Читайте также:
This ole house once knew my children,
This ole house once knew my wife,
This ole house was home and comfort,
As we fought the storms of life.
This ole house once rang with laughter,
This ole house heard many shouts.
Now it trembles in the darkness
When the lightnin' walks about.
Ain't a'gonna need this house no longer,
Ain't a'gonna need this house no more,
Ain't got time to fix the shingles,
Ain't got time to fix the floor.
Ain't got time to oil the hinges
Nor to mend the windowpane,
Ain't a'gonna need this house no longer,
I'm gettin' ready to meet the saints.
This ole house is a'gettin' shaky,
This ole house is a'gettin' old,
This ole house lets in the rain,
This ole house lets in the cold.
On my knees I'm gettin' chilly,
But I feel no fear nor pain
'Cause I see an angel peekin'
Through a broken windowpane.
This ole house is afraid of thunder,
This ole house is afraid of storms,
This ole house just groans and trembles,
When the night wind flings its arms.
This ole house is gettin' feeble,
This ole house is needin’ paint,
Just like me it's tuckered out,
But I'm a'gettin' ready to meet the saints.
This ole house dog lies a'sleepin';
He don't know I'm gonna leave.
Else he'd wake up by the fireplace
And he'd sit there and howl and grieve.
Ain't gonna need this house no longer,
Ain't gonna need this house no more.
(Lyrics and music for This Ole House by Stuart Hamblen.)
Share the following with your classmates:
ü What is the song about?
ü What does the house mean to the old man?
ü In what way are the man and his house alike?
ü What feelings does the song awake in you?
ü What does your home mean to you?
2.4. Carter's Grove Plantation, located approximately six miles from Colonial Williamsburg, was begun in 1750 by Carter Burwell, grandson of the original Robert "King" Carter. Carter's Grove was named the most beautiful house in America by the American Architects Association.
Why do you think it was named the most beautiful house in America?
If you want to find out more about it, go to:
What house do you consider to be beautiful? Share your ideas with your partner.
1.5. Whether built in 1620 or 2000, a house may reflect merely a need to provide cheap basic housing or more interestingly an understanding of design in a particular time by its architect or builder. The house each American lives in fits somewhere in the continuum of design styles, which is not a progression from basic to stylish, but merely a story of change and new ideas.
The history of design styles gives a clear picture of where they came from and how they developed into the mainstream of American housing. Major trends can be researched further at the following site created by Alexander Rubin: http// www.house.com and in many other resources described in the media (e.g. localcolorart.master.com - types of houses; www.google.de - American town houses).
From the given list choose a type of house that you would like to learn more about and make a short presentation.
Basic Houses(Native American, Pre-Railroad, Post Railroad) | Victorian Houses (1860-1900) |
Colonial Houses (1600-1820) | Eclectic Houses (1880-1940) |
Romantic Houses (1820-1880) | Houses Since 1940 |
Here is an opinion of a professional Russian architect. How does she characterize American house design?
По сравнению с европейской, история Соединенных Штатов Америки невелика, а население страны формировалось по принципу "с миру по нитке". Здесь есть англичане и итальянцы, китайцы и африканцы, русские и потомки американских индейцев, и каждый "привозил" с собой культуру и традиции своего народа.
Развитие архитектуры в Америке тоже существенно отличалось от европейской. Бурное развитие промышленного и жилищного строительства началось в середине XIX века, после Гражданской войны. И американские архитекторы - воспитанники европейских академий - создают своеобразный архитектурный стиль, сочетающий европейские тенденции подражания классической архитектуре с традициями жилищ первых американских переселенцев, для которых характерна функциональность в ущерб эстетике: несимметричная планировка дома, произвольное расположение оконных проемов на фасаде и высоко вздымающаяся над крышей труба. Именно поэтому в Америке вплоть до начала прошлого века господствовали в архитектуре стилизации и эклектика.
Но в результате бурного развития страны и массового строительства жилья, в Соединенных штатах значительно раньше, чем в Европе стали применяться принципы стандартизации, в результате чего жилые дома массовой застройки стали представлять собой набор стандартных конструкций и деталей. Так возник облик "одноэтажной Америки".
В двадцатом веке двухэтажные односемейные дома, известные как дома типа "прерий", приобретают в Америке все большую популярность, благодаря используемым в строительстве природным материалам (дерево и камень) и непосредственной связи здания с природой.
Основной особенностью этих домов является его открытость окружающей среде, когда из внутренних помещений дома образуется свободный выход в сад. Этому способствуют широкие застекленные двери холла, большие окна и множество разнообразных галерей, террас и балконов, окружающих весь дом. Комфорт и функциональность всего интерьера дома бесспорны.
Послевоенная американская архитектура жилья со второй половины прошлого века отличается большим разнообразием и роскошью. Так виллы послевоенных лет предназначены не только для жизни, но и для демонстрации материальных возможностей заказчика.
Стиль американского дома, возник вначале как результат смешения разнообразных национальных традиций и культур, привнесенных на континент со всех концов света основными жителями страны - эмигрантами, со временем превратился в полноценный и оригинальный стиль, в основе которого – эклектика (смешение стилей).
(Сомова М. Энциклопедия ремонта и дизайна
Группа компаний «Альта»)
The modern American home has been influenced by many cultures. Do you think thatthe modern Russian home has any features that connect it with the past?
Share your opinion with the class.
Find(make) your own photos of old and new Russian houses to illustrate your opinion.
(Photo by Valeriy Yevseyev)
3.1. as you saw in the previous Unit, the history of American house design is a story of change. There are several social factors that have influenced these changes.
