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D. What is your child’s favorite dish?
E. Do you play football?
66. You want to ask about the duration of rash. Which would you ask:
A. When did you notice the fever?
B. How often does the child go for a walk?
C. How long has your child had rash?
D. Are there any changes in your child’s mood?
E. Where did the rash appear first?
67. You want to know where the rash appeared first. Which would you ask:
A. Was the pain sudden?
B. How easily does the child fall asleep?
C. Can your child wash his face himself?
D. Did the rash appear on the face first?
E. Is it stabbing or burning?
68. You want to ask about the signs and symptoms. Which would you ask:
A. What time does the child go to bed?
B. Does the child go to school?
C. How old is the child?
D. Does your child run well?
E. Did your child have a mild fever?
69. You want to ask about sore throat. Which would you ask:
A. How often does he suffer form headaches?
B. Did your child have pain in the throat?
C. Have you noticed any blisters?
D. Does the child have headache?
E. Does the child sleep enough?
70. You want to ask about the child’s cough. Which would you ask:
A. What is the child’s temperature?
B. Does your child get hungry often?
C. Can you describe your child’s cough?
D. Are there any difficulties with swallowing?
E. How does your child feel?
71. You want to ask about the character of rash. Which would you ask:
A. Does your child experience fatigue?
B. What kind of food does your child eat?
C. How often does your baby fall asleep?
D. What kind of rash does your child have?
E. What is your child’s hobby?
72. You want to ask about rises and falls of the temperature. Which would you ask:
A. Was it accompanied by nausea?
B. What did the doctor tell you?
C. Does your child often get irritated?
D. What do you do?
E. What was the child’s temperature like?
73. You need the description of rash. Which would you ask:
A. Are you single?
B. Is the rash red, confluent and raised?
C. How often does your child fall ill?
D. Is your child allergic to any drugs?
E. What is your child’s weight like?
74. You want to know if the eyes have been affected. Which would you ask:
A. Does your child have diarrhea?
B. Does the child have sore throat?
C. Does the child have sore eyes?
D. Does the child have headache?
E. Has the child been ill recently?
75. You want to ask about the child’s eating habits. Which would you ask:
A. How often does he go for a walk?
B. Is the child’s skin pallid?
C. What could have caused it?
D. Does your child eat chalk or soil?
E. Does your child go in for sport?
76. You want to ask about the child’s behavior. Which would you ask:
A. Has your child been ill with any diseases?
B. Was it something your child ate?
C. Any blood in your child’s stools?
D. Is your child allergic to any medicine?
E. Have you noticed any behavioral changes?
77. You want to ask about the child’s weight. Which would you ask:
A. Has your child ever been ill with measles?
B. Have your child lost weight recently?
C. Where do you live?
D. Does your baby have eruptions on the skin?
E. What’s the child’s name
78. You want to ask about the blood composition. Which would you ask:
A. What is your child’s behavior?
B. What is your child’s temperature?
C. What is your child’ blood count?
D. What is your child’s appetite?
E. What is your child’s problem?
79. You want to ask about the location of the pain. Which would you ask:
A. Does the child suffer from headaches?
B. What is the child’s temperature?
C. When did the child first feel the pain?
D. Which part of the head is affected?
E. Does lying down help the pain?
80. You want to ask about the time of the pain. Which would you ask:
A. What seems to be the problem?
B. What time is it now?
C. What time does the child usually go to bed?
D. What time does the child have meals?
E. Does it come on at any particular time?
81. You want to find the cause of the pain. Which would you ask:
A. What’s the color of the child’s skin?
B. What brought the pain on?
C. Where have you been?
D. Does your child stay alone?
E. Where does it hurt?
82. You want to ask about the reaction to light. Which would you ask:
A. How often do you drink?
B. How long has it been bothering you?
C. Does light bother you?
D. When did he go to school?
E. Did you turn off the light?
83. You want to know if it hurts anywhere else. Which would you ask:
A. Has your child lost any weight?
B. Do you suffer from double vision?
C. What’s brought you along today?
D. Do you have any pains in other parts of your body?
E. What sort of mood has the child been in recently?
84. You want to ask about reaction to noise. Which would you ask:
A. Is the child’s cough severe during the night?
B. When did the child recover?
C. Is your child allergic to any kind of drugs?
D. Does your child have fever?
E. Does noise worry you?
