«Когерентные переходные процессы в молекулярном газе»
Запланировано экспериментальное исследование когерентных переходных процессов - затухания свободной поляризации и фотонного эхо - в широких пучках лазерного излучения. В этих условиях можно обеспечить высокую однородность распределения поля излучения, а также условия релаксации возбуждённых частиц не за счёт пролётного эффекта, а в объеме, за счёт столкновений с частицами буферного или собственного газа. Предел низких интенсивностей излучения представляет интерес для когерентной спектроскопии высокого разрешения излучаемого колебательно-вращательного перехода. В результате выполнения этой работы будет изучена вращательная релаксация 13CH3F в столкновениях с буферными газами.
Особенностью формирования когерентных переходных процессов в рамках данной работы является использование метода штарковского переключения уровней в присутствии непрерывного лазерного излучения. В таких условиях происходит гетеродинирование слабого когерентного отклика вещества, возникающего на сдвинутой эффектом Штарка частоте, более мощным излучением лазера. Как следует из результатов, этот метод позволяет регистрировать мощности когерентных откликов на уровне 10-12 Вт.
За прошедшее время получены результаты по регистрации затухания свободной поляризации в газе 13CH3F на переходе R(4,3) колебательной моды n3. В условиях данного эксперимента явление представляет собой когерентное спонтанное излучение набора двух-уровневых переходов, расположенных эквидистантно по частоте. Наблюдалась интерференция этих излучений в виде пиков в сигнале ЗСП, возникающих на фоне плавной огибающей сигнала, соответствующего нестационарным оптическим нутациям. Частота возникновения интерференционных пиков коррелирует с величиной приложенного штарковского напряжения. Полученные результаты находятся в качественном согласии с теоретическим описанием в рамках приближения невзаимодействующих 2-уровневых переходов.
Экспериментальная установка модифицирована для наблюдения сигналов фотонного эхо.
2.Список публикаций и выступлений на конференции.
2 в казанском сборнике,
Одна в Laser Physics Letters
Готовится публикация в PRA с использованием полученных результатов
3.Информация по сданным кандидатским экзаменам.
Философия – сдан в 1-й год обучения
Английский язык - сдан в 1-й год обучения
St.Sergius of Radonezh.
St.Sergius of Radonezh is one of the greatest Russian saints. He is the patron-saint of all Russia. Hi was born in 1314 in the village of Varnitsy near Rostov the Great in a family of pious boyar St.Cyril and St.Maria. When the parents of St.Sergius died, he came to this place together with his elder brother Stephen, who was a monk already. At that time, St.Sergius was 23 years old, and he was a layman. The two brothers built a church in the name of the Holy Trinity and a wooden cell in the forest. This place at that time was very remote and deserted, and there were no people for about 10 miles around. Several months later Stephen left St.Sergius alone and went to live in a monastery in Moscow because life in the wilderness was too difficult for him.
For 3 years, St.Sergius lived alone in the woods, and then took his monastic vows. It was then that he received the name Sergius. Before that he was called Bartholomew. When a person takes the monastic vows, he is given a new name, because it is the beginning of a new life for one — a life of repentance and prayer and reliance on God.
Soon other people who heard of St. Sergius' holy life started coming to him in order to become his disciples. They wanted to live under his spiritual guidance. They built their own cells in the forest around St.Sergius' one. In that way the monastery appeared. At that time, monasteries were quite different from what they are today. Every monk had his own cell and provided himself for all his needs. The cells were at some distance from each other, so that the monks would only see each other in the church where they came together for daily prayer. From the time of St.Sergius, they started living and working together as they do now.
St.Sergius had a vision one night as he was praying for his monastery and disciples, so that the Lord helped them in their daily feats. He suddenly saw a heavenly light coming down into his cell and as he went out he saw numerous beautiful birds flying around and above him. A voice from heaven, calling him by his name, said: "As many birds you see now, so many disciples and followers decorated with every virtue you will see on this place".
In 1380, the Grand Prince of Moscow Dimitry, who was called later Dimitry Donskoy, came to ask for St.Sergius' prayer and blessing before a decisive battle against the Tartars who oppressed Russia at that time. Thanks to St.Sergius' prayers he won the battle and Russia got the opportunity to egain its independence, St.Sergius' role was also decisive in the unification of Russia around Moscow. In the lifetime of St.Sergius Russian princes were continuously waging wars against one another. St.Sergius reconciled the princes with the Grand Prince of Moscow and persuaded them to submit to him.
St.Sergius refused to meet even the most urgent demands of life. His only food was bread and water. Some times his junior brother Peter brought bread to him from Radonezh. Once a hungry wild bear came out to St.Sergius and he gave him some bread. The beast liked the hospitaly of the hermit and would come to him for treat. St.Sergius shared the last piece of bread with the bear frequently. He even gave the bear his daily bread and so was without food. This peaceful contact of St.Sergius with a wild animal represents the original obedience of all the animals to the first-created human being. When a person lives according to the Gospel Commandments and obeys God, then other creatures submit themselves to him.
The Moscow Metropolitan St.Alexios felt his last day was near, he thought of St.Sergius as the successor to the metropolitan seat. But St.Sergius was a very humble man. He preferred the life in his remote monastery and refused to accept the golden cross Metropolitan Alexios offered him.
When St.Sergius was celebrating Divine Liturgy, other priests saw an angel who was assisting him. Once, a fire from heaven came into the chalice, and St.Sergius took it in with the Holy Communion.
Once St. Sergius brought back to life with his prayer a dead child of a local peasant who had already brought a coffin for his son.
St.Sergius always worked a lot in the monastery. He looked after the plants, baked bread, brought water for all the others, and even helped them to build their cells. At night, he went around the monastery to see what the monks were doing. If they were not praying, as they were supposed to, he knocked on the door to make them get up to pray.
On his last day, St.Sergius took the Holy Communion and died peacefully. He was born in 1314 and died in 1392. He lived 78 years, which was very long for his time. 30 years after his death, his holy relics were found undecayed and put in a wooden shrine.
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