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House Elements

Читайте также:
  1. A Haunted House
  4. American House and Home
  5. Animals that live in the house as companions are called pets.
  6. Apartment house
  7. Apartment/House Cleaners
  8. Co-operative Houses
  9. Compare the houses in the picture. Find at least 5 differences.
  10. Elements

The elements of a typical American house might be said to consist of the following:

living and dining areas (communal areas), in which families and their guests relax, talk, play games and the like, these are usually part of the living space, separate or part of kitchens and are used for both family dining and entertaining. These could be referred to as a living room, a dining room, a family room, a den, a library, a kitchen and the like;

sleeping areas (private areas) used for study, reading, sleeping. This is a bedroom each with a built-in closet;

bathrooms maybe of different kinds: master’s bathroom with a bath, a sink and a toilet; half-bathroom with a shower cabin plus a sink and a toilet, and ¼ bathroom with a toilet and a sink. In a big house there is often one bathroom for each bedroom;

work areas (centers) in which laundry is done and various other functions performed, the place can be a laundry room, a basement; a utility room;

storage areas (spaces) such as pantry; cedar closet;

outdoor areas consisting of a patio, a deck, a porch;

space for mechanical-electrical equipment- garage, carport.

*House ­­­ – a building in which people live as a single family house, apartment house.

*Apartment – a group of rooms, apartment house (building).

( from “The Encyclopedia of American Home”)

Match the pictures below to the cluster.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Make up a cluster describing the main elements of a Russian house as you see it.

Share this information with the group.

1.4. Even in cases when we deal with such universal concepts as house and home people from different cultures have their own concepts deeply rooted in their mentality and national picture of the world. Culture clash often occurs when we make judgments based on assumptions familiar to us. For example, when my Russian friends visit my three-room apartment in Russia they find it very spacious, because it is bigger than most of the kind. When my American friends come on a visit they find the same place not big enough for my family of three. While dealing with people from another culture, we try to achieve cross-cultural awareness - understanding our own culture as well as the culture of the nation whose language we learn.

Read about the impressions of an American, who visited Russia, and analyze the way he sees the Russian house.

While reading the text mark the information you using the following markers:

a (√) – when encountering something you already know;

a (-) – when reading something that contradicts what you already know;

a (+) – when reading new information;

a (?) – if you are unsure or want to know more


Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 91 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

American House and Home | Thomas Lee (1690-1750), an acting Governor of Virginia, purchased land for Stratford Hall Plantation in 1717. The brick Georgian manor house was built between 1730 and 1738. | THIS OLD HOUSE | Types of Houses | How do you find these AMERICAN ODDITIES? | A Place to Spread Your Wings | Osprey landing and Osprey Cove | Private Homes | Co-operative Houses | Project Work |

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