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A detailed description of item selection and development is available from Sheila M. Rioux.
Because of space considerations, initial studies of the construct validity of the CMS are not reported in this article. These studies provided some clear evidence that the PV subscale was construct valid; the picture for the other two subscales was less clear. A detailed description of the construct validity studies is available from Sheila M. Rioux.
A direct product model (Browne, 1989) was used to examine the latent structure underlying the matrix of raters and OCB subscales. The best fitting model indicated moderate convergent validity across the rating sources but a relative lack of discriminant validity of the OCB subscales within rating sources. Despite the discriminant validity problem, the separate subscales of the OCB measure were used in the analyses because of the relatively widespread acceptance of this conceptualization of the different aspects of OCB. Caution should be exercised, however, in interpreting the different regression analyses for the different OCB subscales.
The order of presentation had no effect on scores on these measures; therefore, the two versions of these questionnaires were combined in the subsequent data analyses.
A t test for dependent correlations was used to compare these correlations.
This article is based on Sheila M. Rioux's doctoral dissertation, which was submitted at the University of South Florida. Portions of this research were presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, April 1999, San Diego, California. We are grateful to Tammy Allen, Walter Borman, and Mark Snyder for their helpful comments on earlier versions of this article.
Correspondence may be addressed to Louis A. Penner, Department of Psychology, University of South Florida, 4202 East Fowler Avenue, Tampa, Florida, 33620-8200.
Electronic mail may be sent to penner@chuma1.cas.usf.edu
Received: February 25, 2000
Revised: February 27, 2001
Accepted: February 28, 2001
Table 1. Factor Structure of the Citizenship Motives Scale
Table 2. Means, Standard Deviations, Reliabilities, and Intercorrelations for Peer Ratings of Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Table 3. Hierarchical Regressions for Peer Ratings of Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Multipower Basic
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