Читайте также:
I. Transcribe, read, translate the following words and restore the context from the chapters.
1) awe; 2) boast; 3) bungalow; 4) bury; 5) discern; 6) emerge; 7) garish; 8) martyr; 9) mysterious; 10) pierce; 11) precautions; 12) solitary; 13) the plague; 14) tortuous; 15) vast.
II. Give the three forms of the following verbs.
Awake, build, bury, buy, demur, drink, kneel, lay, lie, light, overwork, rise, sell, shine, shoot, show, steal, stir, sweep, throw, weep.
III. Match the words with their definitions and restore the context from the book. ONE WORD IS EXTRA!
1) awe 2) capricious 3) convent 4) fagged 5) garish 6) inoculated 7) martyr 8) overwrought 9) ruthless 10) scanty 11) shrewd 12) sober 13) solitary 14) temple 15) the plague 16) wayward | a) a feeling of respect mixed with fear and wonder; b) a local community or house of a religious order or congregation; c) a person who sacrifices something of great value, esp. life itself for the sake of principle; d) a place made holy by the presence of God; e) an epidemic disease causing a high rate of mortality; f) be introduced immunologically active material into, esp. in order to treat or prevent a disease; g) clothed in vivid colours; h) following no clear principle or law; i) governed or characterized by a sudden impulsive, and seemingly unmotivated notion of action; j) have no compassion for the misery of another; k) having sound common sense, sharp-witted; having good judgement; l) limited or less than sufficient in degree, quantity, or extent; m) not drunk; n) tired out by too much work; too highly excited; in a nervous state; too nervous and excited, esp. because of anxiety. |
IV. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate preposition or adverb and explain what the marked expressions mean.
1. After a couple of very harsh words with the neighbours the old lady take herself ….
2. It sent a shiver … Joe’s spine to hear Red boast … betraying his friends.
3. It took Liam ages to recover … the bad injury he had got in the accident.
4. The company loses employees … the rate … 20 people a day.
5. The heat was so strong that it was almost dangerous to stir … the shelter.
6. The mother wept … joy when the doctor broke … her that the operation on her son was successful.
7. The sudden scream pierced … the silence.
8. The troops did everything not to give the city … … riot and arson.
9. Tourists should be inoculated … various diseases before going to exotic countries and take special precautions … being bitten by insects.
10. Will you help yourself … some more fruit?
V. Substitute the marked expressions with their synonyms from the chapters (the number in brackets denotes the number of the page). Make all the necessary changes.
1. Anybody would be impressed by the pomposity and beauty of this house of god. (105)
2. I felt quite uncomfortable when I noticed that John was watching me closely. (103)
3. I have never seen Nick in such a wrath as when he learnt about his wife’s unfaithfulness. (106)
4. I have no desire to leave my room today. (104)
5. In towns stricken with epidemics a lot of abandoned houses are robbed. (104), (98)
6. It’s necessary to make an injection against measles to all family members if there is a sick person in the family. (98)
7. It’s rather late, I have to bade good-bye now. (101)
8. Joy, as well as grief, can make people cry. (102)
9. Modern writers seem to publish new books at the speed of 3 a month. (105)
10. Not without difficulty Mary managed to regain her normal condition after the stress. (105))
11. People seized with panic can by accident do harm to themselves and other people. (105)
12. Why are you ever trying to present yourself as a person who has suffered much? (98)
13. Will you announce the news to Mary or shall I do it myself? (97)
14. Having worked without a break for three days Kelly was very tired. (97)
VI. Substitute the marked expressions with their antonyms from the chapters (the number in brackets denotes the number of the page). Make all the necessary changes.
1. All my problems disappeared when you came into my life! (103)
2. For all the time we have been acquainted I have seen him drunk two or three times. (98)
3. His merciful nature is well-known to all his subordinates. (100)
4. The car my grandmother has left me is in perfect condition. (104)
5. The small room was full of people and they all were smoking. (99)
6. There are a lot of long straight streets in the old part of the town. (100)
7. This tiny house in modest colours belongs to the richest family in the vicinity. (103), (104)
8. You look full of energy and strangely talkative, what has happened? (97), (103)
VII. Translate the phrases into English, paying special attention to the marked words. Make your own sentences with these phrases.
1) безжалостная месть; 2) в центре эпидемии; 3) внушать благоговение; 4) город, охваченный паникой; 5) изможденный вид; 6) огромное различие; 7) обширная территория; 8) мародерствовать; 9) одиноко стоящий дом; 10) онеметь от изумления; 11) оставить город на разграбление; 12) потрепанная одежда; 13) припадок ярости; 14) причудливый рисунок; 15) различить с трудом; 16) таинственное место; 17) угощаться фруктами; 18) хоронить со всеми почестями
Recall the Contents of the Story.
1. What kind of dwelling was waiting for the Fanes in Mei-tan-fu?
2. Who was the first to meet them?
3. What arrangements had Waddington made waiting for the new doctor to come?
4. Who had been Waddington’s only company since the Missionary’s death? Why wasn’t he fully satisfied with such contacts?
5. What did Waddington tell Dr Fane about the situation in the city?
6. What did they speak about at table?
7. What plans for the next day did Dr Fane and Waddington have?
8. How did Kitty spend her days?
9. Who brought her news from the city? What was the situation there like?
Questions and Tasks for Analytical Reading.
1. Speak about Waddington. What can you say about his appearance, age, manner of speaking, self-conduct, habits? Why wasn’t Kitty irritated with his nonchalance? How can we characterise him judging by the following facts: he had made the necessary arrangements for the new doctor to settle in comfortably; he hadn’t left the epidemic-stricken city; he missed gramophone records; he knew much about London theatres.
2. What was Waddington’s table-talk like? What his personal traits did it reveal? Why was Kitty “filled with awe” (p.101)?
3. Did Kitty like Waddington’s company? How did Walter treat him? Why?
4. Speak about Kitty’s dream (p. 102). What real facts did the details of the dream reflect? What Kitty’s suppressed emotions were realised in her dream? What symbolic details can you point out? Can this dream be analysed as a premonition? What daydream did Kitty have when she awoke? Why do you think the author created two visions in such a close proximity? Do they correlate somehow? Comment on the final sentence of the chapter (p. 104): “She took it <Beauty> as the believer takes in his mouth the wafer which is God”.
5. What was Kitty’s state of mind during the following period? Why didn’t she have any way out? What did she think of Charlie? Do you think the troubles Kitty had to suffer provoked her personal development?
6. Make a monologue about Kitty’s first period in Mei-tan-fu. Pay attention to the situation in the city, her new acquaintance, her state of mind.
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