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Social Prejudice

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Prejudice in any form, racial or social, is (руйнівні) and costly to society. Up until the ‘60s, society accepted (расові забобони), then the target of racial prejudice rebelled and society realized the destructive force of this (ставлення). Today, social prejudice is accepted by society and few realize its destructive force. It kills motivation and increases overhead cost in business. It forces students to drop out of school with a (ярлик невдахи) that prevents them from discovering their natural talent. Self-fulfilling prophecy does the rest.

Social prejudice believes other people are less capable than us. If we are managers and we think other people are less capable, then we will establish a management policy that reflects that (погляд). Through employee turnover and self-fulfilling prophecy, our opinion will be proven right.

Social prejudice is like any prejudice, "I am better than them, I come from a better neighborhood, I have a better education, and therefore I must make all the decisions." Prejudice in any form, racial or social, carries a heavy price, it lowers efficiency and increases overhead cost. Prejudice kills communications, (новаторство), motivation just to name a few attributes.

Social class is a prejudice barrier between (службовцями в офісі та робітниками на виробництві). With leaders prejudice as a (рольова модель), other, lesser-defined social prejudice barriers develop in the organization. Departments will limit communication with other departments; craftsmen will consider production workers of low intelligence to name two. At each level, people believe lower levels have low capabilities and this becomes the mindset of the organization. Self-fulfilling prophecy proves everyone right.

Leaders with strong (соціальними забобонами) use command-and-control leadership. Control is more important than getting the job done. Leaders and subordinates spend a great deal of time in the blame game. It is socially unacceptable for an engineer to ask advice from a front line employee.

Leaders who are free of social prejudice are willing to use responsibility leadership. Getting the job done is more important than control. Leaders and subordinates work together, searching for a better way. Leaders are free to ask advice from anyone at any level. Asking for advice has a motivating influence by itself. A small, but growing number of businesses recognize that (колективна відповідальність) is extremely efficient and that social prejudice is a major barrier. To make responsibility effective, they have policies that keep prejudices out of the system.

The education system is a teacher and promoter of social prejudice. The system relates blue-collar skills to low ambition, because the system is run by (інтелігенцією) for intellectuals. Intellectuals do not want to be associated with blue-collar people; therefore, they teach high school students to set higher goals than vocational skills offer. In the typical classroom, many students are (мають здібності то точних наук) and these students should be encouraged and given opportunity to develop this talent. Technical talented students are not intellectuals, not being able to develop what they are best at, they dropout and become a burden on society. School dropouts are the result of social prejudice in the classroom, it's not because they can't learn.


  1. What is the essence of social prejudice?
  2. Why is social class considered to be the promoter of social prejudice?
  3. What leadership styles are used by the management with and without social prejudice?
  4. Why is the educational system a teacher of social prejudice?


Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 103 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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