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Читайте также:
  1. DBNavigator
  2. My speciality
  3. Part 1 My future speciality
  5. Task 10. Retell the text “My Future Speciality”.
  6. The speciality of the motor car transport engineering
  7. Палитра Navigator

When our cadets graduate from the Murmansk State Technical University they can work in the fishing fleet and the merchant fleet. When our graduates come on board a ship they begin sailing as fourth mates and then they may become captains. In order to perform their duties well our graduates must know their job well. The personnel of deck officers consists of a captain and his mates: the chief mate, the second mate, the third mate and the fourth mate.



The captain is responsible for the whole ship, her cargo and the crew. The captain provides safe navigation and fulfilment of the target. The captain has the right to draft out of the ship any member of the crew.

When the ship is in danger or she passes through narrows or when the ship enters or leaves the port or during mooring operations the captain must be on the bridge. The captain should see to the stability of the ship.

When sailing in the waters where pilotage is compulsory the captain should take a pilot. When another ship is in distress the captain should render assistance. In a foreign port the captain should carry out all the local port regulations.



The chief mate is responsible for the order and discipline on board a ship. The chief mate is in charge of all the accommodations, living quarters, the hull, decks, superstructures, the deck machinery, the mooring gear, the salvage equipment, the towing gear, the running and standing gear (rigging), the quality of provision and fresh water and the fishing gear. All the mates work under the chief mate. If the captain is not on board the ship, the chief mate substitutes for him.



The second mate is in charge of the ship's provision and the ship's store. The cook and the storeman (storekeeper) work under the second mate. The second mate performs the duties of a cashier. When the chief mate is not on board the ship the second mate substitutes for him.



The third mate is responsible for good state of all the electro-radio navigation instruments, navigation, hydroacoustic and mate's equipment (a chronometer, a barometer, a barograph, ships clocks, logs, leads, a stop-watch, a range-finder, the International Code Signal flags, the Russian flags and the flags of foreign countries).

He keeps the chartroom in good state. The third mate is charged with a duty to obtain all navigation publications and to correct them in good (due) time according to the Notices to Mariners or Supplements. He also sees to the ship's office. The third mate types the orders of the master and makes up the crew list. He is charged with the duty to enter the vessel inwards and outwards and toget port clearance when the ship leaves the port.

If the second mate is away the third mate performs his duties.





graduate ~ from ['grxdjuIt] ['grxdjueIt] n выпускник; v оканчивать университет
in order to   для того, чтобы
perform   выполнять, исполнять
personnel ["pWsq'nel] персонал; кадры
deck officer   вахтенный помощник капитана
be responsible for   быть ответственным за
whole ['houl] весь
provide   обеспечивать
fulfilment [ful'fIlmqnt] выполнение
target ['tRgIt] план, плановое задание
right   право
draft (out)   списывать с судна
danger   опасность
narrow   узкость
mooring   швартовный
see (to)   следить, заботиться
stability   остойчивость
pilotage   лоцманская проводка
compulsory [kqm'pAlsqrI] обязательный
distress [dIs'tres] бедствие
render assistance   оказывать помощь
carry out   выполнять, осуществлять
regulation   правило
order   порядок; приказ
discipline ['dIsIplIn] дисциплина
be in charge of ['CRG] быть в ответе за что-либо
accommodations   помещения
living quarters ['kwLtqz] жилые помещения
hull   корпус
superstructure   надстройка
machinery [mq'SJnqrI] механизмы
gear mooring~ towing~ running~ standing~ fishing~ ['gIq] механизм швартовные устройства буксировочные устройства бегучий такелаж стоячий такелаж орудие лова
salvage ['sxlvIG] спасательный
rigging ['rIgIN] оснастка
quality ['kwOlItI] качество
substitute (for) ['sAbstItjHt] замещать кого-либо
store   запас; склад
storeman   кладовщик
cashier [kx'SIq] кассир
state   состояние
hydroacoustic ['haIdrouq'kHstIk] гидроакустический
mate   штурман
chronometer [krq'nOmItq] хронометр
barometer [bq'rOmItq] барометр
barograph ['bxrougrRf] барограф
log   лаг
lead [led] лот
stop-watch   секундомер
range-finder   дальномер
chartroom   штурманская рубка
be charged with a duty   вменять в обязанность; поручать
publication   издание
in good (due) time   своевременно
Notices to Mariners   Извещение мореплавателям
Supplement   дополнение
be away   отсутствовать
type   печатать
make up   составлять
crew list   судовая роль
enter the vessel inwards and outwards   оформить приход и отход судна
port clearance   документ о таможенной очистке


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