85. You want to ask about an asthma attack. Which would you ask:
A. Does your child smoke?
B. Have you had shortness of breath?
C. What’s your child’s blood count?
D. Can you describe the pain?
E. How often does your child get sick?
86. You want to know the cause of allergy. Which would you ask:
A. Have you spotted any rash?
B. Does your child go out often?
C. Do you know what could have caused it?
D. Does your child often have meals?
E. What is it like?
87. You want to ask if the nose was affected. Which would you ask:
A. Are the child’s ankles swollen?
B. Which part of your head is affected?
C. When did the first rash appear?
D. Do you have stuffy nose?
E. Is the child allergic to anything?
88. You want to ask about appetite. Which would you ask:
A. Do you have cold?
B. What’s the child’s blood pressure?
C. Does the noise bother the child?
D. When did the cough start?
E. What’s your child’s appetite like?
89. You want to ask about nausea. Which would you ask:
A. Are there any problems with waterworks?
B. Does the baby feel sick?
C. Is there any weakness in the limbs?
D. How old is your child?
E. Are there any problems with the bowels?
90. You want to ask about the character of the pain. Which would you ask:
A. Was your child vaccinated against measles?
B. Does your child have high temperature?
C. Is the pain severe, sharp or dull?
D. Does the pain wake your child at night?
E. Does your child suffer from diarrhea?
91. The combining form hemo- means ….
A. head
B. muscle
C. nerve
D. blood
E. virus
92. The combining form peri- means ….
A. disease
B. record
C. big
D. small
E. around
93. The combining form cephal- means ….
A. bacteria
B. head
C. muscle
D. bone
E. cell
94. The combining form -graphy means ….
A. heart
B. ear
C. process of recording
D. brain
E. bone marrow
95. The combining form myo- means ….
A. skin
B. infection
C. nerve
D. muscle
E. liver
96. The combining form poly- means ….
A. bone
B. heart
C. cell
D. measles
E. numerous
97. The combining form neuro- means ….
A. testes
B. nerve
C. head
D. arm
E. hair
98. The suffix -itis means ….
A. pertaining to
B. pain
C. inflammation
D. vessel
E. blood
99. The suffix -algia means ….
A. metastases
B. vaccination
C. joint
D. pain
E. hardening
100. The suffix -emia means ….
A. sleep
B. asthma
C. allergy
D. pain
E. blood condition
101. The combining form pharyngo- means....
A. cell
B. pharynx
C. mouth
D. lung
E. chest
102. The combining form oro- means....
A. skin
B. eye
C. mouth
D. science
E. inflammation
103. The combining form pneumo- means....
A. skin
B. trachea
C. larynx
D. lung
E. head
104. The prefix a-(an-) means....
A. hair
B. blood
C. protein
D. eyes
E. no; without
105. The prefix de- means....
A. kidney
B. lack of
C. specialist
D. intestine
E. pertaining to
106. The suffix –cyte means....
A. red
B. white
C. cell
D. blood
E. ears
107. The combining form leuko- means ….
A. foot
B. heart
C. leg
D. white
E. to remove
108. The combining form dermato- means ….
A. inside
B. water
C. sleep
D. allergy
E. skin
109. The combining form gastro- means....
A. brain
B. stomach
C. chest
D. arm
E. head
110. The combining form nephro- means.
A. nose
B. skin
C. kidney
D. mouth
E. larynx
111. The combining form laryngo- means....
A. eye
B. blue
C. rash
D. larynx
E. chest
112. The combining form pleuro- means....
A. blood
B. liver
C. stomach
D. ear
E. pleura
113. The combining form conjunctivo- means....
A. lobe
B. conjunctiva
C. trachea
D. skin
E. pleura
114. The combining form broncho- means....
A. kidney
B. lobe
C. bronchus
D. migraine
E. sleep
115. The combining form meningo- means....
A. fever
B. cough
C. brain
D. meninges
E. virus
116. The combining form for blood is....
A. dermato-
B. laryngo-
C. ophthalmo-
D. pleuro-
E. hemo-
117. The combining form for head is....
A. neuro-
B. cephalo-
C. carcino-
D. grapho-
E. -logy
118. The combining form for process of recording is....
A. -logy
B. -cyte
C. -graphy
D. -ic
E. oto-
119. The combining form for nerves is....
A. hepato-
B. myo-
C. cyto-
D. neuro-
E. gastro-
120. The combining from for muscles is....
A. patho-
B. dermato-
C. encephalo-
D. oto-
E. myo-
121. The combining form patho- means....
A. pharynx
B. disease
C. stomach
D. blood
E. liver
122. The combining form hepato- means....
A. vessel
B. sleep
C. liver
D. life
E. treatment
123. The combining form stomato- means ….
A. water
B. specialist
C. cell
D. mouth
E. physician
124. The combining form for pain is ….
A. neuro-
B. laryngo-
C. dermato-
D. nephro-
E. -algia
125. The combining form for inflammation is ….
A. -logy
B. -itis
C. -logist
D. -oma
E. -graphy
126. The combining form for blood condition is ….
A. onco-
B. -oma
C. -emia
D. dermato-
E. thoraco-
127. The combining form for throat is....
A. cardio-
B. pleuro-
C. gastro-
D. pharyngo-
E. oto-
128. The combining form for lung is....
A. myo-
B. conjunctivo-
C. oro-
D. neuro-
E. pneumo-
129. The combining from for lack of is....
