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Text 5: Examinations

I. Study the vocabulary.

GCSE - General Certificate of Secondary Education - общий аттестат о среднем образовании (введен в практику в 1988 году)

A-level - Advanced Level examinations - экзамены на повышенном уровне по программе средней школы

to sit for the examination - сдавать экзамен (письменный)

to stand for - означать

to remain at school - оставаться в школе


II. Read the text and tell what GCSE stands for?

The most important examinations in British schools are GCSEs and A-levels (Advanced Level examinations). GCSE stands for the General Certificate of Secondary Education. Pupils sit for the GCSE exams at the end of the 5-year course. They usually take as many subjects as possible. Weak students may only sit for three or four subjects. Better students will take ten subjects. So pupils in Britain leave school at the age of 16 with examination certificates in the individual subjects they have passed.

More ambitious pupils continue with very specialized studies in the sixth form. They remain at school for two more years and take their A-level examinations.


III. Find the English equivalents for the following in the text.

Курс, возможный (возможно), слабые студенты, лучшие студенты, индивидуальные (отдельные) предметы, в конце пятилетнего курса, более честолюбивые ученики.


IV. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the most important examinations in British school?

2. What does GCSE stand for?

3. When do pupils sit for the GCSE exams?

4. How many subjects do pupils usually take?

5. What do pupils in Britain leave school at the age of 16 with?

6. Why do pupils remain at school for two more years and take their A-level examinations?


V. Test your memory. What’s the English for the following words?

Общий аттестат о среднем образовании, экзамен на повышенном уровне по программе средней школы, оставаться в школе, слабые студенты, лучшие студенты, возможно, индивидуальные (отдельные) предметы.

How many words have you failed to remember? Learn them again!


VI. Read the text once again and retell it.

Text 6: The Sixth Form

I. Study the vocabulary.

six-form college - подготовительный колледж (среднее учебное заведение для молодежи старше 16 лет; государственное или частное)

adult - взрослый

to treat - обращаться с кем-либо

to specialize in - специализироваться в...

Polytechnic - Политехнический институт (многопрофильное высшее учебное заведение; готовит специалистов по техническим, гуманитарным и др. наукам)

essential - обязательный, необходимый

GSC - General Studies Course - курс общих дисциплин

purpose - цель

opportunity - возможность

science - наука

to tackle technology - заниматься технологией, работать над технологией

a vehicle - средство, способ

to discover - открыть, обнаружить

available - доступный, имеющийся в распоряжении

to offer - предлагать

to try - пытаться, стараться, пробовать

solid academic study - серьезное (глубокое, солидное) академическое изучение (обучение), занятия

enable - делать возможным, создавать возможность

to maintain interest - поддерживать интерес

to make up a much wider curriculum - набрать более обширный учебный план (программу)


II. Read the text and tell who is the Sixth form for?

Most secondary schools have sixth-form departments providing one- or two-year courses. Some pupils, however, go to a special sixth-form college, where the atmosphere is less like a school and where they are treated as adults.

At the sixth-form stage studies are highly specialized in three or four main subjects which will prepare students either for entry to University, Polytechnic or College of Further Education, or for direct entry into employment in industry or commerce.

Specialization is essential for the student who wants to achieve good A-level results, but a sixth-former is also expected to follow the General Studies Course. This course has, a very serious purpose; it can provide the opportunity nor only for a science specialist to continue with some literature, or an arts student to tackle technology, it can also provide a vehicle for students to discover something about subjects nor usually available in school that they might be considering as a choice for University: law, for instance, or psychology. Besides, the General Studies Course tries to offer to all students a wide range of subjects over the two years which are a welcome break from solid academic study and which enable to learn new skills in a relaxed atmosphere. Such subjects as Drama and Conversation, the History of Art or Car Maintenance can maintain an exciting interest with students.

The GSC Advance Level is normally taken after the two years of study in the sixth form. New examinations, Advanced Supplementary (AS) levels, were introduced for the first time in 1989 and provide an opportunity for sixth-form pupils to make up a much wider curriculum than was previously possible. Students specializing in the arts and humanities, for example, are able to continue to study mathematics and technological subjects at the new level. Or a student can take mathematics and physics at A-level but also study a modern language and economics at AS-level.

