experience?

In what ways is English used in your country?

How do people in your country learn English?

Do you believe there should be a choice of private (paying) versus state schools?


15. Try to discuss the points about Festivals:

Which festivals are traditional in Russia?

What activities usually take place at one of these festivals (gifts/meals/decorations/music…)

What role do children (family) play in this festival?


16. Try to discuss the points about Travel by air:

Where/when did you last travel by air

Tell about usual procedure at an airport from arrival to take off

What are advantages/disadvantages of travelling by air compared with travel by car/bus/train

How safe (frequent) is air travel in Russia?


17. Try to discuss the points about Pollution:

Which kinds of pollution do you think are most harmful

How important to you is it to be 'green'

What should be done to tackle pollution

Is it the responsibility of the government or the individual to prevent pollution

How aware do you think people are nowadays about environmental issues?

How ecologically friendly is the region you live in? (crowded buildings/parklands/green belt)


18. Try to discuss the points about Marriage ceremony:

Could you describe what happens at a typical Russian wedding ceremony?

How is it different from a typical wedding in Britain?

Do you have any memories of your/your friend's wedding ceremony?


Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 70 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

FIR, Department of ESP, International Relations, Winter session, 5th semester, 2013/14 | Card 15 | Situation 6 |

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