Discuss with your partner what changes in the life of modern society brought changes into house design.
Scan the following paragraph and say what factors are described there.
People in the USA are more mobile socially than they used to be. Formerly, children tended to follow their fathers’ vocation, often in the same places in which they grew up. Today children aspire to anincreasingly better education, followed by better jobs and higher incomes than those of their parents. And the parents as their income increases aspire to improve both the housing and location. As a result, houses, which in the past were more or less permanent residences for their occupants, are today often transient residences for those who will eventually move on. Therefore house design must take into account both resale value and the fact that a house should be designed to fit the requirements of its occupants. Of course there may be other reasons for Americans to move.
Recently, there has been a tremendous increase in the number of women working outside the home, including working wives, and in the number of women who are the heads of household. This has deeply affected house design, partly because no one in these families is at home all or most of every day, and housekeeping, once the almost sole province of housewives is now often a shared responsibility. It‘s not uncommon today that families may have someone coming once or twice a week to do the cleaning and the laundry.
3.2. Following are the opinions of different people that present a variety of views of changes in American home design. They were all describing changes occurring in American house design that they could witness.
Make up three groups and after reading the utterances speak on the following issues:
Group A: Describe the houses Rosaline has lived in during her life.
Group B: Point out the main changes in house design, summing up the ideas given by different people.
Group C: Find the description of “a condominium or town house in a planned community” and explain what is innovative in this type of housing.
When your presentation is ready, make up 2-3 questions to discuss your issue with the audience.
A. Rosaline (California, USA):
In my childhood I lived in Pennsylvania in a 100 year old farm house. I remember as a kid I would ride my tricycle over the wood floors. They were not flat, they were rounded like they come off the tree.
My father cut down trees and had them dried and redid all the downstairs floors in either oak or cherry.
It had a cellar with a dirt floor where my folks kept canned goods and the furnace was down there. After the 50s my bedroom was upstairs as my dad partiallyopened up the upstairs and made a room for me and my brother.
When I moved out in 1961, I moved to Minneapolis, Minn. There I lived with a family in a beautiful two-story brick house which had a full basement where my bedroom was. It also had a screened porch on the upper level where I loved to go and read during the summer.
When I moved to Los Angeles, my first place to stay was at my aunt’s who lived in a mobile home way out in the sticks, at least it was at that time. The place has now grown and become very populated where their trailer home used to be. I moved from there to an apartment in downtown Los Angeles. It was a beautiful old building with many floors. I had a large apartment which had twin beds that came down out of the wall into a very large living room. We also had a full walk-in closet and a large bathroom. It had a nice sized kitchen as well. That’s when I met John, my next door neighbor, and we were married nine months later and moved to our home in Hawthorne. We have been here ever since. When we moved into this house, the trend was to have a rock roof. Most everyone has changed that. We changed ours to composition shingles made of fiberglass and imbedded granules. Since it was a rock roof, the slope of the roof was not as steep as most houses that had the shingles.
Changes – people seem to need bigger and better homes. More elaborate designs.
In California there are a lot of Spanish style homes as those were the first settlers, so there are many areas with that type of house.
Many homes today have granite stone counter tops in their kitchen. We had linoleum on the floor in the kitchen that we changed to ceramic tile. The homes when this one was built used oak flooring and then covered it up with carpeting. We have recently taken out the carpeting and re-sanded and polished the wood floor, which I love.
They used to use quality wood for building and today homes are put up with particle board and plaster over that. But most homes today have the plaster board.
More homes today are fully insulated and have double-paned windows. Before they didn’t think you needed them in sunny California. But they sure are nice since they keep it cool in summer and warm in winter. At home in my farm house in PA, we would add storm windows over the other windows for the winter just to keep the heat in.
B. Kathy (New Jersey, USA):
Houses have gotten bigger in recent years, to four or more bedrooms with three or more bathrooms. Many houses have two, three, and even four car garages. The size of the property has grown smaller compared to the size of the houses. Many houses have elaborate kitchens but often the people living in these houses seldom cook.
A relatively new innovation for housing is the idea of a condominium or town house in a planned community, usually with clubhouse, swimming pool, tennis courts, etc. The “condo” is like an apartment but the tenants own a certain number of shares of the whole complex. A town house usually refers to a series of approximately eight attached houses in one long building. Each has separate front and back entrances, garages, etc. The owners own their house portion of the building, and often the land surrounding it. Many of these planned communities are also “gated” communities, meaning that you cannot drive into the area without first announcing yourself to someone at the gate.
C. Douglas (Washington, USA):
The trend I notice in new American homes is that they are becoming larger – usually much bigger than what is really needed. The garages often will accommodate two or three cars, as many American families usually have more than two cars.
D. Elena (Russia):
To my mind, American house design varies from city to city. And yet, the city center is for the most part the same – very tall sky-scrapers, the huge local Capitol Building if it’s the capital city which is usually patterned after the Federal domed style of the nation’s capitol in Washington D.C., - glorious cathedrals and big shopping malls. Most cities look very modern and architectural influences from all over the world can be seen in the exterior design of many of them. Some parts of the city can remind you of England, others of France, Spain, etc.
Make presentations in front of the class and discuss the issue with the audience.
Talk to your parents, grandparents, or family friends to find out what changes in Russian house design they have witnessed during their lives.
3.3. The key word to modern American types of housing is diversity. The following description of types of houses in the USA was given by an American citizen, John Radmore, who shares his vision of today’s situation.
While reading the text find answers to the following questions:
ü What types of houses are described?
ü How can you characterize each type?
Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 97 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав |