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In this essay I will try to express my personal views of a model civil state in comparison with the existing states. The notion of model state was considered both by ancient and modern scientists so broadly and deeply that it might be compared to a sea - which is rather difficult to cross for young sailors like we are. The history of the notion can be traced from Aristotle to Mr.Kenenov. I think it is impossible to compress it within the compass of one essay. But I'll try to examine some features of a model state, i.e. the form of government, the ways to provide for social security of, the openness in the conduct of government.
The form of government in my model state will be democracy. Democracy is "the power of the people". It comes natural that the ideal government in a society is expected to be chosen by its citizens and functioning for their benefit. The countries that claim to be democratic often fail to form the government of the people and for the people. The features of true democracy are fair elections, legitimacy, the guarantee of fundamental rights and freedoms, multi-party system, independent courts. Many states claim to be democratic and this solemn statement remains only on paper. For instance, during election campaign we can observe the procedure of brainwashing people. You can tell at once which candidate is supported by a particular power. The candidate "backed by government" can afford vast canvassing which results in his conclusive dominance over the others. Government plays a political game with its citizens and mass media is the instrument in its hands. So in my model state government has to be open in its conduct.
However, democracy is not the ideal form of government. As Winston Churchill said, "Many forms of government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe; no one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise; indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except for all those others that have been." It is true because the great thing in democracy is that it gives every voter a chance to do something stupid. Perhaps the ideal government for Russia could be dictatorship. This country only progressed when power was in the hands of tyrants - Peter the Great, Katherine II and the like.
As for My model state, laws would be fair in it. The main statute of government would be the Constitution - the key element of the genetic code of social life. Roughly speaking the constitution of any country is a social and political contract between political organizations. The constitution has to be nominal, because its main principles and provisions are vested in real life.
Tackling the issue of model state, it is important to remember that government should be organized by the people and for the people. It seems to me that the only possible way to have the government of the people is to exercise our rights and put our liberties into practice.
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