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Collegiate Words with Brief Definitions – Amass an Ivy League Vocabulary!

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  2. A look through the descriptions of things you can do with music and try to guess the meaning of the words in bold type.
  3. A. Listen to the description of the drilling process and fill in the missing words (no more than THREE words). The first word is given as an example.
  4. A. Read the paragraph below and choose the most appropriate words/ phrases in bold. Where could you read this extract?
  5. Abstract and Keywords
  6. Abstract and Keywords
  7. Abstract and Keywords
  8. Abstract and Keywords
  9. Abstract and Keywords
  10. Abstract and Keywords

EASY 7-CD Edition: All you have to do is listen 15 minutes a day for 4 weeks to absorb 5000 words. + FREE Memory Course. FreeVocabulary.com

assonant adj. Having resemblance of sound.

assonate v. To accord in sound, especially vowel sound.

assuage v. To cause to be less harsh, violent, or severe, as excitement, appetite, pain, or


astringent adj. Harsh in disposition or character.

astute adj. Keen in discernment.

atheism n. The denial of the existence of God.

athirst adj. Wanting water.

athwart adv. From side to side.

atomizer n. An apparatus for reducing a liquid to a fine spray, as for disinfection, inhalation, etc.

atone v. To make amends for.

atonement n. Amends, reparation, or expiation made from wrong or injury.

atrocious adj. Outrageously or wantonly wicked, criminal, vile, or cruel.

atrocity n. Great cruelty or reckless wickedness.

attaché n. A subordinate member of a diplomatic embassy.

attest v. To certify as accurate, genuine, or true.

attorney-general n. The chief law-officer of a government.

auburn adj. Reddish-brown, said usually of the hair.

audacious adj. Fearless.

audible adj. Loud enough to be heard.

audition n. The act or sensation of hearing.

auditory adj. Of or pertaining to hearing or the organs or sense of hearing.

augment v. To make bigger.

augur v. To predict.

Augustinian adj. Pertaining to St. Augustine, his doctrines, or the religious orders called

after him.

aura n. Pervasive psychic influence supposed to emanate from persons

aural adj. Of or pertaining to the ear.

auricle n. One of the two chambers of the heart which receives the blood from the veins.

auricular adj. Of or pertaining to the ear, its auricle, or the sense of hearing.

auriferous adj. Containing gold.

aurora n. A luminous phenomenon in the upper regions of the atmosphere.

auspice n. favoring, protecting, or propitious influence or guidance.

austere adj. Severely simple; unadorned.

autarchy n. Unrestricted power.

authentic adj. Of undisputed origin.

authenticity n. The state or quality of being genuine, or of the origin and authorship


autobiography n. The story of one's life written by himself.

autocracy n. Absolute government.

autocrat n. Any one who claims or wields unrestricted or undisputed authority or influence.

automaton n. Any living being whose actions are or appear to be involuntary or


autonomous adj. Self-governing.

autonomy n. Self-government.

autopsy n. The examination of a dead body by dissection to ascertain the cause of death.

autumnal adj. Of or pertaining to autumn.

auxiliary n. One who or that which aids or helps, especially when regarded as subsidiary

or accessory.

avalanche n. The fall or sliding of a mass of snow or ice down a mountain-slope, often

bearing with it rock.

avarice n. Passion for getting and keeping riches.

aver v. To assert as a fact.

averse adj. Reluctant.

aversion n. A mental condition of fixed opposition to or dislike of some particular thing.

avert v. To turn away or aside.

aviary n. A spacious cage or enclosure in which live birds are kept.

avidity n. Greediness.

avocation n. Diversion.

avow v. To declare openly.

awaken v. To arouse, as emotion, interest, or the like.

awry adv. & adj. Out of the proper form, direction, or position.

aye adv. An expression of assent.

azalea n. A flowering shrub.

azure n. The color of the sky.

Baconian adj. Of or pertaining to Lord Bacon or his system of philosophy.

bacterium n. A microbe.

badger v. To pester.

baffle v. To foil or frustrate.

bailiff n. An officer of court having custody of prisoners under arraignment.

baize n. A single-colored napped woolen fabric used for table-covers, curtains, etc.

bale n. A large package prepared for transportation or storage.

baleful adj. Malignant.

ballad n. Any popular narrative poem, often with epic subject and usually in lyric form.

balsam n. A medical preparation, aromatic and oily, used for healing.

banal adj. Commonplace.

barcarole n. A boat-song of Venetian gondoliers.

barograph n. An instrument that registers graphically and continuously the atmospheric


barometer n. An instrument for indicating the atmospheric pressure per unit of surface.

barring prep. Apart from.

baritone adj. Having a register higher than bass and lower than tenor.

bask v. To make warm by genial heat.

bass adj. Low in tone or compass.

baste v. To cover with melted fat, gravy, while cooking.

baton n. An official staff borne either as a weapon or as an emblem of authority or


battalion n. A body of infantry composed of two or more companies, forming a part of a


batten n. A narrow strip of wood.

batter n. A thick liquid mixture of two or more materials beaten together, to be used in cookery.

bauble n. A trinket.

bawl v. To proclaim by outcry.

beatify v. To make supremely happy.

beatitude n. Any state of great happiness.

beau n. An escort or lover.

becalm v. To make quiet.

beck v. To give a signal to, by nod or gesture.

bedaub v. To smear over, as with something oily or sticky.

bedeck v. To cover with ornament.

bedlam n. Madhouse.

befog v. To confuse.

befriend v. To be a friend to, especially when in need.

beget v. To produce by sexual generation.

begrudge v. To envy one of the possession of.

belate v. To delay past the proper hour.

belay v. To make fast, as a rope, by winding round a cleat.

belie v. To misrepresent.

believe v. To accept as true on the testimony or authority of others.

belittle v. To disparage.

belle n. A woman who is a center of attraction because of her beauty, accomplishments,


bellicose adj. Warlike.

belligerent adj. Manifesting a warlike spirit.

bemoan v. To lament

benediction n. a solemn invocation of the divine blessing.

benefactor n. A doer of kindly and charitable acts.

benefice n. A church office endowed with funds or property for the maintenance of divine


beneficent adj. Characterized by charity and kindness.

beneficial adj. Helpful.

beneficiary n. One who is lawfully entitled to the profits and proceeds of an estate or


benefit n. Helpful result.

benevolence n. Any act of kindness or well-doing.

benevolent adj. Loving others and actively desirous of their well-being.

benign adj. Good and kind of heart.

benignant adj. Benevolent in feeling, character, or aspect.

benignity n. Kindness of feeling, disposition, or manner.

benison n. Blessing.

bequeath v. To give by will.

bereave v. To make desolate with loneliness and grief.

berth n. A bunk or bed in a vessel, sleeping-car, etc.

beseech v. To implore.

beset v. To attack on all sides.

besmear v. To smear over, as with any oily or sticky substance.

bestial adj. Animal.

bestrew v. To sprinkle or cover with things strewn.

bestride v. To get or sit upon astride, as a horse.

bethink v. To remind oneself.

betide v. To happen to or befall.

betimes adv. In good season or time.

betroth v. To engage to marry.

betrothal n. Engagement to marry.

bevel n. Any inclination of two surfaces other than 90 degrees.

bewilder v. To confuse the perceptions or judgment of.

bibliomania n. The passion for collecting books.

bibliography n. A list of the words of an author, or the literature bearing on a particular subject.

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