A. -itis
B. de-
C. -logy
D. peri-
E. chole-
130. The combining form for without is....
A. cyto-
B. leuko-
C. a- (an-)
D. -ist
E. intra-
131. The combining form for white is....
A. stomato
B. cyto-
C. ophthalmo-
D. leuko-
E. dermato-
132. The combining form for skin is....
A. myo-
B. cephalo-
C. erythro-
D. nephro-
E. dermato-
133. The combining form for cell is....
A. -philia
B. -cyte
C. -ic
D. -emia
E. -al
134. The combining form for against is....
A. de-
B. peri-
C. anti-
D. oto-
E. haemo-
135. The combining form for nose is....
A. dactylo-
B. gastro-
C. procto-
D. rhino-
E. endo-
136. The combining form for appendix is....
A. stomato-
B. patho-
C. histo-
D. lobo-
E. appendico-
137. The combining form for lung is....
A. pharyngo-
B. pulmono-
C. onco-
D. morpho-
E. myo-
138. The combining form for intestine is ….
A. oto-
B. osteo-
C. entero-
D. histo-
E. -tomy
139. The combining form for sinus is....
A. patho-
B. osteo-
C. ophthalmo-
D. sinuso-
E. laryngo-
140. The combining form for liver is ….
A. gastro-
B. dermato-
C. onco-
D. adeno-
E. hepato-
141. The combining form for colon is....
A. appendico-
B. colo-
C. pharyngo-
D. myo-
E. adeno-
142. The combining form for surgical removal is....
A. cyto-
B. -logy
C. -ectomy
D. leuko-
E. -itis
143. The combining form for esophagus is....
A. thoraco-
B. inter-
C. stomato-
D. esophago-
E. pharyngo-
144. The combining form for trachea is....
A. neuro-
B. appendico-
C. conjunctivo-
D. uro-
E. tracheo-
145. The combining form for visual examination is....
A. -al
B. -scopy
C. -oma
D. -ic
E. -osis
146. The combining form for lobe is ….
A. arthro-
B. erythro-
C. lobo-
D. osteo-
E. myo-
147. The combining form endo- means ….
A. muscle
B. joints
C. artery
D. inside
E. tissue
148. Orcho- is the combining form for ….
A. pancreas
B. nose
C. brain
D. breast
E. testes
149. Poly- is the combining form for....
A. one
B. many
C. no
D. big
E. small
150. The combining form for lymph glands is....
A. myo-
B. histo-
C. lymphadeno-
D. oto-
E. naso-
151. Which question was asked: The lesions appeared yesterday.
A. What did she take for lesions?
B. When did you see the rash?
C. What’s the shape of lesions?
D. When did the lesions appear?
E. What are the lesions accompanied by?
152. Which question was asked: The rash is accompanied by an evanescent flush.
A. What medicines removed lesions?
B. When did the rash appear?
C. What’s the shape of lesions?
D. Where did the rash appear first?
E. What is rash accompanied by?
153. Which question was asked: He has lesions on the face and trunk.
A. When did the rash appear?
B. Where does he have rash?
C. Can you describe the lesions?
D. What are lesions accompanied by?
E. Who else in your family has lesions?
154. Which question was asked: He had eruptions for two days.
A. What helped for the rash?
B. What accompanied the rash?
C. How long has your child had rash?
D. How did you prevent chickenpox in your child?
E. What medicines removed eruptions?
155. Which question was asked: It was preceded by the respiratory infection.
A. What was it accompanied by?
B. What was if followed by?
C. When did it develop?
D. What was it preceded by?
E. What were the symptoms?
156. Which question was asked: The rash is pink.
A. When did it start?
B. When did the rash appear?
C. What is the rash accompanied by?
D. Where does he have rash?
E. What is the color of eruptions?
157. Which question was asked: He had malaise and fever.
A. What relieved the pain?
B. What were the first symptoms of rubella?
C. When did the first symptoms appear?
D. When did the rash appear?
E. What caused rubella?
158. Which question was asked: He had low-grade fever and rash.
A. When did the rash appear?
B. What medicines did he take?
C. What were the side-effects from rubella vaccine?
D. What made the pain worse?
E. When did he suffer from rubella?
159. Which question was asked: He was vaccinated for rubella.
A. What were the first symptoms of rubella?
B. What were the side-effects from the vaccine?
C. When did the rash appear?
D. What did he have immunization for?
E. What medicines did he take?
160. Which question was asked: The rash is red, raised, extensive, and accompanied by bleeding.
A. What caused measles?
B. When did the eruptions appear?
C. What medicines did you take for measles?
D. Where did the rash appear?
E. What is the character of eruptions?
161. Which question was asked: His cough is phlegmy.
A. Can you describe his pain?
B. Can you describe his cough?
C. Can you describe his eruptions?
D. When did the cough appear?
E. How old is he?
162. Which question was asked: He has fever.
A. What symptoms accompany the fever?
B. What does he take for temperature?
C. What is his temperature?
D. When did the fever appear?
E. What relieves the pain?
163. Which question was asked: It is coupled with difficulty of inspiration.
A. When did the bleeding start?
B. What medicines did he take?
C. What relieves the pain?
D. What is cough accompanied by?
E. What symptoms does he have?
164. Which question was asked: The child refuses to suck the breast.
A. What medicines did he take?
B. When did the problem appear?
C. What relieves the pain?
D. Where does he have rash?
E. What seems to be the problem?
165. Which question was asked: He had no symptoms.
A. What caused anemia?
B. Were there any signs?
C. What medicines did he take?
D. What’s the pain like?
E. What made his pain worse?
166. Which question was asked: A blood test diagnosed anemia.
A. What seems to be the problem?
B. What did a cardiogram show?
C. What did a blood test show?
D. What complications developed?
E. What were the symptoms of his disease?
167. Which question was asked: His attacks last for 1 hour.
A. What medicines usually help him?
B. When did it start?
C. What helps him to fall asleep?
D. How long does it last?
E. What was the duration of his disease?
168. Which question was asked: He has pain in the forehead.
A. What makes the pain worse?
B. When did the pain appear?
C. What did you take for headache?
D. What relieved the pain?
E. Which part of his head is affected?
169. Which question was asked: He had meal 2 hours ago.
A. What did he eat?
B. When did he eat last time?
C. What medicines did he take?
D. What was the duration of his attack?
E. What brings him relief?
170. Which question was asked: He doesn’t want to eat.
A. What medicines did he take?
B. What did he eat yesterday?
C. What’s his appetite like?
D. What brings him relief?
E. What’s the character of his pain?
171. Which question was asked: My child has itchy runny eyes.
A. What’s the character of the pain?
B. What relieves the pain?
C. What caused it?
D. What’s brought you along today?
E. When did he recover?
172. Which question was asked: Yesterday he ate oranges.
A. What relieved the pain?
B. When did the allergy disappear?
C. What are the symptoms of allergy?
D. What is the character of the pain?
E. What triggered the allergy?
173. Which question was asked: He ate smoked fish.
A. When did he eat last time?
B. What did he have for a meal?
C. What caused the pain?
D. What medicines did he take?
E. What vitamins did he take?
174. Which question was asked: He took many vitamins.
A. Which procedures were performed?
B. When did he eat last time?
C. What caused poisoning?
D. When did he fall asleep?
E. When did he fall ill?
175. Which question was asked: The pain increases after taking food.
A. What caused the pain?
B. When does he usually feel better?
C. When did the pain start?
D. Does the food affect the pain?
E. What medicines does he take before a meal?
176. Which question was asked: The pain is dull.
A. What relieved the pain?
B. When did the pain start?
C. What did he eat yesterday?
D. Why is he so depressed?
E. Can you describe the pain?
177. Which question was asked: The infection was caused by the poor hygiene.
A. When did it appear?
B. What caused the disease?
C. What treatment was prescribed?
D. When did he eat last time?
E. What medicines did he take?
178. Which question was asked: My child has itching around the anus.
A. What caused the disease?
B. When did you go to the doctor?
C. What’s brought you along today?
D. What medicines did he take?
E. When did he feel better?
179. Which question was asked: He could get it playing in the yard.
A. What are the complications?
B. When did the pain appear?
C. What caused the disease?
D. Where could your child acquire the infection?
E. What makes the pain better?
180. Which question was asked: The blood test didn’t diagnose worm infections.
A. What medicines did he take?
B. What was the pain like?
C. What seems to be the problem?
D. When did he feel better?
E. What did the blood test show?
181. If your child is ill you have to take him to a …
A. orthodontist
B. pediatrician
C. biologist
D. geneticist
E. beautician
182. The hospitals and clinics are staffed by …
A. interns and nurses
B. residents and interns
C. residents, interns, doctors and nurses
D. doctors and nurses
E. residents and nurses
183. - … - I have a terrible stomachache
A. What do you do?
B. How old are you?
C. Where do you live?
D. What’s brought you along today?
E. Have you got a family?
184. ….diagnoses and treats diseases of the female reproductive organs.
A. Obstetrician
B. Dermatologist
C. Neurologist
D. Oncologist
E. Gynecologist
185. In the USA … private physicians charge a fee for each patient’s visit
A. part-time
B. self-employed
C. retired
D. self-elected
E. self-directed
186. Private physicians have… relationship with one or more hospitals in the community.
A. disease
B. difficult
C. contractual
D. community
E. fight
187. Children and employees in Ukraine undergo special … to prevent some diseases
A. games
B. lessons
C. holidays
D. medical check-ups
E. payments
188. …controls the work of health care institutions.
