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Scerba, the most talented pupil of Baudouine created a materialistic phoneme theory. The notion of the phoneme is connected with the sense: “The phoneme is the shortest generic phonetical (unit) perception in a given language capable of being associated with the semantic perception, of distinguishing words and of being easily isolated from a world”.

The main principals of his theory are:

1. The theory of phonemic variants

2. The theory of phonemic independence “We perceive as identical all that which is more or less alike acoustically and is associated with the same meaning, on the other hand we differentiate everything that maybe associated with different meaning. “Дети-детки” [T’]-[T]

mild neutral

t’ and t are considered to be different phonemes so as they may differ other words: одет-одеть. So, any phoneme may be realized.


One of the same phonemes may be found in different phone…..

Due to different sound surroundings. This variants called obligatory. They may be found due to individual qualities of the speaker. In this case there are called non-obligatory variants. The obligatory variants may depend:

1. On the position of phoneme with the regard of stress, syllable and melody. In such cases they are called positional variants. E.g. man-milkman

2. On the combination with some other phonemes which influence with first or second one. P-speak, L-love.

3. Among the variants of the phoneme there are which due to different circumstances in the most difficult. Phonemic variants are very important because they may developed into new phonemes; on the other hand phoneme may stop fastening as such and may become a phonetic variant. The three pairs of consonants such as f-th, f-v, s-z were variants of one and the same phoneme. Each in old English, but in present day English the each of these ……. are independent phoneme.

Phonemic independence is a fact of great importance. Their independence can be proved in 2 ways:

1. A phoneme is capable to express the meaning of its own. In many languages.

Explanations like “Oh”, “Ah” etc express different emotions.

2. In the Russian language: плакала, бегала, читала и т. д.


In the second post revolutionary period Scerba revised phoneme theory, he says: “In actual speech we outer a much greater variety of sound were awearen or which we know; in every language this sound are united in a comparotirly number of sound types which are capable of distinguishing the meaning and the form of words, that is way they served the purpose of into change. It this sounds that we have in mind when discussing speech sound. Such sound called phonemes.



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