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  1. A. Work in groups of four.
  2. Answer the following questions. Work in groups of four.
  3. Hide was better than a tree because you had a chance of breaking the line if you were discovered.



What does the title suggest about the context of the story you are going to hear?


TASK I. Answer the following questions:


1. How do many nineteenth century novels end?

2. Would you describe their readers naive if they happily accept numerous wildly improbable coincidences in these novels? Why? Why not?

3. Would modern readers find such naive solutions unacceptable? Why? Why not?

4. What do you like reading about?

5. Do you believe in coincidences?


TASK II. Match the following adjectives in synonymic pairs:


sociable, determined, naive, quarrelsome, jealous, argumentative, envious, reliable, gregarious, trustworthy, motivated, credulous.


Which of these adjectives describe your personality?


Describe any of your former schoolmates including positive and negative qualities. Remember that when you talk about negative qualities you should use expressions in bold:

e.g. He tends to be quarrelsome at times. or

He is often argumentative.

To talk about similar qualities:

e.g. She is determined. She is reliable.

She is determined and also reliable. or

She is determined and reliable as well.

To talk about opposing qualities:

e.g. He is sociable. He is quarrelsome.

He is sociable but he can be quarrelsome at times.


TASK III. Put the adjectives into the correct column with their prefixes:


Probable, acceptable, credulous, tasteful, friendly, honest, attractive, significant, relevant, logical, perfect, convenient, loyal, reliable, sensible, sensitive


Im- un- in- dis- ir- il-


TASK IV. State the part of speech of the words given below. Make as many derivatives as you can using prefixes or suffixes:


Novel, conclusion, inhabit, probable, conspire, accept, credulous, presume, coincidence.


Chose two of the words you’d like to memorize and make up a sentence with each.


TASK V. Study the difference in meaning. Discuss in pairs which of the sentences refers to the past. Make up a similar pair of sentences.


He is said to be a talented writer.

He is said to have been a talented writer.




TASK I. Explain in your own words the meaning of the following words and expressions.


To make one’s own way back to, an inhabitant, to point out, improbable, a long-lost brother, a maid-servant, to bring sth (a story) to a conclusion, to comment on sth, someone’s close resemblance to somebody else, totally.


Before you hear the tape, study the meaning of the following expressions used in the story:


- to pour scorn on sth – to say that you think it’s stupid and worthless,

- to plot sth (N / G) – to make a plan,

- to conspire – to join a group of people and make a secret agreement to, do sth illegal, or harmful to people (often for political reasons),

- to bring about – to cause sth to happen.


TASK II. Listen to the tape once and answer the questions:


1. Why does the author speculate about the nineteenth century literature and its credulous readers of that time? How has the reader changed since that time?

2. Who did Franz Bussman recently find?

3. What were the Bussmans doing when they came across a man whose face seemed familiar to Mrs Bussman?

4. What did she say about the workman’s appearance?

5. Why did her husband pour scorn on the idea?

6. Why did the woman, fully acquainted with the story of her husband’s brother, believe that she was right?

7. What did she do to find out the workman’s name?

8. Did she prove to be right?

9. What story of Hans’ life do you know now?

10. Where did Hans settle down? Why?


TASK III. Listen to the tape again and restore the context in pairs helping each other.


TASK IV. At home make up a short dialogue between the boy, MrsBussman sent to the workmen and the man, whose close resemblance to her husband she had noticed. Act it out in class.


TASK V. Act out a conversation between Mrs Bussman, her husband Franz and his recently found brother. (Decide on your own where you meet – at the Bussmans’, in the street where Hans works or at any other place. Give a brief introduction.).


TASK VI. Give short answers to these questions in your own words as far as possible.


1. Do you agree with the author that people are now less credulous than they used to be, as far as their reading is concerned?

2. What does the story of the recently found brother have to do with the title of the story?

3. Why was Mrs Bussman struck by the workman’s appearance?

4. Was it just a lucky chance that Hans was alive? Why do you think so?

5. What did Franz feel when his only relative was found?


TASK V. Do the following tasks:



1. We are less credulous than we used to be.

In the nineteenth century, a novelist would bring his story to a conclusion.

Supply used to or would in the following:

a) When I was young, I ………have a lot more free time than I do now.

b) I ………..live near my work and I always got home early.

c) Sometimes I …………. do a bit of gardening or go for long walks.

2. Readers happily accepted the fact.

Write three sentences illustrating the difference between accept sth, agree with and admit sth/Gerund.

3. ….the hero’s mother.

Supply apostrophes in the following:

Georges umbrella, that womans handbag, Keats poetry, the childrens clothes, the soldiers uniforms, in six hours time, a hundred pounds worth.

4. After having been wounded…..

Write two sentences beginning with After having been …. And After

having done.

5.Before it happened, he had been sent to hospital.

Write sentences using the following words: school, market, cinema. (remember that articles can be used if any of these words means ‘place’)




Have a talk with your partner or teacher on the following questions:

1. Is reading popular now? Does it seem less interesting in the age of

computer technology?

2. What makes you decide to read a particular book: a friend’s recommendation? reading the first page? reading reviews? reading the blurb on the cover or something else?

3. Which of these types of books do you enjoy reading? Give your reasons.


Spy stories thrillers detective stories poetry

romantic novels history books biographies science fiction classic works of literature.


In pairs speak about one of the books you’ve read answering the questions:

1. Why did you choose it?

2. Why did you like (not like) it? Who was it written by?

3. What’s the time and setting of the story?

4. What’s the message of the book? Does it deal with problems of topical interest?

5. What do you think of the writer’s ability to portray characters? Make a character sketch of one of the main personages.

6. What emotions are aroused in the reader as the story unfolds?

7. Does the book keep the reader’s interest up to the last page? What’s the power of the story?


PART IV. (supposed as home assignment)


Write an imaginary account of Franz Bussman’s life story up to the time he was re-united with his brother. Use the ideas given bellow. Write it in three or four paragraphs.


Title: The Past.

Introduction: Tried to get information about Hans – none available – gave up search.

Development: Found it hard to settle down – moved from place to place and from job to job – how he met Mrs Bussman – marriage – settle down at last – became a cook – disliked the work – went into partnership with a friend – became a taxi-driver – once visited home town – block of flats where his house used to be – no one remembered him.

Conclusion: Further plans how that Hans has been found.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 83 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Введение | Role-play. | Fill in the gaps with one of the words in its correct form and pronounce it correctly. | Made in, made by, made of, made from | As you listen to the extract, for each question 1-4 choose the answer that fits the meaning best. | Match these words for different types of disaster with the pictures. | PART II. LISTENING | Discuss the questions below with your partner in three different roles. | THE OPTICAL POLARIZING MICROSCOPE SCHEME AND PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION | THE THEORY OF NLC LAYER DEFORMATION |

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