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The Rostov State Transport University

Читайте также:
  1. About the University
  2. Activities on a University Campus
  3. Altai State Technological University.
  4. Analysis for this excerpt: There are idioms in this sentence. «State pair» – in this sentence means favorite glasses, which aunt Polly used to wear only when she went out.
  6. Britain, Europe and the United States
  7. CHAPTER 66 Armed With Sword, Yale-Perez Goes To A Feast Alone; For The State, Empress Finch Offers Her Life.
  8. CHAPTER 69 McGregor-Durkee Sees Things In The Book Of Changes; Five Loyal Subjects Die For Their State.
  9. Characterize the attitude of the British to sport. Complete the given passage, making use of the following word combinations from the box. Extend the statements.
  10. Christianity: the partnership of Church and state


Department Speciality / Educational program Qualification Place of work
Electro-mechanical Department Railway rolling stock Locomotives   Engineer of railway communication At the railway stations (junctions) At the locomotive workshops At the mechanical shops At the carriage shops  
Electrical railway transport
Engineering of environment protection Engineer-ecologist
Equipment and technology for wear resistance improvement, machine parts and apparatus restoration Engineer
Power Engineering Department Power supply of railroads Engineer of communication At design and research offices At industrial and transport enterprises
Industrial heat-and-power engineering Engineer At power stations At repair inspection shops
Electromechanics (electrical engineering, electromechanics and electrotechnocs) Engineer
Department of Automation, Telemechanics and Communication Automation, telemechanics and communication on the railway transport Railway engineer At industrial and transport enterprises At design offices At research offices  
Computers, computer complexes, systems and networks Engineer
Multiple-channel telecommunication systems Engineer
Information systems and technologies Engineer


Department Speciality / Educational program Qualification Place of work
Construction Department   Land cadastre Engineer At railroad construction sites In the workshops At industrial and transport enterprises  
Railroad construction Bridges and transport tunnels Engineer
Railroad construction, road and railway equipment
Department of Railroad Construction Machines Exploitation of trans-shipping equipment of ports and transport terminals Engineer At the railway stations (junctions) At the locomotive workshops At the mechanical shops At the carriage shops
Service of transport and technological machines and equipment Engineer
Tribology Engineer
Vehicles and transportation management Engineer
Lifting and transport, construction and road machines and equipment Engineer
Department of Railway Management and Operation 1. Transportation and transport management (railway transport) 2. Logistics and supply chain management Engineer of communication At the railway stations, junctions, terminals At the industrial and transport enterprises
International Institute of Business and Law 1. Law 2. Lawyer At the industrial and transport enterprises
3. Finances and credit Economist  
4. Business accounting, analysis and audit 5. Economist
6. Economy and management at the enterprise Manager-economist
7. Taxes and taxation Taxation-expert
8. International economics Economist


Department Speciality / Educational program Qualification Place of work
Humanities Department 1. Social and cultural service and tourism Specialist in the field of service and tourism   At the tourist agencies and bureaus, hotels, tourist enterprises
2. Social work Social work specialist
3. Scientific discipline of documentation and documentation securing of management Scientific discipline of documentation expert
4. Management 5. Manager


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