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British Traditions

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  3. Ask your British friend about his school traditions.
  7. British educational and foreign language policy
  8. British Etiquette and Customs
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  10. British Newspaper Today

Almost every nation has a reputation of some kind. There is a saying that an Englishman without traditions is not a real Englishman. Great Britain is famous for its public, royal and national festivals, habits and ways.

But now I prefer speaking about real traditions. Many of them appeared because of a historic event. That was the reason for Guy Fawkes Day, for instance.

A lot of traditions descended from a far-cry past, the time when Britons called their country “Merry Old England”. By the way, such epithets are also extremely traditional.

It may seem paradoxical but even the British laws are traditional. Some articles, which come from Edward the Confessor’s times, still exist, though they are not used, but the tradition does not allow to do away with them. The Britons are rather slow in adopting the metric system that came into general use in 1875. Traffic laws in Britain can amuse and perplex anyone coming from the continent. But, to be on the safe side, remember the rule: “What is left, is right, what is right, is wrong.”

As I see it, English traditions can be roughly divided into several groups:

1. private ones such as birthday parties and wedding ceremonies, but they depend on your wealth and fantasy;

2. state and royal traditions such as giving Maundy money for the old and the Opening of the Parliament by the Sovereign;

3. public holidays, for instance, Spring Bank Holiday and Summer Bank Holiday are called bank holidays, because the banks as well as most of the offices and shops are closed;

4. national festivals such as Mothering Sunday which falls on the 4th Sunday in Lent;

5. religious traditions such as Easter and Christmas.

All these traditions are widely shown in classical and modern English literature. I think, it is interesting to mention that Charles Dickens himself became a father of one of Christmas traditions not even knowing of it. I mean “White Christmas” or snowfall on this day. But according to the studies there were only three snowfalls on the 24th of December throughout the 19th century.

Everything changes. Even traditional London smog became a page of the history after central heating had been introduced. Each generation has its own attitude to its country’s traditions. Nevertheless, learning them helps us to understand the people’s souls better.

I cannot imagine Britain without monarchy. My favourite royal traditional ceremony is one of the most impressive and popular Royal ceremonies - “ Changing of the Guard ”. It takes place at Buckingham Palace every day, including Sunday, at 11.30. The uniform of the guards is extremely colourful. Their red tunics, blue trousers and bearskin caps always attract London sightseers.

By the way, the Queen is the only person in Britain with 2 birthdays. Her real birthday is on April 21st, but she has an “official” birthday, too. That’s on the second Saturday in June. On the Queen’s official birthday there is a traditional ceremony called the Trooping of the Colour.

Parliament, not the Royal Family, controls modern Britain. But traditionally the Queen opens Parliament every autumn. She travels from Buckingham Palace to the Houses of Parliament in a gold carriage. At the Houses of Parliament the Queen sits on a “throne” in the House of Lords. Then she reads the “Queen’s Speech”. At the State Opening of Parliament the Queen wears a crown.

They say that England and cricket as well as golf, soccer, horse-racing and tennis are inseparable. The English are real lovers of competitive sports. When they are neither playing nor watching games, they like to talk about them or, at least, to think about them. Many of the games we play now have come from Britain. Besides, the British have their strict rules of sport behavoiur and are used to saying ‘it’s a fair game’.

Leisure is not sports only. Famous English pubs have a special place among the places of entertainment. There are several peculiarities about them: firstly, they usually have ancient and funny names; secondly, their hours of opening are limited.

England is famous for its clubs where only gentlemen used to spend their time acting in accordance to the strict rules. This privilege has disappeared; you can find a great number of women’s and mixed clubs as well.

Most English people love gardens. That’s why so many people prefer living in houses rather than flats. The English are very attached to their houses. There is no place like home, and no wonder, the saying “My house is my castle” emerged here. Hopefully, you’ve also heard about the fact that the fireplace used to be the focus of the English home.

A tradition, which is rooted not only in English soil, but also in the minds of the rest of the world, is the devotion of the English to animals. The British firmly believe themselves to be the only nation on the Earth that is really kind to its animals.

Everyday customs of the English are worldwide famous. There are still two kinds of breakfast in all the British restaurants and cafes: the continental and the English ones. The ideal English breakfast, as far as I know, includes cereals or porridge with sugar and milk, followed by bacon and eggs, or sausages and tomatoes, then toast and marmalade, and, of course, a cup of tea. Some people, however, have just a cup of tea or coffee with a toast or something similar. This is usually called a “continental breakfast”.

Tea is a part of the prose of British life. It is drunk with or without sugar, but almost always with milk. 5 o’clock tea is a “must” in almost all British offices. The English have also a popular specialty known as “fish and chips”.

On Christmas Day a roast turkey is traditionally cooked for dinner. It is followed by Christmas pudding. Long before Christmas housewives begin to plan what cake to make for Christmas. Usually they make fantastic Christmas cakes.

We must not forget that there is English humour, which is current at all levels. Secret meaning and a mystery of sounds are a real delight of English literature and everyday life. Cockney speech, limericks and tongue twisters are another source of amusement.

To sum it up, I wish we were so well acquainted and proudly stuck to our own traditions, as the English seem to be, though each other decides for himself.