A-level or a mixture of A- and AS-levels are the main standard for entrance to University or other higher educational institutions and to many forms of professional training.

III. Give the English equivalents for the following:

Отделение (факультет), главные предметы, поступление в университет, колледж последующего образования, занятость (прием на работу), коммерция (торговля), специализация, достигать (добиваться) хороших результатов, выбор, широкий круг предметов, желанный (приятный) перерыв, новые умения, в менее строгой (расслабленной) атмосфере, драматизация (уроки по основам драматического мастерства), основы разговорного мастерства, история искусств, техническое обслуживание автомобиля, гуманитарные науки, математика, технические и прикладные науки, на новом уровне, физика, современный язык, экономика, высшие учебные заведения, профессиональное обучение.


III. Answer the following questions:

1. What does the sixth-form college prepare students for?

2. What purpose has the General studies course?

3. When is the GCE Advanced Level normally taken?

4. When were new examinations introduced for the first time?


IV. Find the sentences with the Passive in the text and translate them.

V. Read the text and retell it.

Text 7: Public Schools

I. Study the following words:

to prefer - предпочитать

to include - включать в себя

to found - основывать

to afford - позволять себе

to depend on - зависеть от

to educate - воспитывать, давать образование

to vary - менять, разниться

to pay-paid-paid - платить

fee - плата

a local education authority - местные образовательные власти

entrance - поступление

term - семестр

bursary - стипендия

income related help - связанная с доходом помощь

exclusiveness - исключительность

snobbery - снобизм

leading - ведущие


II. Read the text

Some parents prefer to pay for their children to be educated at independent schools. This private sector includes the so-called public schools, some of whose names are known all over the world.

The oldest of the public schools were founded to give free education to clever boys whose parents could not afford to educate them privately. They were under “public” control and management. Today, these schools are not public in the usual sense of the word. They depend almost entirely on the fees paid by their pupils’ parents and are the most expensive of the independent schools in Britain. They are mostly boarding schools, where the pupils live as well as study, though many of these schools also take some day pupils.

Most of public schools have a few places for pupils whose fees are paid by a local education authority, but normally entrance is by examination, and state schools do not prepare children for this. So parents who wish to send their children to a public school often send them first to a pre-preparatory school (for children aged 5 to 7 or 8), and to a preparatory (prep) school (aged 7 or 8 to 13). In order to gain entrance to public school, children leaving preparatory school have to pass an examination known as Common Entrance.

There are about 2,400 independent schools in Britain educating 600,000 pupils of all ages. They charge fees varying from around 250 pounds a term for day pupils at nursery age to 2,900 pounds a term for senior boarding pupils. Many offer bursaries to help pupils from less well-off families. Such pupils may also be helped by local education authorities. The government also gives income-related help with fees to pupils at certain music and ballet schools.

Many of Britain’s public schools are long-established and have gained a reputation for their high academic standards, as well as their exclusiveness and snobbery. The boys’ schools include such well-known schools as Eton (College), Harrow (School), Westminster (School) and Winchester (College). Among leading girl’s public schools are Roedean School and Cheltenham Ladies’ College.


III. Find the English equivalents for the following in the text and study them:

Так называемые, по всему миру, бесплатное образование, под контролем и управлением, в обычном смысле этого слова, интернаты, подготовительная школа, доподготовительная школа, поступить (выиграть поступление), сдать экзамен, взимать плату, старшеклассники, состоятельные семьи, приобрести репутацию, высокие академические стандарты, независимые школы.


