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Word list:
to make significant decisions – приймати важливі рішення to suit/to fit – відповідати, підходити an ability – здібність, спритність; кваліфікація, уміння to find satisfaction in working – отримувати задоволення від роботи to be in a great need – відчувати необхідність (чого-небудь) to be responsible for smth – нести відповідальність за щось to maintain – обслуговувати to convert – перетворювати to accomplish – виконувати to store – зберігати to locate – розмістити; помістити, розташувати в певному місці to retrieve – відновлювати; повертати до колишнього стану; виправляти | to debug – налагоджувати (програму) to determine – визначати, встановлювати; вимірювати, обчислювати to perform – виконувати, здійснювати; робити an admission – доступ, вхід; прийом (в організацію), навчальний заклад to assume – припускати, допускати to be employed in smth – займатися чим-небудь to vary – різнитися; розходитися; відхилятися; відрізнятися to meet smb’s needs – задовольняти чиїсь потреби to require – мати потребу (в чому-небудь), вимагати (чого-небудь); відчувати необхідність (у чому-небудь) |
Read the text and say what a programmer does.
One of the most significant decisions you make in life is choosing the kind of work you want to do. It’s important to find the job that best suits you and for which you are best qualified. The person who has a career that fits his or her special needs and abilities finds satisfaction in working. I consider the occupation I’ve chosen to be the one that best suits me.
In two years I’ll graduate from the faculty of Computer Programming at Berdychiv College of Industry, Economics and Law and become a computer programmer, I mean a specialist who is in great need nowadays. I guess computer programming is one of the fastest growing professions and one of the most popular fields of study in colleges and universities.
A computer programmer is an information technology professional who is responsible for creating new computer tools, applications, reports, and functions.
He programs computers. That is, he writes, tests, and maintains software and programs that instruct the computer as to what it should do. He converts what needs to happen into computer language, so that the computer can “understand” it. He writes and develops computer programs to accomplish certain tasks, to store data or documents, and locate and retrieve that data or those documents.
A computer programmer codes instructions for the computer into one of the many computer languages in existence. He not only writes and develops programs, but also tests (and retests), debugs, and rewrites these programs.
A computer programmer is always working with programs and software to determine how the computer can perform better and more efficiently.
In order to become a computer programmer, you will need post-secondary education in computer programming, software, or computer science. Admissions to these programs are based on high school credits in calculus, statistics, advanced math, and English.
The most common types of jobs in computer programming are found in computer software companies. Most people assume that the vast majority of jobs is program creation. In fact, more programmers are employed in the maintenance, modifications and corrections of existing software programs.
Computer programming jobs vary widely, but typically, the tasks remain focused on using specific skills to create new functions to meet users’ needs. They typically require standard business hours, with weekends and overtime required for important projects.
Exercises to the subject:
I. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the English words and word-combinations from the text: to consider; to guess; one of the fastest growing professions; fields of study; an information technology professional; computer tools, applications, reports, and functions; to accomplish certain tasks; data; existence; in order to; post-secondary education; calculus; advanced math; the vast majority of jobs; maintenance, modifications and corrections; existing software programs; to remain; specific skills; business hours; overtime.
II. Give English equivalents to the Ukrainian words and word-combinations from the text: знаходити роботу; особливі потреби; заняття, рід або вид діяльності, занять чи професія; у наш час, у наші дні; створення; програмне забезпечення; інформатика; заліки; отримувати освіту; створення програм; створювати.
Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 88 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав |