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Consequently, discrimination, articulation, intonation, integration, automaticy are the items that should constitute the content of the teaching of pronunciation.

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  1. Comment on the main stages of teaching vocabulary. Principles of selection of lexical minimum at school.
  2. Communicative competence in teaching a foreign language
  3. Educational Technology and Other Teaching Equipment
  4. He is thinking about what kinds of gifts he should bring back from England for his family.
  5. Intercultural communication and its role in foreign language teaching.
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  8. Look at the following list. Write an appropriate activity or occasion for each of these items. Compare your ideas with a partner.
  9. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching and its relation to other sciences.

Absolute correctness is impossible. We cannot expect more than approximate correctness, the correctness that ensures communication.

· How to teach pronunciation

Pupils assimilate English pronunciation through 1) the acquisition of new sounds, stress, tone-patterns 2) drill in recognition and reproduction of new material to acquire pronunciation habits and 3) making use of the pronunciation habits in language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing).

In teaching pronunciation there are at least two methodological problems the teacher faces:

  1. To determine the cases where conscious manipulation of the speech organs is required and the cases where simple imitation can or must be used.
  2. To decide on types of exercises and the techniques of using them.

Since imitation can and must take place in FL teaching the teacher’s pronunciation should set the standard for the class and the use of native speakers whose voices are recorded on cassettes is quite indispensable.

Teaching a FL in schools begins with teaching pupils to listen to it and speak it that is with the oral introductory course, or the oral approach. The teacher’s task is to determine which sound the pupils will find hard to pronounce, which sounds they can assimilate through imitation and which sounds require explanations of the position of the organs of speech while producing them.

Exercises used for developing pronunciation habits may be of two groups: recognition exercises and reproduction exercises. Recognition exercises are designed for developing pupil’s ability to discriminate sounds and sound sequences.

Pupils should have ample practice in listening to be able to acquire the phonic aspect of the language. It can be done:

  1. By listening to the teacher pronouncing a sound, a sound combination and sensible sound sequences. Thus, a teacher can provide activity for practicing specific sounds.


  1. By listening to the speaker on the recording. It is impossible to overestimate the role that can be played by recording. They:
  1. Allow speech to be reproduced with correct pronunciation and intonation in particular.
  2. Permit the same text to be repeated several times for pupils to have an opportunity to listen to it again and again.
  3. Make it possible for the teacher to develop his pupils’ abilities to understand English spoken at various speeds.
  4. Help the teacher in developing his pupils’ ability to speak.
  5. Give pupils an opportunity to listen to texts read by native speakers.


We already mentioned that exercises used for developing pronunciation habits may be of two groups –recognition exercises and reproduction exercises.

Reproduction exercises are designed for developing pupils’ pronunciation habits, i.e. their ability to articulate English sounds correctly and to combine sounds into words, phrases and sentences easily enough to be able to speak English and to read aloud in this language. A few minutes at each lesson must be devoted to drilling the sounds which are most difficult for Russian-speaking pupils.

The material used for pronunciation drills should be connected with the lesson pupils study. These may be sounds, words, word combinations, phrases, sentences, rhymes, poems, and dialogues. Proverbs and some useful expressions can be used as material for pronunciation drills.

Tongue twisters: Introduction

All levels and ages enjoy tongue twisters. They work well as a warm up to get students speaking or as an activity to help students to practise pronouncing difficult sounds in English. It is the combination of sounds in the words and the repetition of the phrases that makes them difficult but fun.

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