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A) XVI-XVII centuries

Читайте также:
  2. ВОПРОС23:Сацыяльна-эканамічнае становішча беларускіх зямель у другой палове XVI-XVIII ст.
  3. Духовная культура казахов XVI-XVIII вв.
  4. ЛЕКЦИЯ 19. Россия на рубеже XVI-XVII вв. Смутное время.
  5. Лекция №17 Европейские революции XVI-XVIII вв
  6. Обычаи и обряды казахского народа в XVI-XVII вв.
  7. Предпосылки и становление новой модели хозяйственного развития (XVI-XVIII вв.).
  9. Россия на рубеже XVI-XVII вв. “Смутное время”: причины, сущность, последствия.

B) XVII-XVIII centuries

C) XVIII-XIX centuries

D) XIX – the beginning of the XX century

E) XV-XVI centuries


6.1. The centers of development of the capitalist relations in Europe became …


A) craft city

B) country village

C) serf village

D) capital areas

E) fortified cities


7.1. Call the earliest form of the organization of capitalist production

A) plant

B) factory

C) trust

D) concern

E) manufactory


8.1. What conditions are necessary for creation and development of manufactory production?

A) free working people and capital

B) existence of the national bourgeoisie and proletariat

C) introduction of a general electoral right

D) state guaranteeing inviolability of a private property

E) all listed is right


9.1. What results of Great Geographical opening, especially significant for new time?

A) development of world productive forces promoted

B) the known territory for the XVI century increased by 6 times

C) trade ways from the North, Baltic, Mediterranean Sea moved to the Atlantic, Silent, Indian oceans

D) establishment of stable trade relations of Europe with all parts

E) all listed is right


10.1. Where and when the first East Indian company (specify the most exact version of the answer) was founded?

A) in Holland in 1602

B) in France in 1604

C) in England in 1600

D) in Spain in 1710

E) all listed is right


11.1. What is the Reichstag by the German constitution in 1871?

A) The lower house of parliament

B) Parliament

C) Cabinet of Ministers

D) Tax Service

E) The Supreme Court




12. 1. Dating of new time

A) 1640-1870

B) 1640-1917

C) 1640-1689

D) 1789-1799

E) 1773-1775


13.1. What created a basis of transition of commodity production of England on level of the manufactory?

A) industrial revolution

B) agrarian revolution

C) scientific and technical revolution

D) social revolution and sharp demographic races

E) all listed is right


14.1. What was an indicator of the beginning of agrarian revolution in England?

A) arable land conversion

B) growth of a livestock of sheep

C) сгон peasants from the earth and accession of country plots to domonical allotments

D) growth of marketability of production and penetration of the capitalist relations into the village

E) emergence of slavery in England the XVII century


15.1. What means the concept "agrarian revolution"?

A) arable land expansion

B) growth of a livestock of sheep

C) сгон peasants from the earth and accession of country plots to domonical in England in the XVI-XVIII centuries.

D) growth of marketability of production and penetration of the capitalist relations into the village

E) reduction of prices of products of processing of agricultural raw materials


16.1. What is the sublease?

A) form of the land relations preceding rent

B) transfer of tenantry to a rent continence smaller sites

C) rent

D) the fixed rate of a rent

E) land legislation of the British Empire


17.1. How large landowners in England were called?

A) landlords

B) landless peasants

C) lumpens

D) proletariat

E) plebs


18.1. lend-lord in England -

A) large landowner

B) prosperous peasant

C) new nobility

D) military patron

E) tenant of the earth


19.1. What sources of accumulation of the capital?

A) system of a public debt

B) otkupny system

C) economic and noneconomic methods of operation of colonies

D) policy of mercantilism

E) all listed is right


20.1. What does the policy of mercantilism mean?

A) prohibition of foreign trade in interests of domestic market

B) granting to internal producers of privileges by tax exemption

C) introduction of cars on production

D) creation of positive foreign trade balance at the expense of excess of export over import of goods

E) creation of the industrial enterprises for the account and under state control


21.1. What from below listed can be an implementation sign in the protectionism state?

A) creation of the industrial enterprises for the account and under state control

B) granting tax privileges to the internal producer

C) ban on export of those types of the raw materials necessary for internal economy

D) increase of customs tariffs on imported goods

E) all listed is right


22.1. What geopolitical factors of domination of England in Europe in new time?

A) existence of transatlantic colonies

B) existence of wide domestic market

C) existence and effective use of natural resources

D) island situation

E) all listed is right


23.1. What trading company supervised the Asian direction of foreign trade of England in the XVI century?

A) Moscow company of 1555

B) African company of 1579

C) Guinean company of 1588

D) East company of 1579

E) East Indian company of 1600


24.1. What main and characteristic for all countries of Europe the reason of bourgeois revolutions?

A) strengthening of religious contradictions between Catholics and Protestants

B) strengthening of an arbitrariness of an absolutism in relation to a private property

C) need of legislative declaration political and democratic rights and freedoms

D) slogan "freedom, equality, brotherhood"

E) discrepancy of existing political system to requirements economic, social, political development of the country


25.1. Specify dates of board of Charles I -

A) 1600 – 1640

B) 1601 – 1649

C) 1625 – 1649

D) 1640 – 1649

E) 1600 – 1653


26.1. What was the cause of dissolution of "Short parliament"?

A) violation by Charles "The bill about the rights"

B) mistrust expression to the king in connection with violation of provisions "The bill about the rights"