Monologues and Dialogues to Topic 5:

  1. Speak about British traditions and customs. Remember to mention:

a) different types of holidays the British celebrate;

b) some royal ceremonies they have;

c) their attitude to their home;

d) their opinion of animals.


  1. Speak about British traditions and customs. Remember to mention:

a) whether the British are a tradition-loving nation;

b) their traditional food,

c) their traditions of pubs and clubs;

d) your favourite British tradition.


  1. Speak about British traditions and customs. Remember to mention:

a) if Britons are stuck to their traditions;

b) if any traditional things have disappeared;

c) British humour;

d) your favourite British holiday.


  1. Speak about British traditions and customs. Remember to mention:

a) what British public or national holidays you know;

b) the holiday you would like to see with your own eyes,

c) their attitude to sports and games.

d) your favourite British tradition.


  1. You have seen a film about the British Royal family. Discuss British royal ceremonies, traditional food, and their attitude to sports. Say whether you appreciate their love for customs.
  2. Both of you are getting ready for the test on the topic “British Traditions”. Check your knowledge of different groups of traditions. Discuss your favourite holiday. Say if it is celebrated in Russia.



It’s important to think about your health when you are young, because this is the age when your body is being formed. If you don’t care about your health, you are likely to have different diseases when you get older. Besides, the earlier you acquire good health habits, the better.

We are healthier today than people were fifty years ago because we are more health-conscious than they used to be. Everybody understands that good health is above wealth. To begin with, we have a better diet. In recent years eating habits have changed. People started to eat healthy food, which contains less fat and more fibre. This food is also rich in vitamins. Healthy food contains the right balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates. People today eat more fruit and vegetables than people did fifty years ago. Of course, we eat more fast food, but generally I think our diet is better. More than that, doctors have learned how to cure more illnesses, so we live longer.

Since the 1970s eating habits in Britain have undergone a change. People started to eat less fat and more fibre. Fat is believed to be one of the major causes of obesity and heart disease. 40% of adults in Britain are overweight. High-fibre foods and low-fat foods can now be found in all shops and supermarkets. The British have also started to follow a calorie-controlled diet. One of the fastest-growing sectors of the food market in Britain is slimming foods.

An enormous fast-food industry gives hungry Americans the snacks they want. Ice-cream, popcorn and hot dogs are on sale everywhere. Best known, perhaps, is the McDonalds hamburger business. But fast food makes you fat, that’s why Americans are supposed to be the fattest people in the world. More and more Americans worry about it and take greater interest in their health. The fashion for healthy food is growing all the time. Among middle-class people salads, beans and fruit have taken the place of steak and ice-cream. Drinking is going down too. Smart business people order mineral water, not wine at their business. So now Americans pay more attention to their eating habits.

To be healthy we should avoid different bad habits that can affect our health. Smoking and drinking too much alcohol are the worst ones. It’s common knowledge that smoking and drinking can shorten our lives dramatically. Smoking, for example, causes a number of heart and lung diseases such as pneumonia, bad cough and cancer. Besides, it makes your teeth yellow and skin unhealthy.

The only way to stay healthy and to become fit is going in for sports. First of all, sport helps us to stay in good shape, to keep fit and to be healthy. It makes people strong, fast and agile. What is more, sport builds our character; it teaches us to win and to lose as well as to overcome difficulties. It goes without saying that sport makes us more organized and better disciplined in our daily activities. Besides, it’s a good way to spend your free time and to make friends.

If you go in for sports just for pleasure, to keep fit and to stay healthy, then sport is definitely useful. Some people jog every morning, some follow fitness classes shown on TV. Young people usually put on their roller-blades and skate in the streets and parks. Such sports are really good for your health. You needn’t be a professional sportsman to be healthy.

Many people enjoy different sports such as tennis, football, volleyball, cycling, skiing, gymnastics, weight-lifting, wrestling. Swimming is a very good exercise for the whole body. It helps people to stay in good shape, to keep fit and to be healthy. Besides, it helps to work off your extra energy.

It’s impossible to try all existing kinds of sports. That’s why people like to watch sports programmes on TV. When you follow sports events, you expand your outlook and get acquainted with new kinds of sports because commentators usually provide us with additional information about sports and new sportsmen. Besides, I enjoy watching sports championships because I’m proud of Russian sportsmen and I always support our teams. But of course watching sport events and doing sports are two different things.

Monologues and Dialogues to Topic 6:

  1. Speak about healthy way of life. Remember to say:

a) if you take care of your health;

b) whether you have healthy eating habits;

c) what one should do to be fit;

d) whether you have any unhealthy habits.


  1. Speak about healthy way of life. Remember to say:

a) whether your health is of great importance to you;

b) if you can name any ways to stay healthy;

c) what you shouldn’t do if you are health-conscious.


  1. Speak about healthy way of life. Remember to say:

a) whether people think more about their health nowadays;

b) why it is important to take care of your health when you are young;

c) what we should do to be fit;

d) what habits you consider unhealthy.


  1. You’ve decided to take care of your physical condition. Your friend is a health-conscious person. Discuss with him / her why you should do it since your young age; what kind of food is useful for your health; why physical exercises do you good; how you are going to change your lifestyle.
  2. You have joined a health club. Speak with your instructor about a healthy lifestyle. Discuss with him / her what sports you are going to take up; what diet will be good for you; what habits are unhealthy.


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