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Industrial Growth

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  1. A question of equity and economic growth
  2. Continued growth and expansion
  3. From Recession to Economic Growth
  5. Industrial revolution
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The Civil War brought significant changes in all spheres of life; war needs stimulated manufacturing, accelerated technological innovation, emphasized new inventions and applied science. The number of inventions was remarkable – during the last quarter of the 19th century, half a million patents were issued, and in the first quarter of the 20th century, the number reached nearly a million. Thomas Edison alone patented over a thousand inventions, Alexander Bell invented a telephone, the typewriter, the adding machine and the cash register appeared. These and many other innovations resulted in a new level of productivity in almost every field.

Transportation network that connected distant parts of the country soon was accompanied by the communication network based on the telegraph and telephone. People settled new territories, mass immigration from abroad resulted in the growth of large enterprises – by the 20* century, the United States was not only the world's largest producer of raw materials and food, but also became the most productive industrial nation in the world.

Big booming industrial cities as Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore and many others attracted millions of families, who left American farms and European villages in search of better living. Many Americans believed that productivity was the key to national welfare. For example, John D. Rockefeller linked his business to a nationalistic mission, explaining that he participated in the work of making the country great.

Alongside with industrial revolution, the revolution in agriculture progressed. The farms shifted from hand labor to machine farming, agricultural production not only supplied American workers and their families, but also outstripped all previous figures in the USA.

Task 1. Speak about the tendencies of industrial society using the conjunctions so, that's why, because of, after etc.


Great involvement of work force in manufacturing creates large well-organized factories
Profits from manufacturing are invested into applied science and technical innovations, transportation (railroad network) and communication network (telegraph and telephone)
Growth of production increases capital accumulation and narrow specialization in all forms of economic activities. New manufactories with narrow specialization appear
Need for working force promotes rapid population increase and growth of the cities

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 73 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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