C) Charles's I aspiration to limit colonial aspirations of Parliament

D) discussion of the king and parliament about customs tariffs

E) all listed is right


27.1. How the upper house of English Parliament was called?

A) House of Representatives

B) General states

C) General assembly

D) Chamber of peers

E) Chamber of lords


28.1. How "the new nobility" in England was called?

A) lords

B) peer

C) mayors

D) Loyalists

E) gentry


29.1. Gentry England –

A) new nobility

B) bourgeoisie

C) prosperous peasants

D) large merchants

E) rich workers


30.1. What social groups represented the political block of royalists in civil wars of the XVII century in England

A) landlords

B) feudal and dependent peasants

C) Anglican priests

D) court nobility

E) all listed is right


31.1. Specify, what main results of battles at Neyzbi (1645)?

A) clear victory of royalists

B) clear victory of Anglicans

C) clear victory of puritans

D) clear victory of the Tory over Whigs

E) victory of army of parliament


32.1. Specify the name of army of O. Cromwell

A) parliamentary army

B) "zheleznoboky"

C) army of a new sample

D) "kromanyonets"

E) all listed is right


33.1. The dessiatina in the history of Europe is …

A) land measure

B) tax in favor of church

C) tax on the maintenance of army

D) the document on the right of a continence of a leased site

E) ten amendments to the Constitution of the USA


34.1. How "Nice revolution" is in the history regarded 1688 - 1689?

A) revolution

B) political revolution

C) reforming of a political system of England

D) military coup

E) administrative reform


35.1. When the Navigation act was adopted?

A) 1651

B) 1652

C) 1653

D) 1654

E) 1655


36.1. What character General States in France had?

A) legislature

B) Legal advisory body

C) Class representative body

D) Local government

E) The main control body of France behind observance of the civil Legislations


37.1. What did the formula "The State Is I" express?

A) Favoritism blossoming at Ekaterina Medici

B) Terror blossoming in days of the Directory

C) Blossoming of the French absolutism at Louis XIV

D) Empire blossoming in days of Napoleon Bonaparte's board

E) Reforming of public consciousness towards democracy in years of Jacobin dictatorship


38.1. Why about the French peasantry said, what it tests threefold oppression?

A) Because it appeared under oppression of a monarchy, feudal lords and church

B) Because it appeared under oppression of feudal lords, armies and churches

C) Because it appeared under oppression of a monarchy, army and church

D) Because it appeared under oppression of a monarchy, feudal lords and the bourgeoisie

E) Because it appeared under oppression of monarchy of Bourbons, Gabsburgs and Roman Throne


39.1. What most characteristic for France sources of accumulation of the capital?

A) System of a public debt, sale of titles and positions, tax and lease system

B) System of a public debt, sale of concessions, tax and lease system

C) Policy of mercantilism, tax and lease system, slave trade

D) System of a public debt, sale of titles and positions, usurious and bank operations, activity of stockbrokers

E) System of the state credit, sale of titles and positions, slave trade


40.1. What processes are characteristic for development of Germany in the XVI-XVII centuries?

A) strengthening of the capitalist relations and growth of manufactories

B) strengthening of feudal orders and growth of corvee operation

C) centralization processes

D) pronounced dissociation and separatism of national suburbs

E) blossoming of culture of the Northern Renaissance


41.1. What value the Reformation for an era of New time had?

A) I changed ideology and outlook of Europeans

B) I undermined ideological and political domination of the Roman throne

C) I caused the long period of decline in the history of Germany and it was reflected in loss by the Italian kingdoms of former power

D) I initiated the first bourgeois revolutions in Europe

E) all listed is right


42.1. Who in most general view formulated ideology of English Education?

A) I.Kant

B) J. Lock

C) Charles 1

D) A.Smith

E) U.Churchill


43.1. What document limited the rights of the English king

A) "The bill the rights"

B) "The bill about a succession"

C) "The status about the kingdom device"

D) "Habeas corpus act"

E) Great remonstration


44.1. What system in France reached apogee of the development at King Louis XIV?

A) Tax system

B) Colonial system

C) Absolutist system

D) Legal system

E) All listed is right


45.1. Who, according to rights, is a power source?

A) God

B) People

C) King

D) General states

E) Prime minister


46.1. What form of government and a state system was offered by Montesquieu as optimum in modern to it the states?

A) republic

B) Constitutional monarchy

C) Absolute monarchy

D) Theocracy

E) Meritocracy or financial oligarchy


47.1. Who from rights can consider itself (himself) as the ideologist of "the educated absolutism"?

A) Voltaire

B) Diderot

C) Montesquieu

D) Russo

E) Beaumarchais


48.1. The main idea of Enlightenment-

A) Theory of the natural right

B) Socioeconomic structure theory

C) Theory of the public contract

D) State and right theory

E) Theory of initial accumulation


49.1. What monarch gave most widely developed concept of the educated absolutism?

A) Joseph II Austrian

B) Friedrich II the Great

C) Catherine II the Great

D) George III

E) Maria-Thereza


50.1. What rights and freedoms were proclaimed "By the declaration of human rights and the citizen"?

A) Personal freedom

B) Freedom of speech

C) Freedom of worship

D) Safety and resistance oppression

E) All listed is right


51.1. What actions were carried out at the first stage of revolution of 1789 in France?

A) acceptance "Declarations of human rights and citizen"

C) Establishment консулата

C) Establishment of Jacobin dictatorship

D) Establishment of a mode of the Directory

E) Empire declaration


52.1. When the first Republic in France was proclaimed?

A) July 14, 1789

B) August 10, 1792

C) September 21, 1792

D) June 2, 1793

E) July 28, 1794


53.1. Who headed the first republic in France?

A) Jacobeans

B) Girondists

C) Felyane

D) Educators

E) Loyalists


54.1.What new government bodies were entered by the Constitution of 1795 in France

A) Convention, Legislative assembly

B) Directory, Council of five hundred, Sanhedrim

C) Star chamber, Extraordinary tribunal

D) Imperial office, Privy Council

E) Tribunat, State Council, Konsulat


55.1.What main outcomes of Great French revolution?

A) simplified difficult system of property

B) weakened a problem of dispossession of land of peasants, I transformed and I unified financial system of France

C) dared class barriers, I entered the general taxation

D) generated new state the device – the parliamentary republic

E) All listed is right


56.1. During which revolution was class division of population cancelled in France?

A) Great French revolution

B) Bourgeois-democratic revolutions in 1848

C) July revolution

D) Commune of Paris

E) All listed is right


57.1. What reasons of contradictions between England and Holland in the XVIII century?

A) colonial rivalry

B) trade rivalry

C) exit in Baltic and Northern exhausting

D) prevalence in Germany

E) interests in the Black Sea passages


58.1. The consequence of any conflict was the war for the independence of the North American colonies

A) conflict between England and France for colonial dominance in the NorthAmerica

B) the contradiction between the North American colonies and the mother country

C) the contradiction between the social and economic development of the North and the South

D) the contradiction between the level of the productive forces of society and the slave economy of the Southern states

E) the contradiction between capital and labor


59.1. North and South war in the USA became what consequence of contradictions?

A) contradictions between England and France for colonial prevalence in North America

B) contradictions between North American colonies and the mother country

C) contradictions between social and economic development of the North and the South

D) contradiction between work and the capital

E) contradiction between the European countries



60.1. What events caused particular resentment metropolis of the North American colonists?

A) The introduction of stamp duty

B) the prohibition of the relocation to the west of the mountains Allegheny

C) England's monopoly on trade with the North American colonies

D) intentionally inflated prices for imported goods and the prohibition of the organization of manufacturing

E) all of the above is true



61.1. Who was the head of the North American colonies of England?

A) governors(губерноторы)

B) governors

C) mayors

D) Senators

E) sheriffs



62.1. What is the name given to the second in the historiography of the War of Independence of the North American colonies?

A) the liberal-bourgeois revolution

B) the first bourgeois revolution

C) a second bourgeois revolution

D) the Anglo-Boer War

E) civil war


63.1. Enter the dates of the War of Independence North American colonies.

A) 1770 - 1774 years

B) 1775 - 1783 years

C) 1776 - 1784 years

D) 1789 - 1794 years

E) 1789 - 1793 years


64.1. Who was appointed commander of U.S. forces in 1775?

A) George Washington

B) General Lee

C) D. Adams

D) Thomas Jefferson

E) Thomas Paine


65.1. Who was the author and the Declarations of Independence of the USA developer?

A) J. Washington

B) B. Franklin

C) D. Adams

D) T.Jefferson

E) T.Peyn


66.1. What major moments are connected in the history of the USA with the J name. Washington?

A) I cancelled slavery in the USA

B) was the commander-in-chief of the American army in war with England 1775 - 1783

C) I adopted the law about Homestead

D) I participated in Reconstruction of the southern states

E) leader republican parties


67.1. Call the most significant events of War for independence of North American colonies

A) fight at Saratoge

B) acceptance of "Declaration of independence of the USA"

C) capitulation of England at Yorktaun

D) Versailles world of 1783

E) all listed is right


68.1. When the American Constitution was adopted?

A) 1770

B) 1775

C) 1780

D) 1783

E) 1787


69.1. When the Declaration of Independence of the USA was adopted?

A) 1770

B) 1776

C) 1780

D) 1783

E) 1789


70.1. When England recognized independence of the USA?

A) 1775

B) 1776

C) 1783

D) 1787

E) 1789


71.1. What most important political events of the XIX century?

A) association of the principalities of Italy and Germany in the uniform state educations

B) The statement of the capitalist relations in England

C) Recognition of independence of America

D) World War I

E) Great French revolution


72.1. When did Napoleon Bonaparte become the first council?

А) 1789
B) 1799

C) 1804
D) 1809

E) 1806


73.1. When did Napoleon Bonaparte declare lifelong council himself?

А) 1789

B) 1799
C) 1804

D) 1809

E) 1802


74.1. Identify Napoleon’s military victory

А) The Battle of Austerlitz
B) The Battle of Waterloo
C) The Battle of Leipzig
D) The Battle of Elbe

E) All listed is right


75.1. How was civil code, entered in France, called?

A) Treaty of Paris

B) The Napoleonic Code

C) Fredrik’s Code

D) The draconian laws

E) The Constitution of 1793


76.1. One of Napoleon Bonaparte’s merits is -

A) The introduction of the Commercial Code

B) Abolishing the class division of the population

C) Destroying the feudal obligations

D) Abolishing the church tithe

E) The formation of the bourgeois militia


77.1. What document brought territorial changes in Europe in 1814?

A) Treaty of Paris

B) Decisions of Vienna Congress

C) Decisions of the Holy Alliance

D) Pressburg peace

E) Treaty of Versailles


78.1. Specify time of board of the July monarchy in France

A) 1773 – 1850

B) 1830 – 1848

C) 1847 – 1849

D) 1648 – 1653

E) 1653 – 1688


79.1. In what quality Louis Napoleon headed the French state in 1848?

A) king

B) emperor

C) president

D) deputy

E) prime minister


80.1. When Louis Napoleon made revolution and monarchy restoration in France?

A) 1847

B) 1848

C) 1849

D) 1850

E) 1851 - 1852


81.1. What mode was established in France in 1852?

A) July monarchy

B) directory mode

C) second empire

D) third republic

E) first empire


82.1. What way of association of Germany won?

A) Low-German (Prussian)

B) Velikogermansky (Austrian)

C) association "iron and blood"

D) revolution of social bottoms

E) civil war


83.1. Who was proclaimed by the head of the German empire?

A) Wilhelm I

B) Wilhelm II

C) Charles I

D) Louis Napoleon

E) Otto von Bismarck


84.1. Who was proclaimed as the king of Italy after country association in 1871?

A) Victor Emmanuil

B) J. Garribaldi

C) K.Kavur

D) J. Madzini

E) Wilhelm 1


85.1. How antislavery movement in the USA was called?

A) the democratic

B) the abolitionist

C) the trade-union

D) the agrarian

E) sufrazhinistsky


86.1. What was the cause of office of the South and Confederation creation?

A) A.Linkolna's election as the U.S. President

B) Reconstruction mode

C) hunger epidemic

D) adoption of law about гомстеде

E) all listed is right


87.1. What was the nature of war between the North and the South?

A) the bourgeois- democratic revolution

B) the bourgeois- liberal revolution

C) social- democratic revolution

D) National- Socialist Revolution

E) coup


88.1. What are the basic steps of Reconstruction?

A) the abolition of slavery in 1865

B) the adoption of 14 amendments to the Constitution

C) holding the bourgeois- democratic reforms

D) reduce the impact of the planters in Congress

E) all of the above is true


89.1.What social consequences are characteristic for industrial revolution?

A) transformation of the bourgeoisie and the proletariat into the main classes

B) crucial role of an upper bourgeoisie both in economy, and in political and public life

C) increase of specific weight of skilled workers

D) growth of labor movement

E) all listed is right


90.1. Who is an author of "The Manifesto …" and "Programs of communist party of Germany" 1848?

A) Saint-Simon

B) Fourier

C) Prudon

D) Marx and Engels

E) Bakunin


91.1. What types of labor unions were most widespread in the English-speaking countries of Europe and America?

A) trade unions

B) labor unions of anarcho-syndicalist sense

C) the labor unions which have appeared under the influence of communists

D) labor unions of agrarian workers

E) all listed is right


92.1. How position of banks at a boundary of the XIX-XX centuries changed?

A) there was an integration of a banking capital

B) there was a merge of the banking and industrial capital

C) the financial oligarchy received considerable influence on government bodies

D) there was a stabilization of the currency markets

E) all listed is right


93.1. What phenomenon in economy became periodic in the conditions of domination of the capitalist relations?

A) emergence of monopolies

B) emergence of financial oligarchy

C) overproduction crises

D) prevalence of export of the capital

E) all listed is right


94.1. What mother country possessed the greatest colonial territory at the end of the XIX century?

A) England

B) France

C) Holland

D) Belgium

E) Russia


95.1. What concept means arms and army growth in Europe at a boundary of the XIX-XX centuries?

A) state-monopoly capitalism

B) cold war

C) militarization

D) racism

E) chauvinism


96.1. What military units participated in World War I?

A) The Entente

B) Northern Union

C) Union of Salvation

D) The Holy Alliance

E) all of the above is true


97.1. What military units participated in World War I?

A) Triple Alliance

B) Northern Union

C) Union of Salvation

D) The Holy Alliance

E) all of the above is true


98.1. What events historians call heralds the First World War?

A) the entry of capitalism to a higher stage

B) The Balkan Wars

C) the formation of monopolies

D) gain of colonial expansion

E) all of the above


99.1. Against which country was the first aggressive actions directed at the beginning of World War I?

A) Poland

B) Hungary

C) Romania

D) Montenegro

E) Serbia


100.1. Which countries are included in the Quadruple Alliance in 1915?

A) Britain, France, Russia, Italy

B) England, France, Russia, Hungary

C) England, France, Russia, Japan

D) from Austria, Germany, Italy, Turkey

E) from Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Turkey


101.1. Which weapon was first tested on the river Ypres?

A) tanks

B) warplanes

C) bacteriological weapons

D) rocket

E) poisonous gases


102.1. What state was in World War I on the side of the Entente?

A) Bulgaria

B) Germany

C) the U.S.

D) Austria-Hungary

E) Turkey


103.1. When Germany declared war on Russia?

A) August 1, 1914

B) August 2, 1914

C) August 3, 1914

D) August 4, 1914

E) August 5, 1914


104.1. When Germany declared war on France?

A) August 1, 1914

B) August 2, 1914

C) August 3, 1914

D) August 4, 1914

E) August 5, 1914


105.1. When Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia?

A) August 1, 1914

B) August 2, 1914


D) August 4, 1914

E) July 28, 1914


106.1. How was England called in XIX c.?

A) «Apreceptress of European nations»

B) «A workshop of the world»

C) «A queen of the fields»

D) «A gendarme of Europe»

E) «A patchwork country»