IV. Answer the following questions:

1. Where do rich parents prefer their children to be educated?

2. What does the private sector include?

3. Why were the oldest of the public schools founded?

4. Are these schools public in the usual sense of the word today?

5. What do these public schools depend on?

6. Where do the pupils live as well as study?
7. Do many schools take day pupils?

8. How can a pupil enter a public school?

9. Do state schools prepare children for examinations to public schools?

10. Where do parents send their children to if they want them to enter a public school?

11. Who is a pre-preparatory school for?

12. Who is a preparatory school for?

13. How can children leaving preparatory school gain entrance to a public school?

14. How many independent schools are there in Britain?

15. How many pupils are educated at such schools?

16. Do independent schools charge fees?

17. How much does a term for day pupils at nursery age cost?

18. Can pupils from less well-off families study at such schools?

19. Who helps such pupils?

20. How does the government help them?

21. Why have many of Britain’s public schools gained a reputation?

22. What are the most famous schools for boys?

23. What are leading girls’ public schools in Britain?

24. Are there any public schools in Kalmykia?


V. Count how many times the word “school” is used in the text.


VI. Ask questions to the words underlined.

1. Today public schools are the most expensive of the independent schools in Britain.

2. Public schools depend almost entirely on the fees paid by their pupils’ parents.

3. The pupils live and study in the boarding schools.

4. Children have to pass an examination to gain entrance to a public school.

5. Local education authorities help pupils from less well-off families.


VII. Test your memory. What’s the English for the following words?

Бесплатное образование, частные школы, интернаты, поступление, государственные школы, подготовительная школа, независимые школы, семестр, стипендия, старшеклассники, местный, дорогой; позволять себе, воспитывать, зависеть от, готовить учеников к, сдать экзамен, приобрести репутацию.

How many words have you failed to remember? Learn them again!

VIII. Read the text once again and retell it.


Text 8: Eton

I. Study the following words:

perhaps - возможно, вероятно

among - среди

to form - образовывать, создавать, формировать

example - пример

to explore - исследовать, изучать

a scientist - ученый

between - между

to provide - давать, снабжать

exceptionally - исключительно

fine teaching facilities - превосходные методы и средства преподавания

design - композиция

well-stocked subject libraries - предметные (тематические) библиотеки с отличными фондами)

tutorial system - система прикрепления студентов к отдельным консультантам, преподавателям

to allow - позволять, разрешить

academic tutor - руководитель группы студентов, консультант, преподаватель

to supervise - наблюдать, руководить

opportunity - возможность

spare-time activity - деятельность в свободное время

to run a society - руководить (управлять) обществом

to enjoy advantages - пользоваться преимуществом

to retain - поддерживать, сохранять

a friendly and intimate atmosphere - дружелюбная и сердечная атмосфера


II. Read the text and say what Eton is famous for?

Eton is one of the oldest and best-known public schools for boys, at the town of Eton, near Windsor, on the river Thames. Its students (currently 1,250 in number) are largely from aristocratic and upper-class families.

The school was founded in 1440.

Many distinguished people of Britain studied at Eton. The most famous of all Old Etonians is perhaps the Duke of Wellington, victor of Waterloo and later Prime Minister. Twenty of Britain’s Prime Ministries were educated at Eton. There were future writers among the students of Eton from Thomas Gray, Percy Bysshe Shelley and Henry Fielding to Aldous Huxley and George Orwell. Political and literary friendship were often formed at Eton: the association of the writers Thomas Gray and Horace Walpole is one of many examples. Old Etonian explorers include Sir Humphrey Gilbert, founder of the colony of Newfoundland, and Captain Oates, who was on Scott’s expedition to the South Pole. Among the scientists are Robert Boyle, Sir John Herschel, and Sir Joseph Banks.

Boys usually stay at Eton for five years (between the ages of 13-18). Eton provides exceptionally fine teaching facilities, for example in science, languages, computing and design. There are two major libraries, College Library and School Library, but also numerous well-stocked subject libraries. The tutorial system allows pupils to choose their own academic tutors to supervise their work.

Sport plays an extremely important part in the life of most Etonians. The principal games are rugby and football, cricket and rowing. Athletics, swimming, golf, squash, tennis, fencing, judo and karate are all very popular.

The boys are offered a very wide range of opportunities for spare-time activities: art, sculpture, pottery and print-making, wood-work, metalwork and silverwork; almost any musical instrument can be learnt; fifty societies, run by boys themselves, cater for enormous number of interests.

Eton enjoys its advantages but it retains a friendly and intimate atmosphere which is possible when boys live and work in units of small size.


