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Quot;Can these guns get a dinosaur cold?" Eckels felt his mouth saying.

Читайте также:
  1. a – palate; b – duodenum; c – stomach; d – pharynx; e – esophagus; f – mouth; g – tongue; h – liver; I – pancreas; j – villi
  2. A). Form abstract nouns from these verbs
  3. A). Form abstract nouns from these verbs
  4. Answer these questions in writing
  5. Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.
  6. Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.
  7. B. Look at this list of things you should avoid in a for and against essay. How many of these can you find in model A? Tick [ √ ].
  8. B. Read the text again carefully. While you read it, look for the answers to these questions.
  9. Before you read the article, check the meaning of these words and phrases and memorize them.
  10. Change these sentences by changing certain adjectives into verbs.

"If you hit them right," said Travis on the helmet radio. "Some dinosaurs have two brains, one in the head, another far down the spinal column. We stay away from those. That's stretching luck. Put your first two shots into the eyes, if you can, blind them, and go back into the brain."


The Machine howled (Машина завыла). Time was a film run backward (время было как пленка, прокрученная назад). Suns fled (солнца бежали, спасались бегством: to flee – fled – fled) and ten million moons fled after them (и десять миллионов лун бежали вслед за ними). "Think (подумайте)," said Eckels. "Every hunter that ever lived would envy us today (любой охотник, который когда-либо жил, позавидовал бы нам сегодня). This makes Africa seem like Illinois (это заставляет Африку выглядеть как Иллинойс = после этого и Африка будет казаться обыкновенной)."

The Machine slowed (замедлила ход); its scream fell to a murmur (ее визг упал, стих до жужжания = сменился жужжанием). The Machine stopped (Машина остановилась).

The sun stopped in the sky (солнце остановилось на небе).

The fog that had enveloped the Machine blew away (туман, который окутал Машину, рассеялся) and they were in an old time (и они были в старом времени = в древности), a very old time indeed (в очень старом времени, на самом деле = в действительно глубокой древности), three hunters and two Safari Heads (три охотника и два руководителя) with their blue metal guns across their knees (со своими синими металлическими ружьями «поперек колен» = на коленях).

"Christ isn't born yet (Христос еще не родился)," said Travis, "Moses has not gone to the mountains to talk with God (Моисей еще не взошел в горы говорить с богом). The Pyramids are still in the earth (пирамиды /т.е. камни, из которых они построены/ еще в земле), waiting to be cut out and put up («ждущие быть вырезанными и сложенными» = ожидают, чтобы их отесали и сложили). Remember that (помните это). Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler (Александр /Македонский/, Цезарь, Наполеон, Гитлер) – none of them exists (никто из них /еще/ не существует)." The men nodded (мужчины кивнули).

The Machine howled. Time was a film run backward. Suns fled and ten million moons fled after them. "Think," said Eckels. "Every hunter that ever lived would envy us today. This makes Africa seem like Illinois."

The Machine slowed; its scream fell to a murmur. The Machine stopped.

The sun stopped in the sky.

The fog that had enveloped the Machine blew away and they were in an old time, a very old time indeed, three hunters and two Safari Heads with their blue metal guns across their knees.

Quot;Christ isn't born yet," said Travis, "Moses has not gone to the mountains to talk with God. The Pyramids are still in the earth, waiting to be cut out and put up. Remember that. Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler – none of them exists." The men nodded.


"That (это)" – Mr. Travis pointed (указал мистер Тревис) – "is the jungle of sixty million two thousand and fifty-five years before President Keith (джунгли за шестьдесят миллионов две тысячи пятьдесят пять лет до Президента Кейта)."

He indicated a metal path that struck off into green wilderness (он указал на металлическую тропу, которая уходила в зеленые заросли: to strike off – прочертить, wilderness – дикая местность, запущенная часть сада), over steaming swamp (над испаряющим болотом), among giant ferns and palms (среди гигантских папоротников и пальм).

"And that (а это)," he said, "is the Path, laid by Time Safari for your use (Тропа, проложенная /фирмой/ Сафари во времени для вашего пользования),

It floats six inches above the earth (она парит /на высоте/ шесть дюймов над землей: to float – держаться на поверхности /воды и т.п./). Doesn't touch so much as one grass blade, flower, or tree (не трогает ни одной травинки, цветка или дерева: so much – столько, blade – былинка). It's an anti-gravity metal (это антигравитационный металл). Its purpose is to keep you (его цель – удержать вас) from touching this world of the past in any way (от соприкосновения с миром прошлого любым образом). Stay on the Path (оставайтесь на Тропе). Don't go off it (не сходите с нее: to go off – сбежать). I repeat (я повторяю). Don't go off. For any reason (что бы там ни было: «по любой причине»)! If you fall off, there's a penalty (если вы свалитесь – штраф). And don't shoot any animal we don't okay (и не стреляйте ни в какое животное, которое мы не одобрим)."

"Why (почему)?" asked Eckels.

They sat in the ancient wilderness (они сидели в древних зарослях). Far birds' cries blew on a wind (далекие птичьи крики доносились ветром), and the smell of tar and an old salt sea (и запах смолы и старого соленого моря), moist grasses, and flowers the color of blood (/запах/ влажных трав и цветов цвета крови).

"That" – Mr. Travis pointed – "is the jungle of sixty million two thousand and fifty-five years before President Keith."

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 97 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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Quot;Shooting my dinosaur," Eckels finished it for him.| quot;That's not clear," said Eckels.

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