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The Infinitive. Complex Object Complex Subject 1

Читайте также:
  1. Exercise 2. Translate into English using the infinitive.
  2. The Infinitive.


Complex Object Complex Subject
1. Verbs of sense perception
I haven’t heard anyone call me. I saw Brown enter the room. I felt the blood rush into my cheeks.   NB! a) when the action expressed by a complex object is in progress, Participle I is used: I saw Brown entering the room;   b) if the verb to see means ‘to understand’, it is followed by a clause: I saw that he didn’t realize the danger Peter was heard to laugh loudly. The rider was seen to disappear in the distance. She was noticed to cut a rose from the flowerbed.   NB! When the action expressed by a complex subject is in progress, Participle I is used: The rider was seen disappearing in the distance.  
2. Verbs denoting mental activity
I know you to be the most honest creature that ever lived. Everybody expected her to marry Pete. The teacher supposed us to finish the task by that time.   NB! With the verbs to think, to consider, to find the same idea can be expressed without an infinitive: e. g. John thought her beautiful. She found the subject rather interesting. You consider yourself an impressive person, eh? He was thought to be honest and kindly. My father is considered by many to be a great man. The manuscript is believed to have been written in the 15th century.
3. Verbs of compulsion.
Steps in the gravel made him turn his head. The noise caused her to awake. I cannot get her to finish her lessons. Little Peter was aroused and made to put on his clothes. He was forced to sign the documents. She was compelled to tell a lie because her mother was in danger.
4. Verbs of declaring.
The doctors pronounced him fit to go back to work. The court declared the law to be unconstitutional.   They were reported to be safe. He claims to be the best runne r in the class. He was pronounced (to be) dead upon arrival at the hospital.
5. Verbs denoting wish and intention. 5. With word-groups
I want you to come and dine with me. She desired me to follow her upstairs. I didn’t mean you to learn the poem by heart. I wish those books to be returned tonight. He intended me to go with him to India. I don’t choose you to go there on your own. to be likely, to be sure, to be certain He is likely to be late from the party. Peter is sure to marry her. This fire is certain to produce a panic in the morning.
6. Verbs & expressions denoting feelings/emotions to seem / to appear, to happen / to chance, to prove / to turn out He seems to know French well. She seemed to forget her promise. The weather appears to be improving. I happened to be there at that time. By 11 o’clock her mother had chanced to look into her room. He proved to be a good friend. The experiment proved to be a failure. They all turned out to be good fighters.
I dislike you to talk like that. I hate him to be punished. I cannot bear you to speak about Emily. I love you to sing that song.
7. Verbs of order and permission
He suffered Florence to play with Paul. She suffered Mr. Franklin to lead her back into the room.   NB! Only if the object expressed by a noun / pronoun denoting a lifeless thing or when the infinitive is passive: The dean allowed / ordered the time-table to be changed. The teacher ordered the room to be aired.
8. C. O. used with prepositions 6. C. S. used with prepositions
He waited for her to speak. He asked for papers to be brought. She was impatient for Erick to leave. We waited for John to start speaking. I rely on you to come / coming in time. It is shame for me to beg. I think it is advisable for me to do my homework by next class. It will be very pleasant for us to spend a weekend at Stuart's.


The Infinitive.


Инфинитив – неличная форма глагола, которая называет действие: to take, to ask, to come. Частица to позволяет отличить инф. форму от личной (изменяемой) формы глагола.


Вид Залог Форма Значение Пример


Indefinite Active to write Одноврем-сть с действием, I want to see the manager.

Passive to be written выраж сказуемым The letter will be sent tomorrow.




Progressive Active to be writing Одноврем-сть + длительность It’s nice to be sitting here.




Perfect Active to have written Предшествование I’m glad to have seen her.

Passive to have been written действию сказуемого You could have been killed!




Perfect Active to have been writing Предшествование I’d like to have been sitting

Progressive + длительность here when she walked in.



Для образования отрицат. формы перед инфинитивом используется not.


Try not to be late. – Постарайся не опаздывать.


I’m sorry not to have come. – Извините, что я не пришел.


Инфинитив используется без частицы to:


1) После модальных глаголов.


You should do it today. – Ты должен сделать это сегодня.

Could you help me? – Ты не мог бы мне помочь?


2) В сочетаниях let/make + доп. + инфинитив


You make me laugh. – Вы меня смешите.

Don’t let her go alone. – Не отпускайте ее одну.


3) После сочетаний had better, would rather.


She’d better go home now. – Ей сейчас лучше пойти домой.

I’d rather walk. – Я лучше пройдусь.


4) После why, why not.


Why worry? – Зачем беспокоиться?


Функции инфинитива:

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