A. Ministry of Labor
B. Ministry of Education
C. Ministry of Transportation
D. Ministry of Finance
E. Ministry of Health
189. Paramedical personnel are trained at …
A. primary schools
B. secondary medical schools
C. hospitals
D. higher medical schools
E. nursery school
190. If you fall ill you may phone to … and call in a doctor.
A. Ministry of Health
B. the lawyer
C. your local polyclinic
D. the university
E. laboratory
191. A patient should go to the …where the registering clerk finds the patient’s card
A. doctor’s room
B. surgery
C. X-ray room
D. registry
E. laboratory
192. History taking, visual examination, palpation, percussion instrumental studies, X-ray are the … used to establish the diagnosis.
A. premises
B. specialists
C. instruments
D. treatments
E. procedures
193. The Maternity and Child Care Center provides health care to…
A. retired people
B. women and children
C. poor and aged people
D. disabled
E. foreign citizens
194. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit is a subdivision of ….
A. The Department of Health
B. The National Health Service
C. The Maternity and Child Care Center
D. The Regional Health Authorities
E. The USA Stroke Center
195. When the patient needs constant doctor’s care, he is treated at the…. department
A. investigation
B. out-patient
C. university
D. in-patient
E. cardiology
196. Cardiology, Surgery, Urology, Neurology are the … of the hospital
A. rooms
B. premises
C. faculties
D. levels
E. departments
197. Ultrasonography and thermography are the diagnostic …
A. specialists
B. procedures
C. departments
D. instruments
E. rooms
198. A room in a hospital for patients requiring similar kinds of care is called a…
A. hall
B. house
C. ward
D. classroom
E. office
199. –What’s your …? – Alexander.
A. nationality
B. age
C. address
D. name
E. marital status
200. Are you …?-No, I’m divorced
A. German
B. an engineer
C. 25
D. divorced
E. married
201. What do you …? - I’m a pilot
A. see
B. do
C. like
D. play
E. have
202. … are you? - I’m 29
A. How kind
B. What
C. How old
D. Who
E. Where
203. Do you have …? - Yes, a daughter
A. parents
B. a pet
C. money
D. any children
E. a hobby
204. Where does it …? - In the right ear.
A. play
B. work
C. stand
D. take place
E. hurt
205. -What seems to be the problem?
A. - Mary Elisabeth
B. - I have a headache
C. - I’m 34
D. – I’m a lawyer
E. - No, I’m single
206. What is your …? - it’s 38°C
A. home address
B. phone number
C. temperature
D. occupation
E. name
207. You should go to a dentist if you have a…
A. stomachache
B. headache
C. backache
D. toothache
E. earache
208....were you last treated in the hospital? - In 2008.