107.1. Who owns the invention of the telephone?

A) Davy

B) Volta

C) Faraday

D) Bell

E) Stephenson


108.1. Who such John Lilbern?

A) leader of Presbyterians

B) Leader independents

C) Head of movement of leveller

D) Leader of diggers

E) Head of royalists


109.1. In what country in the XVII century the Tory parties and Whigs were formed?

A) Holland


C) Austria

D) England

E) France


110.1. In what industry in England industrial revolution began?

A) Metallurgy

B) Shipbuilding

C) Coal industry

D) The cotton

E) The mining


111.1. The last Battle of Napoleon -

A) The Battle of Austerlitz

B) The Battle of Waterloo

C) The Battle of Leipzig

D) The Battle of Trafalgar

E) The Battle of Borodino


112.1. One of program requirements of diggers -

A) introduction of a general electoral right

B) Establishments of constitutional monarchy

C) Republic establishment

D) Introduction of freedom of religion

E) Free possession of the earth


113.1. One of program requirements levellerov-

A) Overthrow of the king and dissolution of chamber of lords

B) Transfer of power to the House of Commons

C) The parliament report before the people

D) Annual elections of parliament

E) All listed is right


114.1. In what country occurred national movements of diggers and leveller?

A) England

B) France


D) Prussia

E) Italy


115.1. How are the Houses of the U.S. Congress called?

A) the House of Lords and the House of Commons

B) Senate and the House of Representatives

C) Senate and the Bundestag

D) the House of Lords and the House of Representatives

E) Senate and the Majilis


116.1. What new weapons emerged during World War I?

A) tanks


C) poisonous gases

D) anti-personnel mines

E) all of the above is true


117.1. The primary function of the Supreme Court of the United States –

A) development of draft laws

B) control of the internal market

C) protection of the rights of planters

D) the conclusion of international agreements

E) verification the conformity of laws to the Constitution


118.1. What is the supreme judicial body of the United States?

A) the Federal Supreme Court

B) Tribunate

C) Senate

D) Congress

E) The Constitutional Commission


119.1. What is the political teaching, which is emerged in Europe in the XIX c., expresses its readiness to follow achievable through reforms the bourgeois values ​​ in the greatest extent?

A) Socialism

B) Blanquism

C) Conservatism

D) Chauvinism

E) Liberalism


120.1. Who was appointed to the post of the French Army in 1799 by Council of Elders?

A) Napoleon Bonaparte

B) General Lee

C) Kutuzov

D) Bolivar

E) Bagration


121.1. The economic basis of Euro-American civilization XVII-XIX cc.?

A) socialism

B) imperialism

C) liberalism

D) capitalism

E) Communism


122.1. What contributed to the emergence of capitalism in Europe and America?

A) changes in the economic structure

B) the emergence of the industrial bourgeoisie

C) the emergence of the proletariat

D) primitive accumulation of capital

E) all of the above is true


123.1. When in England the peasantry ceased to exist as a class?

A) I half of the XVIII century

B) middle of the XVIII century

C) II half of the XVIII century

D) I half of the XIX century

E) middle of the XIX century


124. 1. Date of "glorious revolution" in England?

A) 1688

B) 1689

C) 1660

D) 1658

E) 1649


125.1. In what year did the U.S. Congress passed the Bill of Rights?

A) 1788

B) 1789

C) 1770

D) 1790

E) 1791


126.1. Beginning of the era of the English Enlightenment -

A) XVII century

B) in II half XVII century

C) middle XVII century

D) XVIII century

E) XIX century



127.1.Which country in the first half of the XIX century, stands the most economically developed and powerful colonial power?


B) France

C) England

D) Italy

E) Holland


128.1. Until what time Italy remained politically shattered?

А) until XVII century

B) until the mid. XVII century

C) until beg. XVIII century

D) until the mid. XVIII century

Е) until the second half of XIX century


129.1. Until what time Germany remained politically shattered?

А) until XVII century

B) until the mid. XVII century

C) until beg. XVIII century

D) until the mid. XVIII century

Е) until the second half of XIX century


130.1. In what year was the adoption of the Constitution of a united Italy?

А) 1866
В) 1870
С) 1871
D) 1872
Е) 1875


131.1. In what year was the Constitution adopted by the German Empire?

A) 1866

B) 1870

C) 1871

D) 1872

E) 1875



132.1. Years of English bourgeois revolution?

A) 1604-1624

B) 1614-1634

C) 1624-1644

D) 1640-1689

E) 1650-1670


133.1. In what year war of England with Scotland began?

A) 1639

B) 1640

C) 1641

D) 1642

E) 1643


134.1. What parliament was called by the king on November 3, 1640 in England?

A) the short

B) the long

C) the long

D) the new

E) the fast


135.1. When English revolution entered on a new stage – democratic?

A) 1642

B) 1645

C) 1647

D) 1649

E) 1650


136.1. In what year in England the second civil war began?

A) 1647

B) 1648

C) 1649

D) 1652

E) 1655


137.1. Dates of civil war during English bourgeois revolution -

A) 1647

B) 1648

C) 1649

D) 1652

E) 1640-1649


138.1. Years of war for the independence of the North American colonies?

А) 1776-1783

B) 1777-1784

C) 1778-1785

D) 1775-1783

E) 1776-1834


139.1. The year of «Boston Tea Party»?

А) 1773

B) 1774

C) 1775

D) 1776

E) 1777


140.1. What body adopted a "Declaration of Independence" of the U.S.?

A) Congress

B) General states

C) The Continental Congress

D) The Supreme Federal Court

E) The Parliament


141.1. When the U.S. Independence Day?

A) June 4, 1776's

B) 4 July 1775's

C) June 4, 1775's

D) 4 July 1776's

E) 4 August 1777's


142.1. Who is Thomas Paine?

A) Author of the "Declaration of Independence"