III. Find the English equivalents for the following in the text:

В значительной степени (главным образом), семьи из высшего общества (семьи, принадлежащие к высшему классу, свету), многие выдающиеся люди, выпускники Итона, герцог Веллингтонский, победитель битвы при Ватерлоо, политическая и литературная дружба, ассоциация (общество, объединение), Южный полюс, играть крайне важную роль в жизни, основные игры, регби, футбол, крикет, гребля, атлетика, плавание, гольф, сквош (игра в мяч, род упрощенного тенниса), теннис, фехтование, дзю-до, искусство (творчество), скульптура (ваяние), гончарное дело, создание эстампов (изготовление гравюр), столярная работа (поделки из дерева), художественная работа по металлу, изготовление изделий из серебра.


IV. Name the distinguished people who studied at Eton.

V. Answer the following questions:

1. What is Eton?

2. Where is it situated?

3. What families do its students belong to?

4. When was the school founded?

5. Who is the most famous of all old Etonians?

6. What writes were there among the students of Eton?

7. How long do boys usually stay at Eton?

8. What does the tutorial system allow students to do?

9. What are the principal games?

10. What can boys do in their free time?


VI. Translate into Russian:

Ученый, превосходные методы и средства преподавания, тематические библиотеки с отличными фондами, руководитель группы студентов, пользоваться преимуществами, многие выдающиеся люди, исследовать, возможности, поддерживать, пример.


VII. Retell the text.


Text 9: The first day at school

I. Study the vocabulary:

probably - вероятно

rather - довольно

to confuse - приводить в замешательство (смущение)

to avoid - избегать

primary school - начальная школа

to welcome - приветствовать

she is called - ее называют

a reception class teacher - учитель, принимающий новичков

responsibility - ответственность

to settle - устраивать, успокаивать

a newcomer - новичок

wrong idea - неправильное представление (идея, мысль)

optional - необязательный

to desert - покидать, бросать

to convince - убеждать

to disturb - беспокоить

upset - расстроенный, встревоженный

to hang around - группироваться, слоняться

to manage - справляться

to get the child used to the idea of school - приучить ребенка к мысли о школе

to look around - оглядеться

to look forward to - ждать с нетерпением

to fear - бояться

to emphasise - выделять, придавать особое значение

for a whole term - всю четверть (семестр)

at least - по крайней мере

II. Read the text and find the paragraph where mothers’ feelings are described


Can you remember your first day at school? It was probably rather confusing. Now to avoid this confusion many primary schools have a special teacher who welcomes new pupils. In England she is called a reception-class teacher. On the first day it is her responsibility to ‘settle’ the newcomers. The difficulty is that a lot of people give their children the wrong idea about going to school. The children are threatened with the idea of school, and if they have been good, they can’t understand why they have to go to school. They imagine that school is optional.

When the child goes to school, on his first day, he has to watch his mother leaving. Often he thinks that she is deserting him. The teacher must convince him that at the end of the day his mother and his home will still be there.

The children are not the only people that are disturbed by going to school. The teacher sometimes has just as much difficulty in coping with the mothers. They are as upset as their children. They hang around and dislike leaving the child to his fate. All day they stay at home, wondering what is happening now and how their son or daughter is managing.

The best way to deal with the situation is to get the child used to the idea of school. Before the beginning of term the mother should take her child to see the teacher and to look around the school. The first day should be something to look forward to and not to fear. It is also important to emphasise the regularity of school, and although the first day is difficult, the mother must remember that her child must be encouraged for a whole term at least.


III. Find the English equivalents for the following in the text:

Специальный (особый) учитель, трудность, воображать (представлять себе), единственные люди, оставить ребенка на произвол судьбы, удивляться (интересоваться), наилучший путь (способ), регулярность (правильность, постоянство) школы, ребенка нужно подбадривать, справиться с ситуацией (2 варианта), хотя первый день труден, дети напуганы.


IV. Answer the following questions:

1. What does a reception-class teacher do?

2. What is her responsibility?

3. Why are children usually threatened with the idea of school?

4. Is school optional?

5. What does a child feel when he goes to school?

6. What do his parents feel?

7. What is the best way to deal with the situation?

8. Was the first day at school difficult for you?

9. Were you threatened?

10. Were you encouraged by your mother?


V. Translate into English:

Особый (специальный учитель), учитель, принимающий новичков, неправильное представление (мысль, идея), оставить ребенка на произвол судьбы, наилучший способ, приучить ребенка к мысли о школе, ждать с нетерпением, бояться, ответственность.