A. Why
B. Where
C. How long
D. What
E. When
209. –How long have you had fever? – …
A. 3 times
B. For 3 days
C. Every morning
D. 2 hours ago
E. On Monday
210. If you need to check your heart you go to a…
A. dentist
B. neurologist
C. cardiologist
D. ophthalmologist
E. gastroenterologist
211. An acute systemic, usually childhood infection is called....
A. pediatrician
B. week
C. headache
D. chickenpox
E. text
212. Serious contagious disease that leaves permanent marks on the skin is called...
A. residency
B. physics
C. faculty
D. disease
E. smallpox
213. Chickenpox is also called...
A. hepatitis
B. varicella
C. allergy
D. symptom
E. diagnosis
214. An acute, generalized, communicable virus infection of children and young adults is...
A. gastritis
B. respiration
C. mumps
D. nose
E. injection
215. Elementary unit of a living organism is...
A. month
B. bone
C. hospital
D. cell
E. tissue
216. The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates is called...
A. card
B. nurse
C. university
D. year
E. environment
217. The front part of the body from the neck to the abdomen is called...
A. disease
B. chest
C. day
D. operation
E. throat
218. An organ which secretes particular chemical substances for body needs is called...
A. intravenous
B. department
C. gland
D. leg
E. nutrient
219. A relatively common cause of lymphocytic or viral meningitis is...
A. preoperative
B. tongue
C. dream
D. mumps
E. place
220. The science of the causes and effects of diseases is called...
A. prescription
B. symptom
C. year
D. nose
E. pathology
221. Microorganisms, which cause certain diseases are called...
A. examinations
B. viruses
C. arms
D. faculties
E. physicians
222. Hearing loss is called...
A. hospital
B. chemistry
C. deafness
D. pharynx
E. period
223. An unborn child from the third month until birth is...
A. children
B. neck
C. student
D. fetus
E. investigation
224. The presence of viruses in the blood is...
A. throat
B. disease
C. asymptomatic
D. nature
E. viremia
225. An acute, highly transmissible viral infection of man is called...
A. cold
B. measles
C. trachea
D. antibody
E. blood
226. A medicine that inhibits the growth of or destroys microorganisms is called...
A. membrane
B. tissue
C. antibiotic
D. nourishment
E. language
227. Any of a class of proteins present in the serum and cells of the immune system is...
A. tonsil
B. cell
C. hour
D. immunoglobulin
E. bleeding
228. The ability of an organism to resist a particular infection or toxin is called...
A. allergy
B. nucleus
C. mineral
D. water
E. immunity
229. A condition where the level of hemoglobin in the blood is below the normal range is called …
A. hypertension
B. anemia
C. erythrocyte
D. night
E. toxin
230. The iron-containing molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen around the body is called …
A. protein
B. antibiotic
C. hemoglobin
D. adenoids
E. laryngitis
231. Look for paleness of the membranes of the mouth and eyes is...
A. carbohydrate
B. thyroid gland
C. symptom
D. pallor
E. surgeon
232. The inappropriate eating of non-food material such as soil or chalk is …
A. meal
B. abdomen
C. food
D. stroke
E. pica
233. A sign of iron deficiency in children is...
A. certification
B. pica
C. tuberculosis
D. risk
E. hand
234. Having blank spots in your vision or seeing flashing lights is called...
A. muscle
B. pulmonologist
C. aura
D. drowsiness
E. hearing
235. An abnormal reaction by immune system to a substance that should be harmless is...
A. causes
B. patients
C. myocardium
D. allergy
E. symptoms
236. A condition in which there is difficulty in emptying the bowels is called …
A. temperature
B. smoking
C. substance
D. body
E. constipation
237.... means ingesting toxic substances.
A. group
B. poisoning
C. protein
D. intestine
E. cough
238. The commonest … worms in the UK are threadworms
A. pain
B. reactions
C. parasitic
D. symptoms
E. brain
239. Conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease are...
A. internship
B. lung
C. training
D. hygiene
E. stomach
240. The thin layer of tissue forming the natural outer covering of the body of a person or animal is called...
A. spinal cord
B. level
C. steroid
D. vaccine
E. skin
241. Effective against viruses means…
A. contraindicated
B. antiviral
C. better
D. systemic
E. high.
242. A disease, which is usually accompanied by skin eruptions is called...
A. protein
B. group
C. pox
D. intestine
E. back
243. A widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time is called...
A. swelling
B. disease
C. pain
D. epidemics
E. brain
244. The inflammation of the heart muscle is called...
A. stomach
B. lung
C. training
D. internship
E. myocarditis
245. A disease in which the functioning of the brain is affected is called...
A. level
B. encephalopathy
C. steroids
D. vaccine
E. spinal cord
246. Canal, through which air passes during breathing is …
A. brain
B. spinal cord
C. respiratory tract
D. salivary gland
E. protein.
247. An abnormal enlargement of a part of the body is called …
A. doing
B. coughing
C. leaning
D. swelling
E. feeling
248. The watery liquid that is produced naturally in your mouth is called...
A. group
B. school
C. juice
D. university
E. saliva
249. Lasting or remaining in a particular state throughout a person's life is...
A. continuous
B. lifelong
C. interesting
D. difficult
E. old
250. An area of redness and spots on a person's skin is called…
A. mail
B. rash
C. time
D. sale
E. life
251. The beginning of something is called …
A. food
B. life
C. onset
D. use
E. way
252. The study of the causes of diseases is called...
A. book
B. group
C. subject
D. etiology
E. life
253. A drug or other preparation for the treatment or prevention of disease is called...
A. brain
B. disease
C. pain
D. swelling
E. medicine
254. A feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit is called...
A. group
B. nausea
C. subject
D. book
E. life
255. … is a substance that harms or kills people or animals if they swallow it or absorb it.
A. cell
B. disease
C. poison
D. fluid
E. medicine
256. A sudden, violent, irregular movement of the body is called...
A. relation
B. time
C. pain
D. convulsion
E. stomach
257. A state of extreme lethargy or sleepiness is called...
A. brain.
B. level
C. stress
D. department
E. coma
258. The degree of strength of a poison is called…
A. drug
B. toxicity
C. example
D. injection
E. bowel
259. A medicine taken or given to counteract a particular poison is called …
A. place
B. laboratory
C. antidote
D. unit
E. hospital
260. A condition of the skin in which it becomes red, swollen, and sore is called...
A. headache
B. thyroid gland
C. pancreatitis
D. dermatitis
E. surgeon
261. A substance that causes an allergic reaction is called…
A. meal
B. treatment
C. aim
D. water
E. allergen
262. A disease or period of sickness affecting the body or mind is called...
A. pica
B. illness
C. tuberculosis
D. risk
E. hand
263. A synthetic sugar with laxative properties is called...
A. muscle
B. food
C. lactulose
D. aura
E. drug
264. An abnormally high body temperature is called...
A. case
B. pain
C. myocardium
D. fever
E. symptom.
265. The part of the alimentary canal below the stomach is called …
A. neck.
B. lung
C. eye
D. body
E. bowel
266. To obtain something due to parents means …
A. take
B. inherit
C. give
D. treat
E. learn
267. The organs and processes of the body that provide resistance to infection is called …
A. digestive system
B. cardiovascular system
C. immune system
D. hemoglobin
E. respiratory system
268. People with a tendency to allergies are called...
A. tired
B. different
C. sick
D. atopic
E. weak
269. Harmful factors, which can increase the risk of disease are called …
A. economic
B. social
C. major
D. bad
E. adjuvant
270. To identify the nature of an illness or other problem by examination of the symptoms...
A. treat
B. diagnose
C. look
D. take
E. give.
271. Choose the correct option:
A. What from you are?
B. What is your from?
C. Where are you from?
D. When are you from?
E. Whose are you from?
272. Choose the correct option:
Are you French? - ….
