Читайте также:
1. Выберите правильно написанное слово: A) Breakvast. B) Breakfact. C) Braekfast. D) Breakfast. E) Breikfast. |
2. Выберите слово с суффиксом, обозначающим действующее лицо: A) Writer. B) Writing. C) Writness. D) Writability. E) Written. |
3. Выберите правильный ответ: We leave for London on... of January. A) ten B) eleven C) twelve D) the second E) twenty-three |
4. Найдите правильный вариант глагола: She … excited about her birthday. A) am B) do C) are D) is E) were |
5. Выберите глагол в форме Present Indefinite Active: A) Is doing. B) Do. C) Done. D) Doing. E) Did. |
6. Выберите правильный вариант. By the time I got to the station, the train …. A) Leave. B) Had left. C) Is leaving. D) Left. E) Were leaving. |
7. Подберите подходящий по смыслу русский эквивалент. Go straight until you get the traffic lights. A) Идите прямо на свет проходящего транспорта. B) Поезжайте прямо, никуда не сворачивая. C) Поезжайте прямо, пока не доберетесь до огней пригорода. D) Поезжайте прямо, пока не доедете до светофора. E) Поверните, не доезжая до светофора. |
8. Выберите верный вариант артиклей It was …cold and windy evening and I didn’t want to leave …house. A) the/the B) a/a C) a/the D) -/the E) the/an |
9. Выберите правильный вариант предлога: What is your favourite programme... TV? A) in B) by C) at D) over E) on |
10. Выберите порядковое числительное: A) Second. B) Threeth. C) Twoth. D) Thousands. E) Twelve. |
11. Выберите правильный вариант местоимения. He gave … address. A) hers. B) mine. C) his. D) these. E) yourself. |
12. Выберите верный вариант Could you pass me ____ forks, please! A) these B) those C) ones D) that E) this |
13. Выберите существительное во множественном числе: A) beat B) feet C) week D) food E) need |
14. Выберите правильный вариант глагола: What … your parents … when I rang you up? A) were … doing B) is … doing C) was … doing D) shall … do E) has … done |
15. Выберите отрицательное предложение: We used to live in Taraz. A) We didn’t used to live in Taraz. B) We not use to live in Taraz. C) We used not to lived in Taraz. D) We had not live in Taraz. E) We didn’t use to live in Taraz. |
16. Выберите правильный вариант глагола: If I … in the country house I would have a dog and a cat. A) Live. B) Will live. C) Have live. D) Lived. E) Lives. |
17. Закончите предложение: When I was younger, I … play tennis quite well. A) Used to B) Am used to C) To get used to D) Used E) To be used to |
18. Определите название формы по приведенному примеру: Drinking. A) Infinitive Passive. B) Gerund. C) Participle 2. D) Progressive Infinitive. E) Indefinite Infinitive Active. |
19. Закончите предложение. Uncle Tom, the main hero of the novel " Uncle Tom's Cabin" was.... A) a farmer. B) a driver. C) a miner. D) a worker. E) a slave. |
20. Выберите правильный вариант фразового глагола “to take “: I wish we could sell the piano; it … … too much space here. A) takes out B) takes off C) takes back D) takes on E) takes up |
21. Выберите подходящую степень сравнения прилагательного. The problem was … we expected. A) serious than. B) more serious than. C) seriouser. D) as serious so. E) more serious. |
22. Глагол "to have" употреблен в качестве вспомогательного в предложении: A) Have you had your breakfast. B) We have no time to go to the cinema. C) She has to look after her sister in the evening. D) You don’t have to get up so early. E) He had a very beautiful cat. |
23. Найдите правильный вариант согласования времен: He speaks as if he … Washington himself. A) Visiting. B) Visit. C) Had visited. D) Visited. E) Would visit. |
24. Инфинитив является сложным подлежащим в предложении: A) I am not in the mood to dance. B) He is said to be a very talented actor. C) He asked me not to be late. D) I saw him read this book. E) I’m pleased to have met him. |
25. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание. There was a time when the people of Greece were not united but instead there were several states each of which had its own ruler. Some of the people in the southern part of the country were called Spartans and they were famous for their simple habits and their bravery. The name of the land was Laconia, so they were sometimes called Lacons. Their rule was to speak briefly and never use more words than were needed. From that time a short answer as a Lacon would give we call a laconic answer. Завершите предложение согласно содержанию текста. In this passage.... A) we see that Lacons liked to speak. B) we are told about the life of the people in Frakia. C) a new character appeared. D) the origin of the word "laconic" is explained. E) the writer describes Persians. ТЕСТ ПО ПРЕДМЕТУ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК ЗАВЕРШЕН |
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