B) The first president of the United States

C) The author's pamphlet "Common Sense"

D) The Minister of Finance England

E) The head of the army of the colonists


143.1. What is Luddism?

A) the workers' struggle by destroying cars

B) capture farmers idle land

C) the establishment of responsible parliamentary government

D) shift from manual labor to machine

E) fight for the reconstruction of the church


144.1. In which country was the workers' movement Luddism?

A) England

B) France

C) German

D) Italy

E) Russia


145.1. Day the Bastille fell is

A) July 4, 1776

B) July 14, 1789

C) August 10, 1792

D) May 31, 1793

E) November 9, 1799


146.1. What is the Bastille?

A) Royal prison

B) Royal Palace

C) An industrial city

D) Shopping center

E) Major river


147.1. In the years of which revolution was executed Louis XVI?

A) English bourgeois revolution

B) Of the French Revolution

C) The July Revolution of 1830

D) Of the Paris Commune

E) The War of Independence


148.1. In the years of what revolution Charles I was executed?

A) English bourgeois revolution

B) Great French revolution

C) July revolution of 1830

D) Commune of Paris

E) Wars for independence


149.1. Who is the author of the "Encyclopedia of..." in France?

A) Diderot

B) Beaumarchais

C) Kandilyak

D) Montesquieu

E) Mably


150.1. Which country won the territory of Venice and Lombardy by the Congress of Vienna?

A) England

B) France

C) Austria

D) Italy

E) Russia


151.1. Which country won the Rhineland Congress of Vienna?

A) England

B) Prussia

C) Austria

D) Russia

E) France


152.1. Which country has received Westphalia by the decision of the Congress of Vienna?

A) England

B) Prussia

C) Austria

D) Russia

E) France


153.1. Which country has received Bessarabia by the decision of the Congress of Vienna?

A) England

B) Prussia

C) Austria

D) Russia

E) France


154.1.What country received the island Ceylon after the Vienna congress?

A) England

B) Prussia

C) Austria

D) Russia

E) France


155.1. A prominent representative of the German Enlightenment:

A) Montesquieu

B) Diderot

C) Schiller

D) Mably

E) All of the above


156.1. How parliament chambers in England in the XVII century were called?

A) chamber of lords and House of Commons

B) senate and House of Representatives

C) senate and Mazhilis

D) chamber of peers and House of Representatives

E) senate and Bundestag


157.1. Years of activity of "Long parliament" in England -

A) 1640-1653

B) 1649-1653

C) 1653-1658

D) 1658-1660

E) 1640-1689


158.1. As a result of agrarian revolution in England in the XVIII century -

A) the peasantry ceased to exist as a class

B) there was a small landed property of peasants

C) the large farm of peasants was formed

D) the nobility ceased to exist as estate

E) there was a proletariat


159.1. As a result of what events the republic of consulate was proclaimed?

A) Overthrows of the July monarchy

B) Overthrows of the power of the Directory

C) Charles's I executions

D) Revolution 9 termidor

E) "Hundred days of Napoleon"


160.1. What battle became to history as "Fight of the people"?

A) Fight at Waterloo

B) Austerlitsky battle

C) Borodino fight

D) Leipzig battle

E) Dresden battle


161.1. In what year the battle known as "Fight of the people" took place?

A) 1812

B) 1813

C) 1814

D) 1815

E) 1810


162.1. Years of activity of the Vienna congress?

A) 1812-1813

B) 1813-1814

C) 1814-1815

D) 1815-1816

E) 1816-1817


163.1. When Napoleon's conclusive battle near the town of Waterloo took place?

A) June 18, 1812

B) July 18, 1813

C) July 18, 1814

D) June 18, 1815

E) July 18, 1815


164.1. In what year Cromwell with the army of "new sample" goes on a gain of Ireland?

A) 1647

B) 1648

C) 1649

D) 1650

E) 1651


165.1. When military dictatorship in England was established?

A) 1640

B) 1642

C) 1649

D) 1653

E) 1660


166.1. What title was received by O. Cromwell, having established military dictatorship?

A) lord protector

B) dictator

C) emperor

D) king

E) despot


167.1 Who is the organizer of the murder of Archduke in Sarajevo F. Ferdinanda?

A) counter intelligence Austria

B) The Socialist-Revolutionaries

C) Albanian nationalists

D) members of the organization "Mlada Bosna"

E) The German militarists


168.1. The agrarian program of the Jacobin dictatorship, provided

A) the donation of land to peasants

B) the preservation of feudal obligations

C) the secularization of church lands

D) allow the sale of land

E) the nationalization of land


169.1. Year of the July Revolution and the establishment of the July Monarchy?

A) 1828

B) 1829

C) 1830

D) 1831

E) 1832


170.1. Date of the fall of the July Monarchy in France

A) 1828

B) 1829

C) 1830

D) 1838

E) 1848


171.1. Who led the July Monarchy in France?

A) Louis Napoleon

B) F.Gizo

C) Lamartine

D) Louis Philippe

E) Carl Artois


172.1. Who headed the government of the July Monarchy?

A) Louis Napoleon

B) F.Gizo

C) Lamartine

D) Louis Philippe

E) Carl Artois


173.1. Date of Louis Napoleon's coup d 'état under the pretext of "protecting the republic" –

A) December 1, 1851

B) December 2, 1851

C) December 1, 1852

D) December 2, 1852

E) December 3, 1853


174.1. The essence of the industrial revolution –

A) Transition from manual labor to machine

B) Confiscation of peasant property

C) Victory of landlordism

D) Destruction of cities

E) The emergence of "rotten places"