A. Yes, I have.
B. Yes, I is.
C. Yes, I are.
D. Yes, I am.
E. Yes, I do.
273. Choose the correct option:
A. He living in London.
B. He live in London.
C. He lives on London.
D. He to live in London.
E. He lives in London.
274. Choose the correct option:
A. I doesn’t like coffee.
B. I don’t like coffee.
C. I not like coffee.
D. I to not like coffee.
E. I does like coffee.
275. Choose the correct option:
A. He to go to work by bus.
B. He goes work in bus.
C. He goes to work by bus.
D. He going to work by bus.
E. He does go to work by bus.
276. Choose the correct option:
A. George a very big car has.
B. George has very big car.
C. George has car very big.
D. George has a very big car.
E. George has big car very.
277. Choose the correct option:
Do you speak English? - …
A. Yes, we are do.
B. Yes, we to do.
C. Yes, we don’t.
D. Yes, we does.
E. Yes, we do.
278. Choose the correct option:
I haven’t got …
A. no money
B. any money
C. a money
D. money
E. some money
279. Choose the correct option:
… orange juice in the fridge.
A. There isn’t no
B. There is any
C. There isn’t any
D. There are
E. There aren’t
280. Choose the correct option:
A. He wakes always up at 9:00
B. Always he wakes up at 9:00.
C. He wakes up at always 9:00.
D. He always wakes up at 9:00.
E. Always at 9:00 he wakes up.
281. Choose the correct option:
A. We haven’t got small mineral water.
B. We haven’t got little mineral water.
C. We haven’t got many mineral water.
D. We haven’t got too mineral water.
E. We haven’t got much mineral water.
282. Choose the correct option:
A. Where playing Manchester United?
B. Where is Manchester United playing?
C. Where playing is Manchester United?
D. Where is playing Manchester United?
E. Where is Manchester playing United?
283. Choose the correct option:
A. What is like weather the?
B. What the weather likes?
C. What’s the weather like?
D. How’s the weather?
E. How the weather like?
284. Choose the correct option:
… - I have pain in my right ear.
A. Where is brought you along today?
B. What to bring you today?
C. When brought you along?
D. What’s brought you along today?
E. Who is brought you along today?
285. Choose the correct option:
A. Which does it hurt?
B. Where does it pain?
C. What does it pain?
D. Where do it hurt?
E. Where does it hurt?
286. Choose the correct option:
A. When do it start?
B. When did it start?
C. When is it start?
D. Where do it start?
E. When does it starts?
287. Choose the correct option:
A. Does bright light to bother you?
B. Do bright light bothers you?
C. Does bright light bother you?
D. Do bright light bothering you?
E. Bright light to bother you?
288. Choose the correct option:
A. Was you short of breath?
B. Are you long of breath?
C. Is you short of breath?
D. Are you short of breath?
E. You is short of breath?
289. Choose the correct option:
… - For two days.
A. When long has it been bother you?
B. How long have it bother you?
C. How long had it bother you?
D. Have long has it been bothering you?
E. How long has it been bothering you?
290. Choose the correct option:
A. I has severe pain in my chest.
B. I have severe pain in my chest.
C. He have severe pain in his chest.
D. I to have severe pain in my chest.
E. We has severe pain in our chests.
291. Choose the correct option:
… - It is dull.
A. When’s the pain like?
B. Who’s the pain like?
C. What’s the pain like?
D. With the pain like?
E. Where’s the pain like?
292. Choose the correct option:
A. Do you single?
B. Is you single?
C. Are I single?
D. Are you single?
E. Did she single?
293. Choose the correct option:
A. Whose do you live?
B. Who do you live?
C. When do you live?
D. Where are you live?
E. Where do you live?
294. Choose the correct option:
A. When do you do?
B. What do you do?
C. Where do you do?
D. What are you do?
E. With are you do?
295. Choose the correct option:
A. Can you describing the pain?
B. Can you to describe the pain?
C. Can you describe the pain?
D. Can describe you pain the?
E. Can she describes the pain?
296. Choose the correct option:
A. Take you did your temperature?
B. Your did you take temperature?
C. Your temperature did you take?
D. Did you take your temperature?
E. Did you takes your temperature?
297. Choose the correct option:
I … go now because I’m already late for my class.
A. can
B. must
C. had
D. may
E. have to
298. Choose the correct option:
Mark … go to his doctor tomorrow.
