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Health as One of the Criteria of Air Traffic Controller Professional Selection

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No doubt, a person who would like to be an ATCO should have a good health. He must pass a lot of medical examinations. Having become an ATCO, he gets the Medical Certificate which must be renewed every two years. If an air traffic controller has got some problems with his health the Aero Medical Section decides whether Medical certificate should be issued or refused.

An air traffic controller’s job is very stressful and responsible. He is responsible for the safety of flights. Any condition causing pain, discomfort or irritation can distract an ATCO from his tasks and thus, affect safety.

According to European Air Traffic Management Programme there are a lot of medical certification requirements:

· Particular attention is paid to heart diseases. If a controller has any symptoms of heart diseases he should pass exercise electrocardiography and it should be investigated. It means that he shall have complete investigations. The ATCOs who have heart diseases are assessed as unfit.

· Psychiatric and psychological requirements are very important. If a controller has got any problem with his state of mind it can lead to unforeseen consequences. That is why, any progressive disease of the nervous system is disqualifying. A full investigation by a specialist must be made. The psychological evaluation is broad-based and includes medical history, life event history in addition to personality tests and psychological interview.

· A controller shall have a good vision and shall not possess any abnormality of the function of the eyes.

· An ATCO should take a routine Ear-Nose-Throat examination. Of course, he must have a perfect hearing, which is tested at all examinations; he must understand correctly conversational speech when tested with each ear at a distance of two meters from. In the event of any significant defect being found, an ATCO is sent to a specialist for further evaluation, if his hearing has improved and achieved a normal standard a controller is assessed as fit.

· Like any human being, ATCOs can have different kinds of diseases, among them asthma, pancreatitis, diseases connected with the stomach and liver and so on. ATCOs may be temporally assessed as unfit. Then, licence privileges may be resumed upon satisfactory confirmation of full recovery.

Answer the questions.

1. What should a person who would like to be an air traffic controller have?

2. How many medical examinations must he pass?

3. What does a person get after he has become a controller?

4. How often must this document be renewed?

5. When does the Aero Medical Section decide whether Medical certificate should be issued or refused?

6. What kind of job does an air traffic controller have?

7. What is he responsible for?

8. What can distract a controller from his tasks?

9. Are there any medical certification requirements a controller has to satisfy?

10. What kind of diseases is particular attention paid to?

11. What should a controller do if he has any symptoms of heart diseases?

12. Does it mean that he has to pass complete investigations?

13. Is the controller who has a heart disease assessed as fit?

14. Which requirements are very important?

15. If a controller has got any problem with his state of mind what can it lead to?

16. Which disease is also disqualifying?

17. Who must a full investigation be made by?

18. What is the psychological evaluation based on and what does it include?

19. Does a controller have to possess a good vision?

20. What can you tell about a routine Ear-Nose-Throat examination?

21. Must a controller have a good hearing?

22. What must he understand correctly and from what distance?

23. What is done in the event any significant defect has been found?

24. What happens if the controller’s hearing has improved?

25. What other diseases can a controller have?

26. May a controller be assessed as unfit only temporally?

27. When may licence privileges be resumed in such cases?



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