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The magic world of nature and the problems of ecology. What problems are the most important in your town? Your contribution into environmental protection.

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  5. Balance of Nature
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  7. C) Now point out the most important factors in choosing your job. Put them in order of importance and explain your choice.
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  10. Complying with environmental legislation


An interesting personality.

Who is an example for you?

I would like to speak about Margaret Thatcher because she is a very interesting person and I would like to have some features of her character. Margaret's maiden surname is Roberts. She was born in 1925 in London, she was the уoungest of two children. Her father was not an educated person, he was a business man and a shop-owner. He was very religious man and he helped the local church as much as he could.

Margaret's mother was a good housewife, she could "sew, knit, cook. But Margaret didn't like housework because science, sports, playing the piano attracted all her attention. She married Denis Thatcher and had two children-twins. Margaret's father tried to bring up his children hard-working and honest people and taught them to have courage not to follow the crowd. So all her life, Margaret was the person who led people because she always liked to be the first. Margaret has graduated two universities: and has chemical and juridical education. When she was 23 she became interested in politics and decided to become a candidate to Parliament It was time when women in politics were not welcome so she failed but didn't give up. In 1961 she was appointed to the post of a secretary of National Insurance Ministry. Later she worked as the Minister of Gas, Electricity and Nuclear Energy, then the Minister of Transport, Science and Education.


The magic world of nature and the problems of ecology. What problems are the most important in your town? Your contribution into environmental protection.

We live in the world among the other species of animals and plants and the question of environmental protection is very important for us, human beings. We are really unique with nature, our planet and the universe, we are connected with them by every our cell.

The science about nature and relations between man and nature is called ecology. This science studies how people keep their common house, the Earth, in a good state and how we use the gifts it gives us: water, minerals, plants. The word ecology comes from -Greek "oikos" which means "home." The idea of home includes the whole planet,-its population, nature 'and even the atmosphere around us. Unfortunately, not everybody lives a happy and healthy life. Indeed,-many lairds, water basins, soil and atmosphere are polluted with all kind of technological, agricultural, chemical, nuclear wastes. The population of Semey meets a.lot of ecological problems among "them the pollution of the Irtysh and the annual fires that destroy the famous pin& forests 'surrounding Semey. The Irtysh becomes more and more shallow and less fish can 'be found there. Card3

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 96 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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