175.1. Time of the French Enlightenment –

A) After Great French revolution

B) Before Great French revolution

C) years of Great French revolution

D) years of Centenary war

E) years of a July monarchy


176.1. What monarchy was overthrown in France in 1848?

A) The December

B) The January

C) The February

D) the October

E) The July


177.1. The essence of the coup of 9 Thermidor –

A) the establishment of the regime of the Directory

B) formation of Napoleon's empire

C) the establishment of the Jacobin dictatorship

D) a regime consulate

E) The restoration of the Bourbons


178.1. The essence of the coup of 18 Brumaire

A) the establishment of the regime of the Directory

B) formation of Napoleon's empire

C) the establishment of the Jacobin dictatorship

D) a regime consulate

E) The restoration of the Bourbons


179.1. For what struggled Carbonaro in Italy in the early nineteenth century?

A) Approval of Catholicism

B) against the Inquisition

C) exemption from the rule of Austria

D) the restoration of absolutism

E) the formation of the anti-Napoleonic coalition


180.1. What is the Reichstag by the German constitution in 1871?

A) The lower house of parliament

B) Parliament

C) Cabinet of Ministers

D) Tax Service

E) The Supreme Court


181.1. How is the lower house of parliament German Empire?

A) of the House of Commons

B) the Reichstag

C) House of Representatives

D) Majilis

E) of the Chamber of Deputies


182.1. Who is the Chancellor of Germany?

A) King

B) Prime Minister

C) Minister of War

D) The Chief Justice

E) President


183.1. Who in Prussia called the "Iron Chancellor"?

A) Bismarck

B) Wilhelm

C) Metternich

D) Cavour

E) Gizo


184.1. When was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the famous "Communist Manifesto"?

A) 1838

B) 1848

C) 1858

D) 1868

E) 1870


185.1. The beginning of the Franco -Prussian War

A) 1856

B) 1866

C) 1870

D) 1877

E) 1886


186.1. What country declared war on Prussia in 1870?

A) England

B) France

C) United States

D) Austria

E) Sweden


187.1. The aim of the Vienna congress -

A) Restoration on a dynasty throne Bourbon

B) Dynasty restoration Bonaparte

C) Dynasty restoration Stewart

D) Dynasty restoration Tudor

E) Restoration of a dynasty of Ryurik dynasty


188.1. What was the leader of the party Zh.Klemanso?

A) Of the bourgeois republicans

B) Monarchists

C) Socialists

D) Radicals

E) Conservative


189.1. What is the metropolis?

A) the country owning a colony

B) the country deprived of independence

C) monarchy form

D) form of fight of workers

E) type of monopoly


190.1. The first colony of England on the Atlantic coast –

A) Massachusetts

B) Virginia

C) New Jersey

D) Maryland

E) Georgia


191.1. What is the colony?

A) the country owning a colony

B) the country deprived of independence

C) monarchy form

D) form of fight of workers

E) type of monopoly


192.1. During what historical era there were doctrines about the political rights and freedoms?

A) Renaissance

B) Reformation

C) Enlightenment

D) Reorganization

E) Revival


193.1. Early form of capitalist production -

A) plant

B) factory

C) trust

D) manufactory

E) concern


194.1. What essence of policy of enclosing?

A) land tenure expansion

B) sheep breeding development

C) violentсгон peasants from the earth

D) fall of the price of agricultural goods

E) land lease


195.1. In what country peasants were violently drove from the ground?

A) England

B) France

C) Russia

D) Prussia

E) Italy


196.1. Political result of English bourgeois revolution -

A) "Glorious revolution"

B) Independent republic

C) Cromwell's protectorate

D) Charles's execution

E) The army of a new sample is created


197.1. What form of government established by the Constitution of the United States in 1787?

A) absolute monarchy

B) a parliamentary monarchy

C) Republic

D) despotism

E) protectorate


198.1. Who are the Loyalists in the USA?

A) supporters of dependence on England

B) supporters of independence of England

C) supporters of an absolute monarchy

D) supporters of cancellation of slavery

E) supporters of plantatsionny economy


199.1. How many colonies participated in work of the Continental congress?

A) 15

B) 14

C) 13

D) 12

E) 10


200.1. Time of presidency of T.Jefferson-

A) 1789-1797

B) 1797-1801

C) 1801-1809

D) 1809-1817

E) 1817-1825


201.1. Time of presidency of George Washington -

A) 1789-1797

B) 1797-1801

C) 1801-1809

D) 1809-1817

E) 1817-1825


202.1. How many class of society was divided into French society?

A) 8

B) 7

C) 6

D) 5

E) 3


203.1. Who was in the first class in France?

A) Nobles

B) Clergy

C) Operating

D) Farmers

E) The bourgeoisie


204.1. Who was part of the second class in France?

A) Nobles

B) Clergy

C) Operating

D) Farmers

E) The bourgeoisie


205.1. When it adopted the "Declaration of the Rights of Man?"

A) During the French Revolution

B) During the Paris Commune

C) During the Franco- Prussian War

D) During the Second Empire

E) In the years of the July Monarchy


206.1. In the years of the revolution which adopted the " Declaration of the Rights of Man?"

A) During the French Revolution

B) During the English bourgeois revolution

C) During the American Revolutionary War

D) During the Civil War in the United States

E) in the years of the Great October Socialist Revolution


207.1. The supreme authority of the Jacobin dictatorship -

A) The Directory

B) The Committee of Public Safety

C) The Paris Commune

D) National Convention

E) The Consulate


208.1. Figure of the French Revolution -

A) M. Robesper

B) Jean-Paul Marat

C) Louis Saint-Just

D) Georges Jacques Danton

E) all of the above


209.1. Who are the sans-culottes?

A) Religious ministers

B) Urban poor

C) Large landowners

D) New nobility

E) Supporters of the King


210.1. As they called the urban poor in France?

A) Peers

B) Grossbauern

C) Sans-culottes

D) Cavaliers

E) round-headed


211.1. What do you call the supporters of absolute monarchy?

A) Sans-culottes

B) Royalists

C) Socialists

D) Grossbauern

E) Diggers


212.1. Who is Grossbauern?

A) wealthy farmer in Prussia

B) slave in America

C) the urban poor in France

D) new nobility in England

E) is a major landowner in England


213.1. As it was called in Prussia wealthy farmers?

A) Grossbauern

B) sans-culottes

C) loyalists

D) diggers

E) The Levellers


214.1. Who are paupers?

A) wealthy farmer in Prussia

B) slaves in America

C) the urban poor

D) new nobility in England

E) large landowners in England


215.1. Between which countries had signed the Peace of Tilsit in 1807?

A) France and Russia

B) France and Prussia

C) Russia and England

D) The United States and England

E) Russia and Japan


216.1. When the Peace of Tilsit was signed between Russia and France?

A) 1807
B) 1806
C) 1812
D) 1814
E) 1815


217.1. What international reactionary organization was created at the initiative of Alexander I in 1815?

A) Continental Blockade

B) The Holy Alliance

C) The Entente

D) The Triple Alliance



218.1. The decision the Peace of Tilsit between Russia and France -

A) The creation of the Continental Blockade

B) The creation of the Holy Alliance

C) The restoration of the Bourbons

D) The recognition of the independence of the United States

E) The proclamation of the Empire in France


219.1. What is the essence of the Continental blockade?

A) The prohibition of trade relations with Britain

B) Fighting against national liberation movements in Europe

C) The division of Poland between Austria and Russia

D) The expulsion of Napoleon at St. Helena

E) The restoration of the Bourbons in France


220.1. Whose interests did Jacobins express?

A) Big bourgeoisie

B) The peasantry

C) The labors

D) The sans-culottes

E) Middle bourgeoisie


221.1. Whose interests did Girondins express?

A) Big bourgeoisie

B) The peasantry

C) The labors

D) The sans-culottes

E) Middle bourgeoisie


222.1. What is the program of the Levellers?

A) The National Agreement

B) The law of liberty

C) Common Sense

D) Grand Remonstrance

E) The Bill of Rights


223.1. What is the program of the Diggers?

A) The National Agreement

B) The law of liberty

C) Common Sense

D) Grand Remonstrance

E) The Bill of Rights


224.1. Forms of capitalist exploitation –

A) an increase in working days

B) use of women and child labor

C) lack of labor protection

D) low wages

E) all of the options are correct


225.1. Date of reconstruction of the southern states,

A) 1775-1781

B) 1789-1799

C) 1861-1865

D) 1865-1877

E) 1801-1809

226.1. When Abraham Lincoln was assassinated?

A) 1865

B) 1864

C) 1863

D) 1862

E) 1860


227. 1. What does mean the Reconstruction of the South?

A) the implementation of the industrial revolution

B) the abolition of slavery

C) the provision of slaves civil rights

D) carrying out bourgeois reforms

E) all of the options are correct


228.1. Who led the army of the southern states during the Civil War in the United States?

A) General Lee

B) General U.Grant

C) General Sherman

D) General Washington

E) General Davis


229. 1. Who led the army of northerners in the Civil War the United States?

A) General Lee

B) Abraham Lincoln

C) General Sherman

D) General Washington

E) General Davis


230.1. The figure of the American bourgeois revolution II-

A) Abraham Lincoln

B) D.Lilbrеn

C) Marat

D) Cavour

E) Kossuth


231.1. The activity of the first American bourgeois revolution -

A) Thomas Jefferson

B) D.Lilbern

C) Marat

D) Cavour

E) Kossuth


232.1. Officials of the English bourgeois revolution –

A) Abraham Lincoln

B) J.Lilbern

C) Marat

D) Cavour

E) Kossuth


233.1. Officials of the July Revolution in France -

A) Abraham Lincoln

B) D.Lilbern

C) Marat

D) Cavour

E) Gizo


234.1. Officials of the Paris Commune -

A) Abraham Lincoln

B) D.Lilbern

C) Marat

D) Cavour

E) Varlin


235.1. The figure of the French Revolution –

A) A. Lincoln

B) D. Lilburn

C) Marat

D) Cavour

E) Kossuth


236.1. Which president abolished slavery in the United States?

A) D.Vashington

B) Thomas Jefferson

C) Abraham Lincoln

D) U.Grant

E) Theodore Roosevelt


237.1. What is abolitionism?

A) struggle for the abolition of slavery

B) Economic Policy patronage of development of domestic industries

C) the movement for the unification of Italy

D) the workers' struggle for universal suffrage

E) popular vote


238.1. Representative of what party was Woodrow Wilson?

A) democratic

B) Republican

C) Conservative

D) liberal

E) radical


239.1. What is the German emperor?

A) Chancellor

B) Kaiser

C) Archduke

D) Prime Minister

E) Protector


240.1. In which country the Chartist movement was formed?

A) England

B) France

C) Italy

D) Austria

E) of Prussia


241.1. What is the Chartist movement?

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