VI. Render the text in English.

Text 10: The Author of the Great Didactic

I. Study the vocabulary:

John Amos Comenius - Ян Амос Коменский

no worse - не хуже

to realize the defects of the teaching - понимать (осознавать)

to waste time - терять время

to memorize - запоминать, заучивать

outstanding achievement - выдающееся достижение

to employ pictures as - применить картинки

a teaching device - средство обучения

to illustrate the meaning - пояснить значение (смысл)

to lay down a general rule - сформулировать общее правило

to teach by the medium of the senses - учить посредством чувств

to go from the easy to the difficult - идти от легкого к сложному

a sense impression - чувственное восприятие

memorization - запоминание, заучивание

comprehension - понимание

judgement - суждение, оценка

facts about the Universe - факты о Вселенной

the child’s present state of understanding - восприятие ребенка


II. Read the text, divide it into 5 logical parts and give them titles.

John Amos Comenius (1592 - 1670) is the man, who has most often been called the first modern educator. He was born in Moravia. After four years at a poor village school he went at the age of fifteen to study Latin at the grammar school. This school was probably no worse than most schools of that kind, but Comenius was older than the other pupils and could realize the defects of the teaching. Boys in the splendid years of youth had to study languages without proper books, wasting their time in the memorizing of grammatical rules. At the age of twenty-two, after the University, he returned to his native place and became master of the school.

He wrote many works on education. His most outstanding achievement was his writing of the first textbook “The World in Pictures” to employ pictures as a teaching device. Here the beginner in Latin was helped to understand Latin words by having the printed words accompanied by pictures illustrating their meaning. “The World in Pictures” was a particular example of Comenius’s conception of the teacher’s method.

In his monumental the Great Didactic he laid down the general rule that everything should be taught by the medium of the senses. Comenius advised the teacher to start with the senses because they stand nearest to the child’s present state of understanding. To begin with the senses is to go from the easy to the difficult. Therefore, after a sense impression the teacher may proceed to memorization, from memorization to comprehension, and then to judgement.

John Amos Comenius recognized the importance of Latin, but he refused to regard the learning of the classics as the central interest of the educator. For him education meant the preparation for life not through languages but through all the facts about the universe to which languages opened the door. He saw that education was the right of every man, not the privilege of the limited ruling class. He wrote that not only the children of the rich, powerful, but all boys and girls, noble and ignoble, rich and poor in all cities, towns and villages should be sent to school. Instruction must fitted to the child, not the child to the instruction.


III. Find the English equivalents for the following in the text:

Первый современный педагог (нового времени), изучать латинский в грамматической школе, изучать языки без подходящих книг, прекрасные молодые годы, после университета, написать много работ об образовании, концепция Коменского, начинать с чувств, в качестве главного (центрального) интереса педагога, право каждого человека.

IV. Answer the following questions:

1. Who has most often been called the first modern educator?

2. Where was J.A. Comenius born?

3. When did he study Latin?

4. Why could Comenius realize the defects of the teaching?

5. How did boys have to study languages at grammar school?

6. At what age did he returned to his native place?

7. Did he write any works on education?

8. What was his most outstanding achievement?

9. What did he employ as a teaching device in “The World in Pictures”?

10. How was the beginner helped to understand Latin words in “The World in Pictures?

11. What textbook was a particular example of Comenius’s conception of the teacher’s method?

12. In what book did Comenius lay down his general rule of teaching?

13. What did Comenius advise the teacher to start with?

14. Did Comenius recognize the importance of Latin?

15. What did education mean fur Comenius?

16. Did he think that education was the right of every man?

17. Must instruction be fitted to the child?


V. Test your memory:

Педагог, недостатки преподавания (обучения), языки (изучать), написать много работ по образованию, выдающееся достижение, применять картинки, средство обучения, сформулировать общее правило, идти от легкого к сложному.


VI. Retell the text.

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