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VII. Speak about your college.

Читайте также:
  1. Ask me about my school life.
  2. Exercise 6. Talk about your home town. Use the following dialogue as a model.
  3. Look at the fact files, turn the notes into questions and interview your classmates about one of these scientists. Report your findings to the class.
  4. Now, about this web thing
  5. Speak about flexibility and its types.
  6. Speak about flexibility and its types.
  7. Speak on the point, express your approval or disapproval
  8. The composition exercises ask you to manipulate data. They also expect you to make inferences in order to come to conclusions about the data.
  9. Vocabulary in English about hobby


I am a student of Novosibirsk College of Geodesy and Cartography. I am really glad that I study here. It is one of the finest country's technical colleges. Many people have graduated from my college, and now most of them work according to their profession. Studying at our college gives a solid background in all spheres of knowledge and prepares for practical work.

Our college is quite large and old. It was founded in 1944. First it was called the topographical technical school. In 2010 the Novosibirsk College of Geodesy and Cartography was joined to the Siberian State Academy of Geodesy. Nowadays it is a large educational establishment where more than 500 students are currently enrolled. About 450 are full-time students, like me, and the rest are part time-students.

The course of study at my college lasts three or four years. Having a diploma makes it possible to work as a technician in the chosen field. There are five faculties at my college: Applied Geodesy, Cartography, Information systems, Airphotogeodesy and Land management. We study various subjects, such as Cadastre, Maths, Computer Science, Geodesy, English etc.

Our academy is quite large. It is a grey four-storeyed building. Here are many classrooms for lectures and seminars. There is a large conference hall here so that students of 5-6 groups together can fit in there. The acoustics [a'kutstiks] in such a large hall is very good but sometimes it is very noisy when students chat during the lecture.

We have also a library which contains all necessary literature on topics learnt. It has also a good and modern reading hall. We spend a great deal of time here.

We have laboratories which are equipped with up-to-date equipment and there students can carry on lab works and conduct various experiments. Many students from my group do their own research work. Besides there is a good gymnasium at our college. The students of our college are doing sports. They are fond of volleyball and basketball. We also have a football team of the college.

There is a student's cafe at our college. It is situated on the ground floor. The food there is tasty and very affordable.

There is also a comfortable hostel not far from our collage where students from other cities live. Some students do not live in a hostel, they rent an apart­ment.



Topical vocabulary:

educational establishment - учебное заведение currently - в настоящее время to be enrolled - числиться в списках студентов full-time students - студенты дневного отделения part time-students - студенты вечернего отделения to conduct - проводить (to carry on) course of study - курс обучения noisy - шумный to chat - беседовать, болтать to be equipped with - быть оборудованным up-to-date equipment - современное оборудование research work - исследовательская работа   four-storeyed - четырёхэтажный tasty - вкусный affordable - доступный gym (gymnasium) - спортзал lecture hall - лекционный зал laboratory - лаборатория semester (term) - семестр head of the department - зав. отделением chairman, chairwoman -зав. кафедрой substitute - заместитель staff, faculty members - преподавательс­кий состав technician - техник hostel - общежитие


I. Translate into Russian:

1) the finest country's technical college; 2) conduct various experiments; 3) 500 students are currently enrolled; 4) a technician in the chosen field; 5) literature on topics learnt; 6) tasty and very affordable; 7) carry on lab works; 8) do their own research work; 9) on the ground floor; 10) they rent an apart­ment.

II. Find English equivalents in the text, corresponding to the Russian words and word-combinations:

1) закончили колледж; 2) еда вкусная и вполне доступная; 3) различные предметы; 4) аудитории для лекций и семинаров; 5) был присоединён к …; 6) удобное общежитие; 7) оснащены современным оборудованием; 8) серое четырёхэтажное здание; 9) работать техником; 10) болтать во время лекции; 11) в избранной сфере; 12) необходимая литература по изучаемым предметам; 13) проводить различные эксперименты; 14) делать лабораторные работы; 15) вести собственную исследовательскую работу; 16) современный читальный зал.


III. Answer the questions:

1) When was your college founded?

2) Who is the Director of Novosibirsk College of Geodesy and Cartography?

3) Were there any known people among the graduates of your college?

4) How many people are currently enrolled?

5) How many faculties are there in your college? What is the most popular one?

6) What’s happened in 2010?

7) How many years does the course of study last?

8) Is there a students’ hostel, a gym, a café and a library at your college?


IV. Find English equivalents in the text:

1) Здесь много аудиторий для лекционных и семинарских занятий.

2) Акустика в таком зале очень хорошая, но иногда бывает шумно, т.к. студенты болтают во время лекции.

3) У нас есть лаборатории, оснащённые современным оборудованием.

4) Там студенты выполняют лабораторные работы и проводят различные эксперименты.

5) Учёба в техникуме даёт прочную основу во всех сферах знания и подготавливает к практической деятельности.

6) На сегодняшний день это – крупное учебное заведение, насчитывающее более 500 студентов.

7) Некоторые студенты не живут в общежитии, а снимают жильё.

8) Диплом даёт возможность работать техником в избранной отрасли.

9) Еда там вкусная и довольно доступная.

10) Есть также библиотека, имеющая в своих фондах всю необходимую литературу по изучаемым дисциплинам.


V. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements:

a) Larger collages are better than smaller ones.

b) It is impossible to enter the college if you haven't attended preparatory courses.

c) The best teachers are the oldest ones.

d) It is better to live in a hostel than to rent an apartment.

e) Teachers always know more than students


VI. Translate into English using your active vocabulary:

1) Директор техникума геодезии и картографии – Буровцева Светлана Николаевна, у неё есть три заместителя.

2) Учебный год состоит из двух семестров.

3) Преподавательский состав нашего техникума – очень квалифицированный.

4) В этом учебном заведении есть современные лекционные залы, лаборатории и большой спортивный зал.

5) Курс обучения в университете – пять лет, заочники учатся шесть лет.

6) Наша школа – это современное трёхэтажное здание со светлыми классами, столовой и читальным залом.


VII. Speak about your college.

Дата добавления: 2015-04-11; просмотров: 125 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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