Читайте также:
Reference Addition 1 to Provision on an investigation and conduct order of consideration professional accidentsdiseases and failures in industry Form N-1 I CONFIRM _________________________________________________ (appointment, signature, name, surname __________________________________ of employer) "____"______________200 year (stamp)
Зразок Додаток 1 до Положення про порядок розслідування та ведення обліку нещасних випадків, професійних захворювань і аварій на виробництвіФорма Н-1 ЗАТВЕРДЖУЮ _________________________________ (посада, підпис, ім'я, по батькові та прізвище __________________________________ роботодавця) "____"______________200 р (печатка)ACT # ________
On industrial accident
(last name, name and patronymic of the victim)
(home address of the victim)
1. Date and time of accident
(number, month, year)
(hour, minute)
2. Enterprise the worker of which the victim is
2.1. Address of enterprise, which worker is the victim:
Autonomous Republic of Crimea
region -----------------------------------------------------
district -------------------------------------------------------
settlement ---------------------------------------------
2.2 Form of own -----------------------------------------
2.3. Organ which sphere of management
of an enterprise belongs to ---------------------------------
2.4. Name and address of enterprise
where the accident had happened ----------------------------------
2.5. Workshop, area
place of accident --------------------------------
3. Information about the victim: ------------------------------
3.1. Sex: male, female--------------------------------
3.2. Number, month, year of
birth --------------------------------------------------
3.3. Profession (opportunity) --------------------------------------
grade (class) -----------------------------------------------
3.4. General work experience ----------------------------------
3.5. Work experience of the victim --------------------------------
on a profession (by opportunity) ----------------------------------------
4. Conducting of teaching of the victim and instructing on labour precaution:
4.1. Teaching after a profession or type of work, during implementation
which the accident happened -------------------------------------
(number, month, year)
Conducting to instructing:
4.2. Introductory ----------------------------------------------
(number, month, year)
4.3. Primary ---------------------------------------------
(number, month, year)
4.4. Repeated ---------------------------------------------
(number, month, year)
4.5. Having A Special Purpose ------------------------------------------
(number, month, year)
4.6. Verification of knowledge after a profession or type of work, under time implementation of which the accident happened (for works of promoted dangers)
(number, month, year)
5. Passing of medical examination:
5.1. Previous -------------------------------------------
(number,month,year)5.2. Periodic -------------------------------------------
(number, month, year)
6. Circumstances, which the accident happened for
6.1. Type of event ----------------------------------------------
6.2. Harmful or dangerous factor and his value
7. Reasons of accident --------------------------------
8. Equipment, machines, machineries, transport vehicles
exploitation of which resulted in the accident
(name, type, brand, year of issue
an enterprise is a manufacturer)
9. Diagnosis after the sheet of disabled or reference
medical-and-prophylactic establishment
9.1. Stay of the victim in a state of alcoholic inebriation or
narcotic intoxication
10. Persons which assumed violation of legislation labour precaution:
(last name, name and patronymic, profession, appoint, enterprise
violation of requirements of legislative and other normative-legal acts
on a labour precaution with pointing of the articles, paragraphs, points and others like that)
11. Witnesses of accident
(last name, name and patronymic, permanent residence)
12. Measures on the removal of reasons of accident
------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- N | Name of | Due Date | Executor | Sign on execution | measures | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commission’s head_________ _________ _________________ (appointment) (signature) (surname) Commission’s members__________ _________ ______________ (appointment) (signature) (surname) ___________ _________ ______________ (appointment) (signature) (surname) ___________ _________ ______________ (appointment) (signature) (surname) "_____"___________________200__р.Голова комісії ___________ _________ __________________ (посада) (підпис) (ініціали, прізвище) Члени комісії _____________ ___________ __________________ (посад (підпис) (ініціали, прізвище) ____________ ___________ _____________________ (посада) (підпис) (ініціали, прізвище) ____________ ___________ _____________________ (посада) (підпис) (ініціали, прізвище)
Reference Addition 2
to Provision on
the order of investigation
& conduct of consideration
of accidents,
professional diseases and failures
in industry
(name of treatment-and- prophylactic
last name, name and patronymic of its
name of enterprise
last name, name and patronymic of the employer)
Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 92 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав |
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What about sunrise, what about rain, | | | Measures on the removal of accident reasons (failure). |