A. is going
B. is going to
C. is
D. going to
E. are going
299. Choose the correct option:
Jane is a doctor, you need to speak to …
A. him
B. it
C. her
D. we
E. I
300. Choose the correct option:
A. Have you do diarrhea?
B. Do you has diarrhea?
C. Does I have diarrhea?
D. Do you have diarrhea?
E. Does you have diarrhea?
301. Choose the correct option:
A. Where is you name?
B. Why is your name?
C. When is your name?
D. How is your name?
E. What is your name?
302. Choose the correct option:
A. Where are you work?
B. Where do you work?
C. Where do you working?
D. Where do you worked?
E. Where have you work?
303. Choose the correct option:
He … have breakfast yesterday.
A. hadn’t
B. hasn’t
C. didn’t
D. no had
E. didn’t got
304. Choose the correct option:
A. Gives these pills Jack.
B. Give these Jack pills.
C. Give these pills at Jack.
D. Give these pills to Jack.
E. Gives to Jack these pills.
305. Choose the correct option:
How long have you been living in Madrid? - ….
A. Gives these pills Jack.
B. Since 5 years.
C. 5 years ago.
D. 3 times.
E. For 5 years.
306. Choose the correct option:
Did you have lunch at home yesterday? - ….
A. Yes, I didn’t.
B. No, I didn’t.
C. No, I did.
D. No, I hadn’t.
E. No, I don’t.
307. Choose the correct option:
Where do you live? - ….
A. On 45 Green Street London.
B. At 45 Green Street London.
C. In 45 Green Street London.
D. From 45 Green Street London.
E. With 45 Green Street London.
308. Choose the correct option:
A. What are you do if you win the lottery?
B. What will you do if you wins the lottery?
C. What do you do if you win the lottery?
D. What would you do if you won the lottery?
E. What did you do if you win the lottery?
309. Choose the correct option:
… - Yes, I do.
A. Are you have lobster for dinner?
B. Have you ever had lobster for dinner?
C. Have you lobster for dinner?
D. Did you have got lobster for dinner?
E. Do you have lobster for dinner?
310. Choose the correct option:
I’ve … washed my hair.
A. still
B. already
C. yet
D. since
E. ever
311. Choose the correct option:
I … a teacher
A. are
B. is
C. am
D. be
E. to be
312. Choose the correct option:
She and her friend … tennis.
A. to play
B. plays
C. playing
D. play
E. plaies
313. Choose the correct option:
These thieves … work at night.
A. not to be
B. doesn’t
C. isn’t
D. aren’t
E. don’t
314. Choose the correct option:
What … he do?
A. are
B. does
C. is
D. was
E. doing
315. Choose the correct option:
He … (lie) under the car.
A. is lieing
B. is lied
C. is lying
D. is laying
E. is lie
316. Choose the correct option:
Well, I … (go) to the cinema. Would you like to come with me?
A. to be going
B. is going
C. are going
D. am going
E. going
317. Choose the correct option:
Someone … (knock) at the door. Shall I answer it?
A. to be knocking
B. am knocking
C. are knocking
D. knocks
E. is knocking
318. Choose the correct option:
Can I borrow your pen or you … (use) it at the moment.
A. is using
B. are using
C. use
D. used
E. be using
319. Choose the correct option:
… he have a son?
A. Has
B. Do
C. Does
D. Is
E. Have
320. Choose the correct option:
We … got friends in Paris.
A. doesn’t have
B. don’t have
C. hasn’t
D. haven’t
E. don’t having
321. Choose the correct option:
A. pneumonii
B. viri
C. atrii
D. coccuses
E. fungi
322. Choose the correct option:
A. childs
B. children
C. mans
D. womans
E. feets
323. Choose the correct option:
He usually … (drink) coffee but today he … (drink) tea.
A. is drinking/ drinks
B. drinks/ drinks
C. drinks/ is drinking
D. is drinking/ is drinking
E. drink/ is drinking
324. Choose the correct option:
I always … (buy) lottery tickets but I never … (win)
A. Buys/ wins
B. Am buying/ am winning
C. Am buying/ wins
D. buy/ win
E. Buys/ win
325. Choose the correct option:
I … go to see the doctor last week because I was very ill.
A. should
B. will
C. must
D. must to
E. had to
326. Choose the correct option:
He never … (listen) to what you say. He is always thinking about something else.
A. is listening
B. listens
C. listening
D. are listening
E. listen
327. Choose the correct option:
Do you think that … pass your exams in June.
A. to
B. will you
C. you will
D. you
E. are
328. Choose the correct option:
This year you … have to study a lot.
A. are
B. do
C. shall
D. will
E. does
329. Choose the correct option:
We … (buy) it yesterday.
A. buying
B. buyed
C. will buy
D. buy
E. bought
330. Choose the correct option:
She … (get) up at 5.30 yesterday.
A. gets
B. got
C. will get
D. get
E. getting
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